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Crazy money.

Did you see the guy who painted the graffiti in the first Facebook HQ, he took stock instead of money, now worth $200 million!

Yep, I read that too. Smart move. Now he can tag buildings full time :P

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This is where I first read about it, but their are plenty of other articles out there. His name is David Choe.

From that article:

The flotation of Facebook could see a billion-dollar windfall for Irish singer Bono.

The U2 frontman's investment company, Elevation Partners, bought one per cent in Facebook in 2009 for $90million.

If Facebook is eventually valued at $100billion, as most analysts believe, that would make his share worth $1billion.


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Another week, another word removed or 2 on QT. Digby Jones, as ever, anyone associated with a party... But this week we are graced by someone from the Tax Payers Alliance! I missed the first half of the show, so maybe she saidd something less than hateful, but this bitch appears one of the smuggest, money obsessed twits I've had the misfortune to listen to. Shes the Heil personified, with all the horror that brings.

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The husband of a girl I work with was arrested on armed robbery charges...he was recently laid off from his job. They have 2 young kids and a third on the way....now he's looking at 15-20 years behind bars. :shock:

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