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WAHEY! It's a JOKE thread : Enter at your own risk.


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A guy walks into a pub to find it completely empty apart from the barman. He orders a pint which the barman serves along with a bowl of peanuts. The barman tells the guy he has to go to the cellar and will be back in about 5 minutes. Once alone he starts to down his pint when he hears a voice say " my god your handsome" he looks around but the pub is still empty. After a couple of minutes he needs a piss so heads to the gents. while relieving himself he hears another voice say "You're a fukin half wit". Again the guy looks around but again finds himself alone. When he returns to the bar the barman re-appears and the guy tells him what has happened. "oh dont worry" he says "The nuts were complimentry but the jonny machines out of order.

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I went to the nurse for my annual check up this morning. She said "I think you should stop masturbating" "why"? I asked. She said "cause I'm trying to **** examine you"

I dun that one already

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I went to the nurse for my annual check up this morning. She said "I think you should stop masturbating" "why"? I asked. She said "cause I'm trying to **** examine you"

I dun that one already

The joke or wanking whilst being examined?

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An old man is lying on his death bed. With only hours to live, he suddenly notices the scent of chocolate chip cookies coming from the kitchen. With his last bit of energy, the old man pulls himself out from his bed, across the floor to the stairs, and down the stairs to the kitchen.

There, the old man's wife is baking chocolate chip cookies. With his last ounce of energy, the old man reaches for a cookie. His wife, however, quickly smacks him across the back of his hand.

"Leave them alone," she exclaims: "They're for the funeral!

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Little Johnny was sitting in sex ed class one day when the teacher drew a picture of a penis on the board.

"Does anyone know what this is?" she asked.

Little Johnny raised his hand and said: "Sure, my daddy has two of them!"

"Two of them?" the teacher asked.

"Yeah. He has a little one that he uses to pee with and a big one that he uses to brush Mommy's teeth

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I went to the nurse for my annual check up this morning. She said "I think you should stop masturbating" "why"? I asked. She said "cause I'm trying to **** examine you"

I dun that one already

The joke or wanking whilst being examined?


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Little Johnny was sitting in sex ed class one day when the teacher drew a picture of a penis on the board.

"Does anyone know what this is?" she asked.

Little Johnny raised his hand and said: "Sure, my daddy has two of them!"

"Two of them?" the teacher asked.

"Yeah. He has a little one that he uses to pee with and a big one that he uses to brush Mommy's teeth


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A rich bloke from Barnsley goes to the jewellers "can tha mek us a gold statue o mi dog" Jeweller asks "duz tha want it 18 carat" "no chewin a bone yer daft word removed"
Took me a couple of reads but that is actually quite funny.
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A college student picked up his date at her parents' home. He'd scraped together every penny he had to take her to a fancy restaurant. To his dismay, she ordered almost everything expensive on the menu. Appetisers, lobster, champagne... the works! Finally he asked her, "Does your Mother feed you like this at home?"

"No," she said, "but my Mother's not looking to **** me either."

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A man is teaching his son how to masturbate. The son says "This is great fun, dad!".

The father replies "I know and when you turn 13 you can start using your own cock."

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