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Nice of the Thai military to take over the guvmint and make sure all those middle-class white folk can enjoy their holidays without bothersome protests.


I'm "white folk" about to take a holiday there...



I wouldn't worry about it. Just feel suitably guilty about your freedom now and then.

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I just noticed Lockets' packets have Braille on them.


Why Lockets and not, say, Mars Bars?

Mars bars do have braille; that nobbly bit on the top of the chocolate.  It translates as "eat me you fat bastard, you know you want to, look at you, you disgust me now shove me in your fat gob you know I'm the only thing that will make you happy".

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I just noticed Lockets' packets have Braille on them.

Why Lockets and not, say, Mars Bars?

Bleach and other potentially dangerous products and also medicines have it as well so my guess is something to do with products with potential side effects ( apart from losing all your teeth by eating 10000 mars bars ) Edited by tonyh29
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Nice of the Thai military to take over the guvmint and make sure all those middle-class white folk can enjoy their holidays without bothersome protests.

Yeah CED, fancy voicing your opinion on your dislike of a military coup, that has imposed martial law, suspended the constitution, and imposed a curfew on it's people. You massive Pinko Commie shit! ;)
He didn't though did he :)

I wouldn't be too concerned about this coup ... Most Thai things usually result in a happy ending.



"Tell me about the ladyboys!"

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Nice of the Thai military to take over the guvmint and make sure all those middle-class white folk can enjoy their holidays without bothersome protests.

The smugness of this post really pisses me off.

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Nice of the Thai military to take over the guvmint and make sure all those middle-class white folk can enjoy their holidays without bothersome protests.

The smugness of this post really pisses me off.



I think you posted that in the wrong thread. It would be more at home in the 'Things That Piss You Off That Shouldn't' or 'I'm a Hypocrite' threads.

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Nice of the Thai military to take over the guvmint and make sure all those middle-class white folk can enjoy their holidays without bothersome protests.

The smugness of this post really pisses me off.



Smugness? You're going to have to point it out because I can't see it.

Unless it's a subtle accusation that CED is also posting under the alter ego(s) 'ThaiArmy' or 'MiddleClassI'mAllWhiteJack'?

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Nice of the Thai military to take over the guvmint and make sure all those middle-class white folk can enjoy their holidays without bothersome protests.

The smugness of this post really pisses me off.

Smugness? You're going to have to point it out because I can't see it.

Unless it's a subtle accusation that CED is also posting under the alter ego(s) 'ThaiArmy' or 'MiddleClassI'mAllWhiteJack'?

I didn't view it as smugness more look at me I think I'm Stewert Lee and cleverer than everyone else
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I didn't view it as smugness more look at me I think I'm Stewert Lee and cleverer than everyone else

I think you do down the poster concerned if you think he is believing himself to 'be cleverer than everyone else', there.

I think (though I may be wrong) that he is (and believes that he is doing nothing more than) pointing out the obvious (with a little caveat about the colour of the skin of the western visitors).

Edited by snowychap
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I'm not sure that it's fair to put forward your political criticism of his politicial comment as something personal, Tony.

Yeah, calling somebody Stewart Lee is below the belt.


Well that screwed up my edit, didn't it? :rant:

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I'm not sure that it's fair to put forward your political criticism of his politicial comment as something personal, Tony.

Yeah, calling somebody Stewart Lee is below the belt.

Could be worse. Could be Jason Lee.

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I'm not sure that it's fair to put forward your political criticism of his politicial comment as something personal, Tony.

Yeah, calling somebody Stewart Lee is below the belt.


Well that screwed up my edit, didn't it? :rant:



I'll remove any mention of your post for £5.

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