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He still won't give up his 3am feed, it doesn't seem to matter what time his last feed was he still wakes about 3/3.15 for a quick 3-4oz before going straight back to sleep. Think its more habit than necessity.

If I'm honest I don't actually mind, Emma offers to get up but I like to do it as its nice having a bit of 1-on1 time when its really quiet.

My son Kian wouldn't give up his 3am feed till he was 10 months old!

(we should really move this to the baby thread 8) )

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Analysis of breakup timing via Facebook


I watched a TED talk the other day from David McCandless called “The beauty of data visualizations“. It was quite amazing and included lots of different datasets. One of them was about Facebook and breakups. David and his team scanned over 10 000 status-updates and set out to learn more about when people broke up. This is what they learned:

* A big peak right before Spring Break

* Most breakups are announced on Mondays

* People like to start the summer being single

* A big peak right before Christmas

* The lowest day throughout the whole year is Christmas Day (thank God)

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How long has ianrobo1 been gone now?

It's quite a while, but I see he still tops the "number of posts" chart with 48,565. Quite an achievement.

BOF coming up on the rails with 44,716 though.

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How long has ianrobo1 been gone now?

It's quite a while, but I see he still tops the "number of posts" chart with 48,565. Quite an achievement.

BOF coming up on the rails with 44,716 though.

What about Rob/rjw63? Over 53,000 posts (posted under his new and old username) :shock:

Good point.
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How long has ianrobo1 been gone now?

It's quite a while, but I see he still tops the "number of posts" chart with 48,565. Quite an achievement.

BOF coming up on the rails with 44,716 though.

What about Rob/rjw63? Over 53,000 posts (posted under his new and old username) :shock:

He only has 10k posts if you take away all the reality TV threads.

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