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Thanks Rev, and in reply to LatestConfirmedIn's comments would you say anything to a person who still uses a phone without a camera? Saying my phone would be 'ancient' within 2 years is absolute dogs bollocks and I sense your quite jealous because you've got a faulted Iphone 4, your getting pissed off with it and now your biting at anything that's going right for somebody else. Listen pal, I couldn't give a damn that my 3GS won't let me have a face to face conversation with somebody, atleast my signal bars are working eh? I am happy with it, very happy with it. It does everything that I need it to do and that's why I did indeed purchase it. I've waited 2 years for the Iphone from my previous contract and I wasn't throwing my toys out the pram, screaming and kicking, wanting it now and I still think my LG Renoir is not 'ancient'. The problem with the 4 is that it's **** and something serious will need to be done in able to replace it... so what if there's 3 million people that have brought it, Apple need to do something like bring 3 million back or let you hold it stupidly in order to get a signal. No thanks, I'm happy with the phone that I believe let's me the stuff I WANT TO DO and I'm not going to let people like you telling my purchases are 'mental'. Thanks.

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Thanks Rev, and in reply to LatestConfirmedIn's comments would you say anything to a person who still uses a phone without a camera? Saying my phone would be 'ancient' within 2 years is absolute dogs bollocks and I sense your quite jealous because you've got a faulted Iphone 4, your getting pissed off with it and now your biting at anything that's going right for somebody else. Listen pal, I couldn't give a damn that my 3GS won't let me have a face to face conversation with somebody, atleast my signal bars are working eh? I am happy with it, very happy with it. It does everything that I need it to do and that's why I did indeed purchase it. I've waited 2 years for the Iphone from my previous contract and I wasn't throwing my toys out the pram, screaming and kicking, wanting it now and I still think my LG Renoir is not 'ancient'. The problem with the 4 is that it's **** and something serious will need to be done in able to replace it... so what if there's 3 million people that have brought it, Apple need to do something like bring 3 million back or let you hold it stupidly in order to get a signal. No thanks, I'm happy with the phone that I believe let's me the stuff I WANT TO DO and I'm not going to let people like you telling my purchases are 'mental'. Thanks.

Breathe man, breathe.. Woah.

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He's right about the 3GS, the iPhone 4 is already behind the Android handsets and it's new. I can't imagine how the phones will be in 2012 but the 3GS will be ancient. There are phones coming out early next year with 2ghz processors, with dedicated graphics chips, even dual core processors. 2 years on a year old iPhone is a long time.

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The new Windows 7 phones let you play on XBox live. I assume you can download old XBox games to your phone and play them over the internet. But there must be some serious good hardware behind that. You can use any wireless joypad with the phones too, so you can use your XBox 360 remote with your Phone.

But this 2ghz processor in the Galaxy S2 is madness, the power requirements for that and a 4.3inch super high res screen. The phone will last like 2 hours. They have to stop this hardware arms race at some point. But imgagine the games you could get on these phones.

How old will the 3GS be in 12 months, there may be plenty of new apps and games coming out that need powerful hardware. Apple will know they have to bring out something special next year or their market share could be reduced considerably with Windows coming all guns blazing at the end of the year. My money is on something seariously good coming for the next iPhone.

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The cpu won't take that much more power.

New iterations of processors usually have the same power footprint as their predecessors due to improvements in silicon technology. Smaller die size and more efficient chip designs usually reduce power requirement in line with processing speed increase. If it didn't, we'd all by using computers which required their own power stations by now.

Screens are also becoming less power hungry, OLED takes a fraction of the power LCDs do, and they're still improving all the time.

Battery technology isn't going to increase much from where we're at now, it's been pretty stagnant for a loooooong time, but it doesn't need to because components are getting more and more power efficient.

I don't know what apple can really do for the next iphone to make it dominate the market, the major flaws with it are all ethos based rather than anything that can be solved with a hardware refresh.

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Anyone got any cool apps lately (if you can't tell I'm once again trying to steer this thread away from being an Android wankfest, we've already got 2 other threeads for that)

Picked up iMapmyRun. Pretty cool app for runners. You turn it on when you start your run and it maps where you're going and how far you went, how long it took, average speed etc. pretty cool.

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Got my iphone4 yesterday, love it! apart from i cant seem to get all the music i want onto it using itunes, only a couple go on out of the ones i select.

Apps ive downloaded are, sky sports live score centre, age my face, tv guide, skype, angry birds, dash of color, iMapMyRide for biking and fonejacker voice app. Ive saved a link to TV catch up on my wall thingy too.

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anyones iphone 3g running stupidly slow after the latest update?

opening sms is a joke, im so tempted to trade it for a blackberry.

My friends one is now so slow as to be unusable after the update. People hang up before the screen reacts to 'answer'. Which is quite bad as it's her business tool. Any ideas why ?

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Just seen it on another forum seems a bit unstable ATM will give it a couple of weeks before I try it. Pretty cool though from what I understand it is all done via the phone.

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is the 3gs affected by the latest update too?

i can upgrade for free to it now and reduce my bill by £10 a month, but i'd get a blackberry if the 3gs was slow too?

No, Its not as fast as an iP4 but runs pretty well on the wifes 3gs. The reason it is slow on the 3g is the processor cannot handle it. 256mb in a 3g,512 3gs and 1 gig in a 4 I believe someone please correct me if that is incorrect.

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I think the blackberry is certainly inferior to the iPhone and Android phones. I'd suggest you have a look at the android phones available if you decide to upgrade. Go read a few reviews from techradar.

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ok i was wrong and i cant upgrade to the 3gs for free.

i've upgraded to the 3g £15p/m contract, so im stuck with this slow shit of a phone.

are they going to bring a fix out for it or is it a ploy to get people to buy the i4?

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