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16 hours ago, Jimzk5 said:

Same for me, I fly probably 4 times a year, I'm going to Barcelona in just over a month and already dreading it, I don't know why after an 11 hour flight to Vegas in December I'm bothered about an hour n half hop to Spain.

It's because it's so utterly unnatural. It's one think for people to go "shit, there's water in the way, okay, let's float on some well crafted wood" but flight? It is sensational. Maybe I'm easily enthralled, but whenever you're up there and reflect on it, it just seems so surreal look out to see clouds below you.  I'm always terrified taking off, but once you're up  it looks so majestic yet, I feel like I'm cheating ( I don't want to say defying gravity because that **** song will go off in my head )  in a weird way and I suspect I'll always feel that way. And I know the physics / engineering behind all makes rational sense etc, but on that purely intuitive level I'm always fascinated.

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16 hours ago, Xela said:

As I've got older the more I dislike flying. It is a necessary evil now.

Dem - don't look for sympathy when you are off to Thailand! :P


I've done this bad boy but tbf it's only small planes so not that hairy but get it wrong and you basically fall off a mountain



Google Paro airport  in Bhutan  ... the pilot actually told us as we land we will bank sharp left and then bank sharp right and it may feel a bit scary but don't worry I've done it before   ... take off was actually much worse  , as you have to kinda weave in and out of mountains  ... but on the plus side you get to see Mt Everest in all tis glory once you reach cruising height


it cures you of any fears you may have though , my mate used to be petrified of flying and he's immune to it now .. mind you our aborted landing at Quito with passengers screaming did cause him to have a slight accident in his pants  :)

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3 hours ago, Wainy316 said:


Just a standard go around or a more scary aborted landing?

the old airport at Quito was quite a dangerous one as it was high up in the clouds  .. I think the pilot couldn't see the runway or something so just went around again .. they've built a new airport now as I think it was quite a common problem  ...  but I think if you're as nervous a flyer as he was , every bump can be a bad one :) 

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10 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

Last night, I found a small, perfectly round nugget of poop on my bathroom floor.

It has left me completely perplexed as to where the **** it came from.

I once found a blob of poo on my sock and put it in my mouth, thinking it was chocolate.  Crikey it was rank.

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10 minutes ago, sharkyvilla said:

I once found a blob of poo on my sock and put it in my mouth, thinking it was chocolate.  Crikey it was rank.

I still don't know where this came from.

I hope it was mine, because I live on my own so if it's somebody else's then that's scary.

But if it is mine, I don't know how it ended up there! 

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12 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

Last night, I found a small, perfectly round nugget of poop on my bathroom floor.

It has left me completely perplexed as to where the **** it came from.

It'll be a winnet you absent mindedly dislodged from your cleft, with the initial wipe of the bogroll.

Another hidden peril of habitual mobile phone usage.

Concentration elsewhere :detect:




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