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WARNING!!!! Don't spill water on your S2 :'(

After a drunken night out, a glass of water got spilt on my bed side table.. I didn't realise my S2 was there. My S2 is now in a tub of rice, to try to fix it.

It works okay, but occasionally the home screen freezes and 'voice command' keeps popping up. Annoying. Also, every now and then 'PC connection cannot be found' appears.. though I'm not trying to connect it to a PC.

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I've fpse the playstation emulator working well on my galaxy s2. Was playing Final Fantasy 7 last night, it runs like a dream. I'm gonna try out Wipeout next then give the N64 emulator a try.

Who needs iOS' phone games when we have proper console games. I'll give you instructions on how to set up fpse if you need them. The app is available from the market.

My asus transformer is a game machine now. :D

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As anybody who reads my FB status will know now, I've just got my first smartphone.

Now, for an old codger, I always thought I was OK with new technology, but this Android stuff has me reeling. Just a quick scan through this thread has had me buried in more geek jargon than I've seen since the early days of computing.

For the record, it's an Orange San Francisco (which is a rebadged ZTE Blade, apparently), on PAYG rather than contract, as I tend to make very few calls. I've used Orange since my first phone, and it seemed easiest to stick with them (and my existing number).

As usual with a new toy, I did a bit of Googling to get some tips on how best to use it. The common consensus seems to be that it's overloaded with Orange-specific bloatware that tends to clog up the machine and drain the power, most people advised getting rid of it all and reverting to vanilla Android.

Well, first off, I don't really understand what that entails. Does it mean ditching my Orange connection as well as the unwanted apps? Also, the procedure seems somewhat complicated and risky for a newbie like me (lots of downloading and installing and deleting and running stuff with odd names that mean things to the forum regulars and zilch to me). So I fought shy of that and discovered that I could at least hide the unwanted apps using an app called Launcher Pro.

I downloaded that and I'm still not sure what it does or how to use it (despite a detailed explanation on one of the forums).

On top of which, I realised that I should change my Orange tariff to the "Dolphin" one, but before that took effect I did a bit of fiddling (not THAT much though) using my existing tariff and drained a HUGE amount of credit in a short space of time. The Dolphin thing has kicked in now, and I'm desperately hoping that I won't get bankrupted from here on, but I'm concerned.

So far, I'm a bit put off by the whole experience, and starting to wish I'd stuck with a bog standard calls and texts cheapo phone.

Somebody cheer me up, please.

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I have the same phone as you Mike. I did all the reinstalling etc and while daunting, ended up actually being straight forward and a HUGE improvement. Moving to a smartphone is a big leap (I was a Nokia loyalist), but if you stick with it you'll be glad you did.

The thing that I found most frustrating was the lack of 'right click' - in windows I'm a serial right clicker to explore options and properties, but you can't do that with smartphones. I did discover 'long click' though which goes some way to making up.

I'm on T Mobile pay as you go - you can pay £20 and get six months unlimited mobile web, although I suspect there are limits hidden in the small print I'm yet to come up against them. You might want to try that if Dolphin doesn't work out for you.

I could talk you through stuff if you like?

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I have the same phone as you Mike. I did all the reinstalling etc and while daunting, ended up actually being straight forward and a HUGE improvement. Moving to a smartphone is a big leap (I was a Nokia loyalist), but if you stick with it you'll be glad you did.

The thing that I found most frustrating was the lack of 'right click' - in windows I'm a serial right clicker to explore options and properties, but you can't do that with smartphones. I did discover 'long click' though which goes some way to making up.

I'm on T Mobile pay as you go - you can pay £20 and get six months unlimited mobile web, although I suspect there are limits hidden in the small print I'm yet to come up against them. You might want to try that if Dolphin doesn't work out for you.

I could talk you through stuff if you like?

Cheers mate. I'm actually going to call into the Orange shop on my way home this afternoon because there's something amiss in the way my credit is dropping. On Dolphin you're supposed to get unlimited internet and 300 free texts every month that you top up by at least £10. I did that, but money is stil haemorraging out of my account. Could it be that something is running that I'm not aware of? I've only spent a few minutes on the web, and downloaded two (free) apps from the marketplace.

At this rate I'd be better off on the £20 a month contract.

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Yeah stick with it Mike. I'm not long in the world of smartphones and it's a huge learning curve but you get the hang of it once you get your head around how it all sits together.

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Also Mike, should you decide that you can't be arsed wiping and installing a different version of android, I understand that they are rolling out an android update for the phone soon which will take it from v2.1 to 2.2. Basically should be an awful lot snappier & you'll be able to install apps on the sd card. Should be as easy as installing an app.

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Went to Merry Hill over the weekend and had a good look at some of the bigger Android Tablets. They arent as big as you think they will be if your coming from an Ipad.

Still probably going to go with the 7 inch Tab just for portability.

When Android reaches ICS I may look at something bigger.

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Sorry if this has been covered. Ive got HTC wildfire and im having trouble with the media player.

When i put my memory card in only a hand full of songs are organised into artists, albums etc. the rest are in sounds althabetical order, claming artist unknown. a friends thinks that maybe my music is in the wrong format (windows rather than mp3) my problem with this is that firstly, ive always had very cheap phones, but i have never had any problems before, spent £140 on a "smart phone" and it ant do it. also after looking at the spec on the HTC website, its claims my handset does support windows.

Also I went to a concert a couple of months ago, my friend using a sony satio took some videos which he later sent to me via bluetooth. i cant watch these videos either, even though i have sent and recieved other bluetooth files.

Any advice would be helpful, thanks in advance


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It may be Sony's fault because there software for music vids etc is notoriously shite. Was your previous phone a Sony? I had the same problem when moving from an SE Walkman phone to a Nokia and then to an HTC Desire.

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HI Eames.

No Pal, my previous phone was a Samsung Tocco Lite. would you suggest clearing my sd card and then copying the music back from my pc? or maybe trying to convert the format of my music?

Thanks for your response.

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You can give it a whirl - put it on your PC try an open it in Media Player. If it plays there, try saving in a different format? HTC software seems to play most things though.....

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If that doesn't work, have a look at the ID tags on the music files. Basically right click on the file in windows, go to properties, then the details tab. You'll see fields like 'track number' or 'artist'. Often when music is ripped that bit doesn't get filled in, but some music players will ONLY look at the ID tags and not the filename.

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If that doesn't work, have a look at the ID tags on the music files. Basically right click on the file in windows, go to properties, then the details tab. You'll see fields like 'track number' or 'artist'. Often when music is ripped that bit doesn't get filled in, but some music players will ONLY look at the ID tags and not the filename.

And some music players won't play files after you've messed with the ID tags.

The moral of this story.... back it all up before you mess with it.

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Cheers guys.

Well im hoping to collar one of the IT guys tomorrow and ive not had time this afternoon to spend to much time on it.

What i now do know however, the albums that are organised are MP3, the albums that are stored in sounds (with only track name) are wma.

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Fucksticks, went on a roller-coaster with the kids and the safety harness broke the screen on my Desire Z :-(

Called the boss and said I'll be offline for the rest of the vacation, he declined and told me to get a temp phone for £250 ish tops. Found a Galaxy S (white ghey) for that amount. Must say, what a screen it is.

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