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How sure are you of your belief/non-belief in a god?


Would you ever change your opinion on the existence of a god?  

125 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you ever change your opinion on the existence of a god?

    • I'm 100% sure there is a god of some sort
    • I believe there is a god but would be willing to change my opinion if new evidence was discovered
    • I'm 100% sure there isn't a god of anytime
    • I don't believe there is a god but would be willing to change my mind if new evidence was discovered

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Now I don't want too much discussion on here really as it will only end up in petty arguments and it's not like everyone's going to end up in agreement. So I just want your opinion, not your view of anyone else's.

The reason I've brought this up is I was talking to an atheist the other day who said that no matter what evidence was provided she would never believe in a god. This to me seems massively small minded. Now I'm an atheist, but I've not 100% ruled out there being a god, 99%, if not more, but not 100%, how can you be. And the same if you're religious (of whatever 'branch'), even if you were shown evidence that there wasn't a god would you change your opinion.

I'm just baffled how anyone can be absolutely certain either way and be unwilling to change their opinion if new evidence came to light (whatever that may be).

Like I say give your opinion but don't start arguing about it or this will soon be shut down.

edit: And we all know Paul McGrath exists. I'm talking about other gods.

edit2: I assume I meant 'any kind' rather than anytime

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I'm 100% sure there isn't a god of anytime

could write paragraphs to back up me reasoning but as i'm kinda busy I'll summarise it with

If there is a God , he clearly doesn't give a fu*K and if he was as all seeing and powerful as the church claim , would the priests be feeling up the choir boys

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I'm certain there is no God. If there is he will forgive me after all its his fault that I don't believe in him as he made me thus its his faulty handwork that is responsible. Although that said I don't believe in him so ignore my previous comment. :D

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I'm both 3 and 4. I'm absolutely certain there is no god, but as the scientific method requires, I will change my mind if someone finds evidence. I voted 4.
Indeed - a vote for either 1 or 3 reveals a closed mind.
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Being 100% certain does not imo automatically follow that you would reject new evidence blindly.

Yeah that's what I was thinking too, if it was 100% proved that God existed, then of course I'd see things differently.

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Are people honestly so sure there is nothing beyond their own comprehansion in the universe? Isn't that a bit of an arrogantly stupid idea?

They must feel like gods with the knowledge they have ;)

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Saying new evidence means there was some old evidence once.

That doesn't mean the old evidence was legit though does it, could have been hoax evidence.

What I'm saying is there has never been any evidence.

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Saying new evidence means there was some old evidence once.

That doesn't mean the old evidence was legit though does it, could have been hoax evidence.

What I'm saying is there has never been any evidence.

Gotcha, misunderstood what you meant first time.

However the god botherers would disagree with you I'm sure, the good book is surely 100% hard proof that god existed...

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