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Ha of course, let's not go over old ground as they say!!

I expect most UKIP voters don't know the difference between "their" and "there".

Oh dear.... They've arrived

The spelling and punctuation brigade

Edited by Merlincourt
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I don't vote and probably never will, if people want to vote for UKIP then so be it. I've not really gave them much attention and probably never will. In my eyes they are all rocket polishers, at the end of the day if people believe in the BNP,UKIP, or even mickey mouse they are more than entitled to their opinion. I support my legs because they support me(that's an old one ay it).

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I expect most UKIP voters don't know the difference between "their" and "there".

only judge a book by its cover if it has the name jeremy clarkson or katie price on the front of it. Edited by Rugeley Villa
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I stopped judging books by their cover, and I ended up losing my job as head of the 'best book cover of the year' award committee.


Yes I am paraphrasing a Stewart Lee joke. Soz like

Edited by dAVe80
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I don't vote and probably never will, if people want to vote for UKIP then so be it. I've not really gave them much attention and probably never will. In my eyes they are all rocket polishers, at the end of the day if people believe in the BNP,UKIP, or even mickey mouse they are more than entitled to their opinion. I support my legs because they support me(that's an old one ay it).


The people who vote for these parties are uneducated voters, I'm not saying the people are unedcuated themselves, but they vote on snapshots they hear on the TV, Radio or newspapers.


When you see a headline saying "UKIP only give jobs to UK Citizens" - it looks good.


Likewise when you see a headline saying "Tories spend £4 billion of UK tax payers money into Europe every year" - it looks bad.


The people who don't look into these headlines are the people who vote for them.


It's why none of them should be allowed near a media outlet, let alone given an hours special attention on Channel **** 4.

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I don't vote and probably never will, if people want to vote for UKIP then so be it. I've not really gave them much attention and probably never will. In my eyes they are all rocket polishers, at the end of the day if people believe in the BNP,UKIP, or even mickey mouse they are more than entitled to their opinion. I support my legs because they support me(that's an old one ay it).

The people who vote for these parties are uneducated voters, I'm not saying the people are unedcuated themselves, but they vote on snapshots they hear on the TV, Radio or newspapers.

When you see a headline saying "UKIP only give jobs to UK Citizens" - it looks good.

Likewise when you see a headline saying "Tories spend £4 billion of UK tax payers money into Europe every year" - it looks bad.

The people who don't look into these headlines are the people who vote for them.

It's why none of them should be allowed near a media outlet, let alone given an hours special attention on Channel **** 4.

Sweeping statement of the year...

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I'll go one step further then. I'd say most people who vote haven't done research into each party and their policies. The majority of people have a party and they stick with them unless there's a major change in policy that is well publicised.


I was saying something similar to two of my other alternative accounts via PM last night, in fact.

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UKIP are based on fear, nationalism and xenophobia. It's a cheap way to win votes, Hitler was also elected on a similar platform... ;)

Don't forget the homophobia and sexism...

*disclaimer... Previous poster comments not mine...

Edited by Merlincourt
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I don't vote and probably never will, if people want to vote for UKIP then so be it. I've not really gave them much attention and probably never will. In my eyes they are all rocket polishers, at the end of the day if people believe in the BNP,UKIP, or even mickey mouse they are more than entitled to their opinion. I support my legs because they support me(that's an old one ay it).

The people who vote for these parties are uneducated voters, I'm not saying the people are unedcuated themselves, but they vote on snapshots they hear on the TV, Radio or newspapers.

When you see a headline saying "UKIP only give jobs to UK Citizens" - it looks good.

Likewise when you see a headline saying "Tories spend £4 billion of UK tax payers money into Europe every year" - it looks bad.

The people who don't look into these headlines are the people who vote for them.

It's why none of them should be allowed near a media outlet, let alone given an hours special attention on Channel **** 4.

I see your point, that's why I don't vote because its all bullshit.
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Aint surprised some people vote for them,although its obvious it will be a very long time if at all these parties will gain any power to influence things. I read somewhere the other day that by 2025 immigrants will be the majority in birmingham, with pakistani making a quarter of the population up. In my eyes that disgusting.




Pakistani people have been living here as indiginous people since the first world war.  They have kids who are pakistanis, they have kids who are pakistanis, why are you suprised?


That's the problem with this country, no one likes change, which is why I'm moving to Canada.

Edited by lapal_fan
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Aint surprised some people vote for them,although its obvious it will be a very long time if at all these parties will gain any power to influence things. I read somewhere the other day that by 2025 immigrants will be the majority in birmingham, with pakistani making a quarter of the population up. In my eyes that disgusting.


Why is that disgusting, exactly? The majority of white British people don't originate from Britain if you go far back enough in their ancestry. As far as I'm concerned as long as people contribute to the country and make it a better place I couldn't give a stuff where their family came from originally.


Judge people on who they are, not where they're from. 

Edited by Ginko
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I don't vote and probably never will, if people want to vote for UKIP then so be it. I've not really gave them much attention and probably never will. In my eyes they are all rocket polishers, at the end of the day if people believe in the BNP,UKIP, or even mickey mouse they are more than entitled to their opinion. I support my legs because they support me(that's an old one ay it).

The people who vote for these parties are uneducated voters, I'm not saying the people are unedcuated themselves, but they vote on snapshots they hear on the TV, Radio or newspapers.

When you see a headline saying "UKIP only give jobs to UK Citizens" - it looks good.

Likewise when you see a headline saying "Tories spend £4 billion of UK tax payers money into Europe every year" - it looks bad.

The people who don't look into these headlines are the people who vote for them.

It's why none of them should be allowed near a media outlet, let alone given an hours special attention on Channel **** 4.

Sweeping statement of the year...


Nah, I think it was pretty accurate.

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Aint surprised some people vote for them,although its obvious it will be a very long time if at all these parties will gain any power to influence things. I read somewhere the other day that by 2025 immigrants will be the majority in birmingham, with pakistani making a quarter of the population up. In my eyes that disgusting.

Why is that disgusting, exactly? The majority of white British people don't originate from Britain if you go far back enough in their ancestry. As far as I'm concerned as long as people contribute to the country and make it a better place I couldn't give a stuff where their family came from originally.

Are you seriously telling me the country is a better place if immigrants keep piling in??

Judge people on who they are, not where they're from.

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