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Lovefilm Lottery winner again this week, got Grave Of The Fireflies coming in the next few days. The missus hadn't heard of it, and asked yesterday if "it's like those lovely Studio Ghibli's I like?" (referring to The Cat Returns, Laputa etc)...

It sure is, dear. Exactly like those. Mwahaha. MWAHAHAHA. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! :twisted:

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Lovefilm Lottery winner again this week, got Grave Of The Fireflies coming in the next few days. The missus hadn't heard of it, and asked yesterday if "it's like those lovely Studio Ghibli's I like?" (referring to The Cat Returns, Laputa etc)...

It sure is, dear. Exactly like those. Mwahaha. MWAHAHAHA. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! :twisted:

Watched that again the other week. Such a powerful movie.

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I'm having a few mates round on Saturday for an Alien marathon.

I say marathon, we'll probably only watch Alien and Aliens because, you know, Alien 3....

We'll probably watch "The Thing" (original) afterwards too. **** love that movie.

We were thinking of turning it into a drinking game. Various rules. But ultimately when we're drunk enough, we're going to pause the movie (whichever one it is) assign roles and act out the last 5 minutes.

I can't wait

"they mostly come out at night...................................................................................mostly"

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because, you know, Alien 3....

Have you seen the extended version? Personally i've never understand the flack that movie got (it was made under ridiculously difficult conditions and Fincher's control over it was constantly being wrestled away) and I think the extended version really helps you to see how it was originally envisaged.

We'll probably watch "The Thing" (original) afterwards too. **** love that movie.

Howard Hawks version? ;)

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There is nothing wrong with Alien 3.

We were thinking of turning it into a drinking game. Various rules. But ultimately when we're drunk enough, we're going to pause the movie (whichever one it is) assign roles and act out the last 5 minutes
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To be fair, I haven't seen Alien 3 in about 10 years so I may have to give it another go.

Howard Hawks version?

If I was referring to "The Thing from Another World" then I'd have said "The Thing from Another World"


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To be fair, I haven't seen Alien 3 in about 10 years so I may have to give it another go.

Howard Hawks version?

If I was referring to "The Thing from Another World" then I'd have said "The Thing from Another World"


Fair enough...

Although before the Carpenter version, it was usually referred to as The Thing


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Just back from the Avengers.

**** incredible.

It's up there with the TDK but approaches things from completely the other direction. It's... well if you think TDK is a serious film, that just so happens to feature a comic book hero, the Avengers is balls out comic book movie and wears it with pride. There are great action scenes, even things you don't expect much action from you get it, a couple of which are sustained fully fledged sections of the movie. For example it's no great surprise that the film ends with a huge action sequence but it really is a sequence, it's action scene, action scene, action scene... it's incredible. They really show off what they've done during that section with a great little set piece.

What really propels the action though is you really give a shit about these characters. Even if you're not invested in the Marvel films to date, you get time to see these characters, get who they are. It's done quickly, and with a light touch often, because theres a lot of stuff to get through (we have 5 big, big characters to the piece after all, and your associated supporting cast get plenty of time too). There is snappy dialogue, great lines from plenty of characters (I think all of them get a gag, Stark gets about 5, some hit their mark more than others, Cap and Thor get a couple of excellent ones), you even have Loki get a chance to chew the scenery a bit - he has a scene with Black Widow that you can tell they would have liked to push a little bit more but ease off a little... and even so, he manages to pull off a quite sinister little moment for a 12A. Even Nick Fury gets some of the spotlight, finally.

The action though... it blows away every last one of the films in this Marvel Universe to date. There are some superb set pieces, and every one of Iron Man, Thor, Cap, Hawkeye, Black Widow and especially the Hulk get to have some superb moments. It's hard to even talk about really without spoiling much, and trust me don't spoiler yourself on this one - I'd consumed every last bit of information about this and I still got an incredible ride out of it (they've kept a lot under wraps, and thats for the better) - but if you went in cold on it, you'd **** adore it. The action as the Avengers... assemble... is great. You have moment after moment that gets you going. I can't deny that for the first time since I was about 6, I was excited watching a film at a cinema, not just entertained. An early action sequence - some of which has been shown already - wih Thor and Iron Man had a guy in the front row of my showing waving his arms around in the air andfeeling every blow and every punch. And he wasn't challenged, just a normal guy. If I'd not have been so self conscious, my inner 6year old would have taken over too.

But even he was blown away by the end, sat awestruck (or at least I couldn't see flailling arms flinging around in my peripheral vision). The Marvel films have suffered with weak third acts. That isn't the case here. As Loki's army ravages New York, the film throws everything at you. Hawkeye does more badassery with his bow, Black Widow twists, wrenches, shoots and shocks her way through the enemy, Cap goes to 100% hero, Thor hurls that hammer on all and sundry, Iron Man rounds up a sky full of alien invaders and gets to put his entire arsenal to use, and Hulk... Hulk smashes. Lots. The Hulk steals this film, he gets unleashed on it and pulls out all the stops. He has the most moments that in a rowdier cinema would have people whooping. He's used sparingly but you're glued to the screen when the green monster turns up. That whole attack on New York is superb.

