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If you're heading out for a drink tonight, have a tequila. But read this poem first:


by Alvaro Mutis

translated from the Spanish by Forrest Gander

—for María and Juan Palomar

Tequila is a clean flame that clambers up the walls

and shoots over tiled roofs, relief to despair.

Tequila isn’t for sailors

because it blurs the navigational instruments

and dismisses the wind’s tacit orders.

But tequila, on the other hand, enraptures those returning by train

and those driving the train, because it stays faithful

and blind in its loyalty to the rails’ parallel delirium

and to hurried greetings in the stations

where the train pauses to testify to

its inscrutable destination, errant, subject to the inevitable laws.

There are trees under whose shadow it is wonderful to drink it

with the parsimony of those who preach in wind

and other trees where tequila can’t stand the shade

that dims its powers and in whose branches it stirs up

a flower blue as the warnings on bottles of poison.

When tequila waves its fringed, serrated flag,

the battle halts and armies return

the order they intended to impose.

Often two squires accompany it: salt and lime.

But it is always ready to start the conversation

without any more help than its lustrous clarity.

From the start, tequila doesn’t recognize borders.

But there are propitious climates

just as certain hours suggest it, knowing full well: to fix

the time when night arrives at its stores,

in the splendor of an afternoon without obligations,

in the highest pitch of doubt and hesitation.

It is then when tequila offers us its consoling lesson,

its infallible joy, its unreserved indulgence.

Also, there are foods that call for its presence:

those springing from the ground from which it, too, was born.

Inconceivable if they didn’t bond with millenary certainty.

To break that pact would be a grave breach with dogma

prescribed to allay the rough job of living.

If “gin smiles like a dead girl,”

tequila spies on us with the green eyes of a prudent sentry.

Tequila has no history, no anecdote

confirming its birth. It is so from the beginning

because it is the gift of the gods

and, usually, when they promise something they aren’t telling tales.

That is the office of mortals, children of panic and habit.

Such is tequila and so it will be

keeping us company

all the way to the silence from which no one returns.

Praise be, then, until the end of our days

and praise the daily effort toward denying that end.

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I haven't seen Wiggy in a while....the authorities must have been suspicious about his wedding and how a hob goblin like him married his pretty wife!!!

surely a candidate for the 'Where's XXXXXX' thread?

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Heard that a friend of mine has been diagnosed with terminal asbestos poisoning.When you thaik of that and Stan and that Bolton player it makes you wonder,

Once you reach 30+ are you living on a knife edge or what ?

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Morning all, ive been really busy at work lately so havnt been able to get on much.

Hows things? Any gossip?

Careful boys, I think this maybe his wife hacking his account to find out his 'dark secrets'

*preceed with caution*

Hey mate. all is good.

Thanks for saving those kittens the other week


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Heard that a friend of mine has been diagnosed with terminal asbestos poisoning.When you thaik of that and Stan and that Bolton player it makes you wonder,

Once you reach 30+ are you living on a knife edge or what ?

I hope not as I am 30!!

Sorry to hear about your mate. Things happen to people everyday. The only reason that the Stan & Mumba stuff was so shocking was that they are famous.

Unfortunately illness happens to people of all ages everyday.

All we can do is try and enjoy the time we have...wow deep for a Wednesday.

Anyway is anyone here scared of death? I try and reason with it. I sometimes wonder what would happen if I was terminally ill. I would be more upset about the effect it would have on others than me actually having a short life and dying. Is that normal?

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Morning all, ive been really busy at work lately so havnt been able to get on much.

Hows things? Any gossip?

Careful boys, I think this maybe his wife hacking his account to find out his 'dark secrets'

*preceed with caution*

Hey mate. all is good.

Thanks for saving those kittens the other week


Yes Hiya Wiggy.

Thanks for lending me that lu...**ahem** I mean tube earlier.

It really eased the problem for me.


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Heard that a friend of mine has been diagnosed with terminal asbestos poisoning.When you thaik of that and Stan and that Bolton player it makes you wonder,

Once you reach 30+ are you living on a knife edge or what ?

