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The Spanish Football/la Liga Thread


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You know, I would not have taken La Liga if any books offered a "who will lose more games due to labor issues in 2011: the NFL or La Liga" prop.

(of course, maybe only El Juego del Salon de la Fama will be called off :D )

((it is nice to see that the great American tradition of labor strife in sports is crossing the Atlantic))

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First round of games has been officially called off.

Could see this one lasting a long time. Players look to be adamant that there be a fund in place to pay players in full if clubs go into administration and that fund can pretty much only exist if Barcelona and Real Madrid decide to stop selling TV rights individually.

LFP is at this time insisting on making up games in whole rounds, so there can't be too many weekends they can miss without getting close to having to dramatically restructure the season.

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You know, I would not have taken La Liga if any books offered a "who will lose more games due to labor issues in 2011: the NFL or La Liga" prop.

(of course, maybe only El Juego del Salon de la Fama will be called off :D )

((it is nice to see that the great American tradition of labor strife in sports is crossing the Atlantic))

Double parentheses......nice one, Levi

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yeah though better to buy the day before if you have time, Santiago Bernabeu is full of scalpers with excellent English :P, dont buy from them as they will say its sold out but games are easy to get o nthe day unless a Clasico or Atletico game

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All this kerfuffle about Mourinho. If he does get booted out, the cynic in me will think he engineered his untenable position so that he never has to face the inevitable failure of overthrowing Barcelona in the league. This way he can choose to say nothing and no black mark goes against his managerial ability - rather it will only go against his character, which is far more palatable to him and his ego; not to mention his legacy.

No-one will ever be able to say he failed, and his supporters will be able to say he was getting there and that he never got the chance. Very clever Jose, very clever. I think he knows he has failed already and that's why he's doing what he's doing.

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I'm not sure BOF I think there is certainly an arguement to be made for that being the case and I certainly wouldn't put it past him. You can never rule anything out with Jose every little thing he does is calculated, judged and designed to achieve a goal even if only known to him. With the incident the other day though I think he was trying to cause trouble and hoped not to get seen doing it.

I think the case you put forward is completely plausible my only doubt with it is that I think the job he has always wanted, the job he has seemingly coverted since being at Porto is the Man Utd job. Every time he does something like he did against Barca I think the job moves further from his reach.

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Think last week the 1st time the pressure has really got to Mourinho, if he was winning he would stay away.

Personally think this could be his last club job, he wants United job so wont go City, burned his bridges in Italy and wont get a job at Barcelona. All really club left available in Europe is Bayern Munich

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Burnt his Italian bridges??? By doing the treble? I don't think so. You saying every Italian side wouldn't take him in a heartbeat? He may have fallen out with the meeja but I doubt the clubs would give a fook.

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Totally agree BOF especially as his 'style' of football is so closely matched to the traditional Italian way of playing the game.

I think there would be clubs in Italy falling over themselves to appoint him if he were available.

Now if you had said he won't want to go back to Italy you'd have had a point but there would certainly be offers.

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well he said he wont go back to Italy and hates Italian football plus i dont think any clubs could afford him

Right fair enough. But that ain't burning bridges. They'd take him if they could.

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