The film is superb, I struggle to criticise it, it's popcorn paradise. The main flaws I can think of are the plots not really going to set the Earth on fire - it's MacGuffin central. Sure it puts a couple of twists in it but ultimately, the Tesseract is just a MacGuffin. Loki's army, the Chitauri (the films tells you who they are in the first 30 seconds, it's no big deal at all), are just cannon fodder, they come into our world and get smashed, theres no set up for them (other than Loki's done got an army, they're called the Chitauri and they're aliens) and they do little besides get smashed. And it ends a little abruptly, albeit after some incredible scenes... it kinda goes 'Bang, done, roll credits'. I would criticise it for ending at all, but that seems harsh.

Honestly, go see it.

And if you're a comic fan or just interested to see where Marvel films are headed, stay after the end title sequence. If you're a bit of comic fan, you may have reason to be excited. If you're not, you'll have reason to go home and check some Marvel wikis ;). A geeky girl in the screening I was at went crazy.

Even if you're not a comic fan, go see this. It's a top action film, it'll make you smile and giggle and maybe, just maybe, you'll get excited. I sure did.

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You liked it, then? :D

Put it like this. I love films and I've seen lots that are genuinely great pieces of work... intelligent, moving, excellent pieces of drama, worthy of awe.

I think the Avengers is one of the best films I've seen. It's a film largely without artistic merit, it's not going to have people crying due to a great moment of emotion (though I can actually see one moment in particular making a few more emotional people have a little lip quiver ;)). But as pure popcorn wonderment... it's GREAT.

Yeah, just got back too. I thought it was utter shit*

*Not really, I'm going Sunday but you have made me want to go NOW!!!

Honestly... it's great. There are so many moments that, if you're a comic fan you'll go '**** YES! I've wanted to see that since... forever! Epic!'. And if you're not you'll get absolutely awesome moments anyway.

I really want to talk about specific moments but I can't ruin it for anyone, it'd be a travesty. You'd be sat there waiting for the moments. Even if you've devoured the trailers and clips there are so many great things they've not shown.

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Honestly... it's great. There are so many moments that, if you're a comic fan you'll go '**** YES! I've wanted to see that since... forever! Epic!'. And if you're not you'll get absolutely awesome moments anyway.

I've been excited about watching it for ages now (I bought all the movies leading up to it on Bluray) and I know you're a comic fan like me, but not a frothing fanboy who might be...shall we say a little 'myopic' about the movie, so it's cool that you've given it such a glowing recommendation.

Roll on Sunday! :)

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I've been excited about watching it for ages now (I bought all the movies leading up to it on Bluray) and I know you're a comic fan like me, but not a frothing fanboy who might be...shall we say a little 'myopic' about the movie, so it's cool that you've given it such a glowing recommendation.

Roll on Sunday! :)

That's kinda where I was. Initially I was hugely skeptical of the idea of an Avengers movie, it seemed cynical to me and I didn't think it was going to work. I felt Iron Man had legs, that the Hulk never seemed to live up to what it could (should?) be, I didn't think Thor had legs at all and expected it to be crap, and Cap could go either way. Once I saw Thor, I was won round a little. When stuff for the Avengers started to be shown I got excited and since then I've been hyped for it. I've got all the blurays too, and have watched them all rather more than I should have (even Iron Man 2 ;))

In the end I just really enjoyed it and it's one of the best comic book movies ever made. I'd have it tied with TDK... I suspect some people would put it ahead of Batman's best. It plays to the crowd as a big blockbuster action film. It does play to the comic audience at times I admit, a couple of moments will have people who haven't seen the build up films go 'Hmm...?' and strangely theres no recap of the build up.

Look forward to Sunday. I honestly wish I could go in cold and see it again... I'll just have to live with seeing it a couple of more times with friends and family ;).

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Just back from seeing 'Avengers Assemble' myself and I think Chindie has pretty much covered it all. Just wow!

The tone was perfect and it didn't take itself too seriously. The action sequences were great and Whedon managed to give enough time to each character. What could have been a complete mess has turned into one of the best comic films of all time.

Great special effects, funny (when it wants to be), fast paced, enjoyable and just damn good. I would certainly suggest going to see it at an IMAX if you can as the screen makes it even better.

I did a man wee a few times, yet nothing could prepare me for after the first credits. Wow! The film took me back to my comic days when I was younger and I'm thankful for that. It probably won't win any awards yet it was a big chunk of fun.

By the way, nothing happens after the final credits so don't bother waiting. It's only the one scene after the first credits sequence. Go and see it! I'm going again on Sunday.

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