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Cut my lip and broke my thumb. Struggling to eat cause it kills and well thumb is just painful.

**** hell....I would have bet good money that you'd batter TheUnderstudy.

Seems I was wrong :-)


I'd say I won. Well it's not upto me to decide but once they find his body, it'll be clear I was the winner.

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After the first 2 Transformers Films (the second of which could well be number 2 on my list of "Worst Films I've spent money at the cinema to watch), there is very VERY little chance of me bothering to watch Transformers 3

Exactly my thoughts when the previous poster was really excited about a 30 second clip of Transformers 3. It'll almost certainly be crap. Even if it isn't they don't deserve to have fans 'excited' about a clip after the shite they've served up.

Unless you have 12-year-old kids, I can't see why anybody would contemplate watching these - that's the target audience, isn't it?

Or is it a nostalgia thing for blokes who had Transformers toys when they were kids?

If so, I still don't get it it. I mean, I grew up with Thunderbirds - and I'd happily watch a DVD of the old programmes for a nostalgia buzz. But I wouldn't touch the recent big screen live action version with a bargepole.

The first film was a thoroughly enjoyable if flawed summer popcorn action flick, the second was complete garbage, an absolute trainwreck. Michael Bay has admitted as much himself but the third is looking promising so far and will hopefully make up for the second.

No the first isnt the best film ever but its just a bit of escapism and for us tf fans, has been years in the waiting. When that helicopter (or for tf fans Blackout :P ) first transformed at the army base i was blown away. If you like those abstract fancy arts films thats a thought provoking medium about the complexities of life or whatever then go elsewhere but you should know what your getting with a michael bay/tf film.

Target audience is people who like sci fi/action films/transformers and dont mind a bit of silliness with it. Simple really, dont like it, dont watch it but dont deride others for enjoying it. Unless they did enjoy the second one, if they did then deride away :P

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Target audience is people who like sci fi/action films/transformers and dont mind a bit of silliness with it.

Speaking as someone who fits this demographic, I have to disagree. And if I am the target audience, Bay/Orci/Kurtzman can't shoot for shit. :)

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Like i said they aint the best of films but the first one is at least enjoyable, especially compared next to the turd that is revenge of the fallen. Im optimistic about the third film, im hoping they right a few wrongs, plus, orci & kurtzman have no input on this one at all.

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Many years ago, when I was unemployed and bored one time, I invited two evangelist types into the house for a cuppa. Can't remember what gang they belonged to, maybe Mormons. Anyway, why did I do it? Well, they were girls. American girls. REALLY GOOD-LOOKING American girls.

Big mistake. Couldn't get into their pants, couldn't get them off the subject of religion, and had a helluva job getting them out of the house. Boy, were they tiresome.

You live and learn.

Getting a Mormon chick to take off the magic underwear is on my list of things to do before I die.

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