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Fact: You can't fold a piece of paper more in half more then 7 times...

Mythbusters did it, although they did do it with a piece of paper that filled a hanger, as it helps the bigger the paper is. The 'fact' doesn't state anything other than 'paper'.

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The claim of the seven fold limit.

A popular belief holds that it is impossible to fold a sheet of paper in half more than 7 times, folding in any direction, as the challenge had existed for existed for many years and had never been solved. This belief was debunked by then high school student Britney Gallivan who successfully folded a piece of paper 12 times.

More importantly she developed the mathematical and physical explanations for the actual folding limits of incompressible materials when folding in one or two directions. After the mathematics were developed she demonstrated folding in half 12 times both by folding paper in a single direction and by folding gold foil while rotating the folding 90 degrees after each fold.

The television series MythBusters "busted the myth" of the 7 fold limit by folding taped-together sheets in half and turning 90 degrees each time, for a total of 11 folds. The first eight folds were completed by hand, while the rest were completed using both steam rollers and fork lifts. This was accomplished by using not a single piece of paper but 17 large rolls of paper taped together to form a very large yet relatively thin "sheet."

Folding a piece of paper in half 100 times, if it were possible, would produce a stack of paper approximately 8×1022 miles in height.


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A couple of years ago, every time I was late to the kickoff of the home matches of my favourite team here in Israel, we conceded. I missed 5 or 6 goals like that. Since I am always late, to any event (including my own wedding), some of the fans contacted me personally, asking me to so the extra effort and come before the kickoff. I did that, we won 1-0, the opponents missed a penalty and we escaped the drop.

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