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10 hours ago, Xann said:

Been up to the Mids to see the Old Chap on his 80th.

His birthday was today, but we'd invited a couple of his friends down for lunch Saturday.

My folks are a bit forgetful, but raised their game in the day and it went really well.

Around sixish we knocked it on the head, and I took them home, alas not before the guests had got a round of shots in :mellow:

Two hours later, Dad rings to say Mum's on the run in her nightclothes.

A search party rapidly assembled, but as we're about to leave, the Law arrived at the door. She'd been found by an off duty copper.

The police kindly drove me to Dad, then A&E in the Woo.

Dad was covered in blood, it turned out to be his own. Cuts on his arms and a fairly impressive gouge on his cheek.

She's at the hospital. No shoes, nightgown covered in his blood and a purple egg growing on her forehead.

A quick inspection of her hands - She has claws. There's a bit of Dad's face under the thumbnail.

4 hours after various tests (Lovely nurse Lara, gorgeous :wub:) we're allowed home.


Not an evening to forget.

Unless you're them.

They'd forgotten by breakfast.


Not boring this dementia.

Holy jayzus, that's a hell of a story.  Obviously you have my sympathies for the overall situation but you did tell it in a humourous way so I don't feel guilty smirking at "Mum's on the run in her nightclothes" :)  Glad it all got resolved but you've a great anecdote to take forward now :D

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1 hour ago, villaglint said:

Tony do your friends not merciless take the piss out of you for this? Seeing as you are,you know, a grown adult and not a 4 year old.

My brother is a similar freaky eater and he gets ripped to shreds for it on a regular basis

Tbh i take the piss out of them ... Whilst they are filling their stomachs with pointless green stuff I get to eat all the sausages on sticks at the buffet 


but I'm not sure not liking fruit or veg makes me 4 :) ... We aren't all the same I'm a carnivore type I thrive on meat and struggle with other foods ... years back I tried to eat as convention tells me I should with fruit and veg and found myself on a drip in hospital having been violently ill as a result ... After the second such visit i kinda decided it wasn't for me 

Edited by tonyh29
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12 minutes ago, Paddywhack said:

It's good to get some fruit and veg inside you every now and then. Innit Ruge?


2 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

Room temperature, fresh, raw, cauliflower and tomato with the slightest bit of herb, oil and vinegar.

**** awesome.


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7 cherry tomatoes a day and 5 emptyings of your man tank a week are the best ways to ward off prostate cancer apparently.  Happy to oblige with both.

Edited by Wainy316
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5 minutes ago, Wainy316 said:

7 cherry tomatoes a day and 5 emptyings of your man tank a week are the best ways to ward off prostate cancer apparently.  Happy to oblige with both.

I couldn't handle 7 cherry tomatoes a day.

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2 hours ago, BOF said:

Holy jayzus, that's a hell of a story.  Obviously you have my sympathies for the overall situation but you did tell it in a humourous way so I don't feel guilty smirking at "Mum's on the run in her nightclothes" :)  Glad it all got resolved but you've a great anecdote to take forward now :D

It was a bit of a wake up call tbh.

My Sis lives in the same town as my folks, she's been in denial about the whole thing - Until this weekend.

My other half is a district nurse, she knows the score with available services. We sat down and worked out a plan for the coming weeks.

We'll see what happens?...

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1 hour ago, lapal_fan said:

I still want to know how a night in with your other half and her mate ends up with a cucumber dildo in your other half whilst her mate sits there (presumably) frigging herself off.


1. What conversation led to it

2. At what point do you say "Hang on, let me get a cucumber"

3. At what point does your other half take her trousers off, in front of you and her mate?

4. What is being spoken whilst the act happens? 

5. Is your other half getting off on it, or is it just for a joke?

6. Surely your other half has to be "ready" for it to even be safely inserted?  Is she just frigging herself off when you pop to the fridge?


Now I have a boner.

I don't think I've read the whole story, this is all news to me.

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1 minute ago, Paddywhack said:

I don't think I've read the whole story, this is all news to me.

The whole story from Ruge was pretty vague, hence why I'm asking questions about it.

I can imagine a night with you and Bridget ending up with a cucumber, but not in her minge.

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