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I always used 2 have my head stuck in a book but havent had a proper good read for quite a while now

last book i read was about 6 months ago called 'the absence' proper good little horror it was i cant remember the authors name now though

any one recomend any good horrors (aside from stephen king and james herbert cuz ive read all of them)

Depends on what you like to read. Dean Koontz is easy to read and entertaining if not too deep.You can try 'sole survivor' as a first book by the author.

If you want classical ghost stories , some of the best ever written , I suggest you get yourself an M.R. James collection of short stories. Classic english ghost stories with great plot development.

You sir, are a man of consummate taste.

Only thing with M. R. James is that they start to get a bit samey after a while.

Thanks for the compliment , mate :D I guess your taste can be described in the same manner , seeing you like most of the authors I do!

Saki was brilliant , though. I got "The complete works of Saki" , a huge monster of a book from a book fair at a 40 percent discount! :P The book is a prime part of my book collection since then...

Same with O Henry , brilliant writer as well... Add Maupassant to that , more serious but good nevertheless .Roald Dahl I mentioned.. Read "The Man from the south", **** genius. Very Sakisque, but modern.I am assuming you are familiar with his work. If you aren't , I suggest you start with 'Tales of the unexpected'. Macabre, dark humor with a twist.. :winkold:

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Yep, familiar with Dahl, O Henry and De Maupassant. Ever seen John Wayne in "Stagecoach"? Based on "Boule de Suif" !

Add to the list "Q", Chekov, V. S. Pritchett, Ernest Hemingway and Irwin Shaw. Plus a whole bunch of Golden Age sf dudes.

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Really enjoyed the new Stephen King, Under The Dome.

Biggest since The Stand i think, a few obviously cliches but still hugely enjoyable.

Hope they make it into a tv series.

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Yep, familiar with Dahl, O Henry and De Maupassant. Ever seen John Wayne

in "Stagecoach"? Based on "Boule de Suif" !

Add to the list "Q", Chekov, V. S. Pritchett, Ernest Hemingway and Irwin Shaw. Plus a whole bunch

of Golden Age sf dudes.

Haven't read much of Pritchett or Shaw but Hemingway was sublime, not to mention Anton Chekov.

Some other classic authors in the suspense/mystery/ghost story style are Walter de la mare,

Wilkie Collins( The pioneering mystery novel!), Sheridan le fanu(One of the best writers of weird

ghost stories), Edgar Allan Poe (The tell tale heart, Masque of the red death..).. There are many

others in my shelf...

Great stuff ,, its sad kids these days do not appreciate such great classic works and spend their

time reading Harry Potter instead :huh: Nice to find folks with similar reading preferences!


Really enjoyed the new Stephen King, Under The Dome.

Biggest since The Stand i think, a few obviously cliches but still hugely enjoyable.

Hope they make it into a tv series.

Worth buying it , then?

The Stand was good but a bit too stretched out.

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I need to read for an hour at least before sleeping, its a habit since I was a kid. I am mostly into pop horror/scifi stuff, Stephen King being one of my favs. Incidentally, I am currently reading 'Insomnia' by King and it is far from his best , I must say.

'The Shining' and 'It' are still his best creations.

Also an avid reader of Arthur C Clarke , the best proper sci fi author of the modern generation.

I'd say that "Insomnia" is his worst. Remember reading that whilst doing my military service, or whatever it's called. Just boring. Salems Lot is his absolute best IMO. With Tommyknockers, The Stand and The shining as honourable joint 2nds.

I concur , it is the second worst book i've read by King. The worst is 'Geralds game'. Its incredibly bad and reads more like a cheap sleaze paperback than a King book.

Tommyknockers was damn good though , it is very underrated. The characterization is superb and once the first quarter of the book is over , its fast all the way..

Have you read 'Needful Things'?. Very good read..

Yes, I've read most of his books and I quite enjoy them. He's a very good writer, but not the one to ever get the Nobel prize. :P But I haven't read Gerald's game, actually, but it seems I haven't missed anything. Of his latest books I can highly recommend "Skeleton crew", I think it's called that in english.

And yes, I agree on Tommyknockers. Especially the last 100 pages were impossible to stop read.

Yeah , the critics always hate what sells well! Skeleton crew is a collection of short stories, isnt it? Very good collection. There is another collection of short stories "Nightmares and dreamscapes" that is pretty good.

If you liked Skeleton Crew , I recommend 'October Country' by Ray Bradbury, quite possibly the best collection of short stories in that genre.It is a lot heavier than King but the stories are fantastic.

I also own almost all King books. I'll post a pic of my collection in a short while! :winkold:

Yep, you're right about Skeleton crew, but that wasn't the book I meant. :oops: But it's a good short story collection and containing "The mist" if everyone who hasn't read it wonders. The book I meant is "Bag of bones". The best he wrote that I've read since his accident.

And thanks for the tips about Bradbury. Think my friend has read a couple of his books. Will look out for them.

And hadn't heard about the book Jez recommended. Will look out for that one too. :nod: But first I'm think I have to read all the "Dark tower"-books. :P Have only read the first two.

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You've packed a lot of high-quality reading into your young years, McGrass.

What with your taste in rock music, that probably makes you a Young Fogey. :)

Haha , absolutely. I am so out of touch with stuff that is supposed to be 'cool' these days. All my peers are into sad hip hop and electronic dance music and probably haven't even heard of half the bands I listen to!

And no one reads these days , sadly. :( There is no better past time than reading , I believe. Give me a room full of books , my record collection and loads of weed and I can comfortably live in isolation :)

@Pelle , bag of bones , yeah. Nice book , its a bit different from King's usual style with a lot more character development and intricate relationships between them. If I remember correctly , there are three books which have the same setting as in Bag of bones , in a loose chronological series.

Have you read 'Desperation' and 'The Regulators'?. Which one did you prefer , if yes?

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Yep, read them long ago. Can't really remember which one I preferred but I know one of them was way better than the other. Think it was Regulators which I found being the better one. Too long ago to remember. :P But as Richard Bachman he's more cruel and merciless which I like. Same goes for his short stories.

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Yep, read them long ago. Can't really remember which one I preferred but I know one of them was way better than the other. Think it was Regulators which I found being the better one. Too long ago to remember. :P But as Richard Bachman he's more cruel and merciless which I like. Same goes for his short stories.

That is correct , as Bachman he wrote some of his most serious work which also included a fair dose of social commentary and pessimism for humanity in general.

The Running man and The Long walk... Brilliant... Serious literature by King's pop standards.

I preferred the Regulators because the images invoked by him were futuristic which I found surreal in my heavily stoned state :lol:

His fans generally prefer 'Desperation' with its christian themes and preachy tone. I didn't like it as much..

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