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Crap food that you absolutely love to eat


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Currently waiting for the main course (pulled pork and kielbasa) from what is widely regarded as the best barbecue joint in the northeastern US.

In the meantime, I am going carb crazy on the all you can eat sides... Photos may follow, once I'm off mobile.

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Here we go:

Plates 1 and 2: (dirty rice, sweet potatoes, and potato salad, liberally drizzled with Frank's Red Hot sauce; slices from a baguette with creamy butter)


Plate 3 (pulled pork on white bread, kielbasa)


Plate 4 (collard greens and more bread/butter)


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Levi, please tell me you didn't eat all of that in just one sitting...

What didn't get eaten in one sitting was wrapped to go...

...and that establishment doesn't wrap things to go.

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It's not that much to be honest.


The first plate alone is enough for two lunches :) (yeah, I'm a fairly small guy, so I don't have a big appetite. Shoot me ;) )


I always love seeing pictures of Levi's Gourmet Adventures :thumb:

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It's a lot, but I could definitely eat it.


The plate of carbs would be the hardest. The rest would be a piece of piss.

And now I'm hungry. Despite having just eaten lunch

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I mean this in the nicest way possible, but how much do you weigh?!


Edit: also, what's that stuff on the left?

Edited by Stevo985
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