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Everything posted by Merlincourt

  1. The Naked Gun.... Or does this go without saying?
  2. that rules French out then Ooooooo controversial!!! Haha
  3. Ease pressure on the NHS by charging for everything? Visit the doctor... that will cost you. Medicine... prices go up. UKIP's NHS isn't really the NHS at all. Raise the capital to put into them? By putting out a flat rate of tax? Everyone pays the same percentage, whether you're a cleaner or a millionaire banker, so either the cleaner gets crippled by tax or the banker is virtually let off. Mate this is one of the oldest policy's going.... They have u turned on this months ago and have said high earners will be taxed higher.... Lets put it this way.... The NHS is failing.... Year on year it fails.... We spend more money than is in the pot? What do you suggest we do? Ppl are quick to jump on what not to do, so let's hear how we sort it... I agree with chasing these big companies but we've been promised this time after time, big companies will jump ship and move countries leaving a lot of people surplus to requirements...
  4. Lol the strongest personality I'd guess would overpower!
  5. It's nice and easy to brand someone a racist... Not too easy to discuss how we're going to ease the pressure on the NHS or other emergency services.. Or raise the capital to put into these...
  6. Clearly.... *shakes head*
  7. So you have private health care? Yes.... And pay taxes.... Top marks on your eye for detail You seem to be struggling with the concept for eye for detail. You hadn't said you had private health care, which is why I asked. Therefore there wasn't a detail for me to spot. Its nice though that I achieved top marks in your little test. So thanks for answering, as it happens though I don't believe you. Why would someone who doesn't want to pay tax to contribute to providing health care to the children of immigrants want to pay for private health care when we have an NHS. Why ask a question if your not prepared to believe the answer... Do you enjoy your own posts? If you haven't been in a private health care hospital and cannot see a difference in service between that and the NHS... Then I will not waste my time to provide you an answer...
  8. So you have private health care? Yes.... And pay taxes.... Top marks on your eye for detail
  9. Don't worry, go, we will forgive you. Ah the "I'm not being racist but" approach Will you leave when we up taxes to claw back the 1.2 trillion debt we are in? Please don't, we need the VAT!!!
  10. I was born in England.... moving abroad because of political differences is turning your back IMO
  11. Must admit.... VAT on the weekly shop should prop up the NHS and all the education... Bravo You don't pay VAT on food. Not sure I rate your grip on this topic. Within a weekly shop you pay VAT........ Who mentioned solely food
  12. I disagree, making immigrants pay for education, what the ****? Who else is going to pay exactly????! My god!! Some people..... So... how about the long term unemployed should they pay for their health treatment and kids education? If so how would you like them to pay for it, or would it be free until they have used up their allowance and then they can go without education and health care. Or how about a 16 year old born in this country, they have never worked a day in their life but they get pregnant, should they go without health care because they haven't contributed? Or do you then start assessing her parents to see if they've contributed enough? What about someone born in this country, who earns below the tax threshold and so doesn't pay tax. Where do they fit in with this system? You either have a national health service, benefits, an NHS or you don't you can't make them bloody means tested otherwise you defeat the entire purpose of them. My god, some people. I tell you what, if you don't like it you are free to go live anywhere you want in Europe you know No... Insurance should be the way forward for health care... Regarding the 16 year old girl statement... Education should include ways of teaching people YOU ONLY HAVE WHAT YOU CAN AFFORD.... Her parents insurance should cover dependants.... I don't understand people who clearly don't get the concept of money..... How do you get a service if you don't put into the system without some kind of insurances??? If enough people don't input you won't get an output.....
  13. Must admit.... VAT on the weekly shop should prop up the NHS and all the education... Bravo
  14. If they work!! And also go re read the quote.... 5 years they should be self financed.... Paid f all in.... And expect to get everything on a plate straight of the plane!!!! Don't think so
  15. I disagree, making immigrants pay for education, what the ****? Who else is going to pay exactly????! My god!! Some people.....
  16. Here's a quote for you all.... UKIP "Immigrants must financially support themselves and their dependents for 5 years. This means private health insurance (except emergency medical care), private education and private housing - they should pay into the pot before they take out of it." Tell me who disagrees......
  17. Are you seriously telling me the country will be a better place if immigrants keep piling in??
  18. Why is that disgusting, exactly? The majority of white British people don't originate from Britain if you go far back enough in their ancestry. As far as I'm concerned as long as people contribute to the country and make it a better place I couldn't give a stuff where their family came from originally. Are you seriously telling me the country is a better place if immigrants keep piling in?? Judge people on who they are, not where they're from.
  19. It was Monday and wasn't pissing down... And yes they're builders
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