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16 minutes ago, dAVe80 said:

On the anniversary of the night we broke one of our dormant members. 


Anyone still watch this shit? I've no idea why they still bother. 

Genuinely didn't realise the Brits were even on tonight until I saw your post.

I think it was Noel Gallagher who said the problem with the Brits is they want to be taken seriously as a prestigious music celebration, banning alcohol, cutting out any bad behaviour etc.

But at the same time they insist on having the likes of Ant & Dec present it which completely undermines any credibility they could muster.

Edited by Shropshire Lad
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This thing about 'best male' is bugging me. 

Look, there's only room for one 'best male' in this country, and it's clearly David Attenborough. When he's gone, the 'best male' will be Jason Statham. Come and talk to me about 'James Bay' when the Stath is dead, I'm not interested until then. 

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6 minutes ago, HanoiVillan said:

I've literally never heard of 'James Bay' before. 

I've quoted this and now can't get rid so am going to have to post to do so.

Others might disagree but the little I've heard of bays music its quite bland. Still he beat Aphex Twin to his awar so must be doing something rihgt , in some people's eyes.

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To be fair he had 2 massive hits last year, Adele winning best female, for me she got away with a massive year without actually doing anything, she released 1 song, did hardly any promo stuff that I saw or heard and still managed to smash every sales record going with her album, there were a lot of hard working women who had huge years last year, having to guest vocal on 3/4 tracks by the likes of sigma, promote the shit out of themselves just in order to get established enough to get respectable solo album sales

It's a celebration of mainstream shite, it's still huge, but not as huge as the likes of radio 1 want you to believe

Their problem is and IMO always has been the nominations, Amy whine house up for best female again this year, they seem to celebrate mainstream shite but then throw in token nominations in an attempt to be edgy and it doesn't work

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