I hope not as I am 30!!

Sorry to hear about your mate. Things happen to people everyday. The only reason that the Stan & Mumba stuff was so shocking was that they are famous.

Unfortunately illness happens to people of all ages everyday.

All we can do is try and enjoy the time we have...wow deep for a Wednesday.

Anyway is anyone here scared of death? I try and reason with it. I sometimes wonder what would happen if I was terminally ill. I would be more upset about the effect it would have on others than me actually having a short life and dying. Is that normal?

The reason I was shocked about the Stan and Mumba sickness was because they were both super fit.I mean they were regular first team players in the toughest league in the world. ?!

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Heard that a friend of mine has been diagnosed with terminal asbestos poisoning.When you thaik of that and Stan and that Bolton player it makes you wonder,

Once you reach 30+ are you living on a knife edge or what ?

I hope not as I am 30!!

Sorry to hear about your mate. Things happen to people everyday. The only reason that the Stan & Mumba stuff was so shocking was that they are famous.

Unfortunately illness happens to people of all ages everyday.

All we can do is try and enjoy the time we have...wow deep for a Wednesday.

Anyway is anyone here scared of death? I try and reason with it. I sometimes wonder what would happen if I was terminally ill. I would be more upset about the effect it would have on others than me actually having a short life and dying. Is that normal?

The reason I was shocked about the Stan and Mumba sickness was because they were both super fit.I mean they were regular first team players in the toughest league in the world. ?!

Leukemia is nothing to do with fitness and in many ways Muamba's illness was a consequence of him being super fit.

Illness is random sometimes.

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2lb to go and I will have lost a stone in Weight since June 1st

I'm probably the worlds worse eater when it comes to diet ..a huge part of my intake would be Sweets and Crisps , don't eat fruit or veg

(it was never a problem when i was mega active but I've put on close to 3 stone in the past few years since I had to give up my competitive running and football )

So to go nearly a month without any junk food , and drink is a major achievement for me .. more so when I have over a thousand packets of various crisps in my office at the moment that are just begging me to eat them

I've got a few stag do's to go to at the end of July and then 3 weeks in the US and the land of Supersize and Peanut butter M&M's ... so I'm hoping I can keep it up and shed another stone before then

Yay me ....

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I could eat more veg if truth be told, but I found it easy to start eating fruit Tony. Now I'm mad for fruit :)

Well done on the weight loss though. So you must be doing something right.

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The thing is,my m8 and these other 2 guys were normal healthy people ?

A level of fitness can lend itself to problems. Muamba is obviously an extreme example. But I know of a runner on my estate who dropped dead from a brain haemorrhage not so long ago. An ostensibly perfectly healthy person who then wasn't.

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I could eat more veg if truth be told, but I found it easy to start eating fruit Tony. Now I'm mad for fruit :)

Well done on the weight loss though. So you must be doing something right.

I've tried fruit and veg but tbh it makes me unwell .. couple of times i've tried to do the 5 a day and ended up in hospital on a drip .. I'll slurp a glass of fruit juice each morning but that's about as far as i'll go

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I wasn't 'too proud' to sign on - the first time I signed on, after graduating earlier in that summer, I just didn't bother for a while. I had some of my overdraft left and just had fun for a summer.

This time, having experienced the job centre for about a year of getting JSA/topping up my wage, I really, really didn't want to bother doing it again. It's not a pleasant experience. You sit around for ages surrounded by the dregs of society, the place stinks of weed, there's usually some tosser out to cause trouble, the staff look at you like you're the same as the genuine no hopers there, if you're on for more than about a month you get given a condescending group session that is supposed to encourage/scare/help you to work which actually amounts to 'Do you know how to write a CV? Do you know what a CV is? You need to stop being a scrounger'.

I'm annoyed I've had to resort to it, because I know it'll mean the hassle of going to the jobcentre and it makes me feel really useless.

100% spot on

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