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ok, i need a new book to read.


looking for something easy to read, fiction, good story, page-turner.


generally like thrillers, soft sci-fi, fantasy, and stuff like that.

don't like horror or comedy stuff.


any ideas?

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ok, i need a new book to read.


looking for something easy to read, fiction, good story, page-turner.


generally like thrillers, soft sci-fi, fantasy, and stuff like that.

don't like horror or comedy stuff.


any ideas?

His Dark Materials, if you haven't already read it.

I'd say that's all of the above rolled into one.

Edited by Stevo985
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^ Great book. I loaned it to someone who couldn't finish it because they found it too disturbing later on.


Yeah, there's a bit about halfway through where the author interrupts the plot with a message to the reader, basically saying: "Admit, it - you've started doing it yourself now, haven't you?" 

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I gave my copy away on a five.


I've now finished everything by Coupland, everything by Brett Easton Ellis and everything I can find my Mailer - seeing as none of those appear to have a book around the corner (Mailer I know is particularly unlikely) but I love all three - can anyone make me a recommendation?

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I gave my copy away on a five.


I've now finished everything by Coupland, everything by Brett Easton Ellis and everything I can find my Mailer - seeing as none of those appear to have a book around the corner (Mailer I know is particularly unlikely) but I love all three - can anyone make me a recommendation?


Ah, Mailer. I have Harlot's Ghost on the shortlist. 

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The only books of Coupland's I've read are Girlfriend in a Coma and Microserfs... when I realized that the same basic plot device was being used in both.

(actually, I have vague memories of reading Miss Wyoming, but couldn't tell you anything about it beyond the Wikipedia summary)

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The only books of Coupland's I've read are Girlfriend in a Coma and Microserfs... when I realized that the same basic plot device was being used in both.



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ok, i need a new book to read.


looking for something easy to read, fiction, good story, page-turner.


generally like thrillers, soft sci-fi, fantasy, and stuff like that.

don't like horror or comedy stuff.


any ideas?


For an easy to read, page-turner, Stephen King's 11.22.63 is worth a look.

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ok, i need a new book to read.


looking for something easy to read, fiction, good story, page-turner.


generally like thrillers, soft sci-fi, fantasy, and stuff like that.

don't like horror or comedy stuff.


any ideas?


For an easy to read, page-turner, Stephen King's 11.22.63 is worth a look.


I'd second that ofc. Don't be put off by the fact it's King (well, you know, unless you simply dislike his work), as it's one of his novels that doesn't go anywhere near horror. You don't need much of an interest in JFK either, I didn't, and still enjoyed it a whole lot.

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The only books of Coupland's I've read are Girlfriend in a Coma and Microserfs... when I realized that the same basic plot device was being used in both.


The plots were different, just one particular event (verging on a deus ex machina) was used in both.

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Had this recomended to me on goodreads, I have to say I pretty much want it rite now.




Knifepoint Horror is an original genre which strips tales of supernatural suspense down to such a raw, minimalist form that literally nothing is left over to allow the mind a respite of even a single paragraph. To accomplish this, the most primal element of storytelling-a single human voice describing events exactly as it experienced them-is adhered to without embellishment or exception. Within these pages lie taut, unadorned first person narratives from agonized souls, minus all the stylish techniques which dilute, stretch, and burden tales of terror with unnecessary detail. Here you will find no entry into the thoughts of any characters other than the narrator's, no standard passages of dialogue, no humor, no extraneous gore, no romance. The untitled stories inside this book spill forward without page or even paragraph breaks. Written in cold, emotionless capital letters, they take the form of uninterrupted confessions, creating an effect of pure campfire terror. Knifepoint strips away all the tired conventions, which water down traditional horror fiction, leaving nothing but the story's riveting spine to compel and chill you to the core. 


The reviews on goodreads are pretty much all positive saying that this 'new' style of writing though difficult at the start eventually really settles in and adds to the feel of the book.


No paragraphs, All capital letters, completely 1st person


nearly every review compares him to Lovecraft so I am going to get this ordered ASAP

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