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bad news - the update didn't come with 3.0 :(

Good News - It was getting everything ready for 3.0 so it can't be far off :)

I dont think Apple are going to release the update before their big conference on Monday, so you might have to put it back in your pocket mate.

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And? I've had lots of phones and while i don't have an iphone yet (waiting for iPhone v3) I have to say that having had extensive plays with it and other high end phones it is an excellent device. Sure its not perfect but what is? I don't think i could live with it as my main phone as i text loads but as a multimedia device (for browsing, music etc) then i think its excellent :-)

What do you rate?

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Well known fact - for everyone who thinks the iPhone is great, there's a person who thinks it's terrible.

Probably the case with any popular gadget or phone, but such is the hatred of Apple by some, they will go out of their way to make their hatred known. :P

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And? I've had lots of phones and while i don't have an iphone yet (waiting for iPhone v3) I have to say that having had extensive plays with it and other high end phones it is an excellent device. Sure its not perfect but what is? I don't think i could live with it as my main phone as i text loads but as a multimedia device (for browsing, music etc) then i think its excellent :-)

What do you rate?

All depends on what specific features you'd want your phone to have, you have to remember that most of the hype surrounding the I phone is based on the simple fact that its the first "cool" phone that has been truly marketed in america which if you delve a little deeper is a bit misleading as they are approx 6 years behind mobile technology than European market as a whole, a lot of people still think that the Americans are way in advance of Europe technology which in a lot of cases is true but in the case of mobile telecommunications it simply isn't the case and if you've ever had the misfortune to own a mobile over there you'd be amazed how complicated they make the process, its just very cleverly marketed.

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It's not just cleverly marketed. I have had alot of phones and the iPhone is by far the best. Even when you strip down the applications and fun aspects.. it's SMS layout is excellent, it rarely loses it's signal (more to do with O2 than the phone) and it's internet connection is much faster than previous phones I've had.

Curious to know how many of these people who slate the iPhone and say how much better alternatives are have actually had an iPhone for any extended period of time.

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I'm no big user of sms but I have to say that he iPhone's SMS facility and the way it works, once you've got used to it, it one of the fastest I've ever used. It does take some getting used to though

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When you have friends/girlfriends who reply to a message 2 days later, it's handy to be able to glance up at what they're replying to without having to go 'back-messages-sent items-[read message]-back-messages-inbox-reply'

I'm sure there are other phones that lay SMS out this way aswell, but I hadn't seen it done this way prior to the iPhone. Much much better, to treat messages as conversations rather than single messages.

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It's not just cleverly marketed. I have had alot of phones and the iPhone is by far the best. Even when you strip down the applications and fun aspects.. it's SMS layout is excellent, it rarely loses it's signal (more to do with O2 than the phone) and it's internet connection is much faster than previous phones I've had.

Curious to know how many of these people who slate the iPhone and say how much better alternatives are have actually had an iPhone for any extended period of time.

Ok, yes I have used pretty much and get to use every phone in the business like I said....ITS MY JOB, It is over rated and no I don't have anything personal against Apple so you can rule that one out, I just prefer to call a spade a spade. Samsung Omnia, LG Arena are two superior phones that I'm trying right now and just to clear it up for you yes I do have a 16gb 3g Iphone it just has too many silly little faults that the likes of Sony Ericsson, Nokia, Samsung and LG addressed a long time ago.

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Ok, yes I have used pretty much and get to use every phone in the business like I said....ITS MY JOB, It is over rated and no I don't have anything personal against Apple so you can rule that one out, I just prefer to call a spade a spade. Samsung Omnia, LG Arena are two superior phones that I'm trying right now and just to clear it up for you yes I do have a 16gb 3g Iphone it just has too many silly little faults that the likes of Sony Ericsson, Nokia, Samsung and LG addressed a long time ago.

To be honest i'm unsure how it being your job makes any difference from the fact it's the best phone i've ever picked up and used.

Dont get me wrong, if you've used it and it wasn't for you then that's fine. It wont be for everybody. I just dont get why you're trying to tell people that they are falling for some big marketing campaign for a product that isn't any good. It's a slightly patronising view to be blunt. You're right that it's expenisive, but with so many people feeling it's the best phone out there, i suppose it is consistent with that.

I've always been a camerphone person myself, so never thought i'd get one. When i picked it up and used it though, it convinced me straight away to buy a Casio Exilim and get an iphone too.

The only thing i wonder is whether the iphone will ultimately kill the ipod, particularly as the capacity increases.

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