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Ratings and Reactions: Man City - Villa


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He was decent, I'd have gone grealish.

There weren't many stand out performances. All in all the individual quality across the whole pitch was poor.

We outplay the champions away from home and there's still comments like this. :thumb:

Yeah, because they are realistic.

Who were the outstanding performers Stefan??

Notice I said 'across the pitch' and 'individual' - because guess what, I was including man city players which doesn't support your 'woodytom hates everything to do with villa because he doesn't bum the arse out of everything to do with them' bullshit! ;). But like usual, don't let reading a post get in the way.

You think you are being realistic which suggests many of us are not.

I think the words you need to use are pessimistic and negative.

There is nothing, nothing, unrealistic about saying we have just, on the whole, outplayed the current champions, and could have won DESPITE a couple of howlers.

What is unrealistic about being pleased, proud, and optimistic about that.

Had we won wed have beaten three of the top six in fortnight, all away from villa park. Is that realistic ?

And is it really realistic to say we could have had that much of the ball against them with poor individual quality all over the pitch ?

I saw quality in defence from okore and vlaar, in midfield from all of them, going forward from bacuna, jack, zog, benteke,delph and cleverly. I did, I'm not imagining it.

It doesn't mean we think we are world beaters, in fact its because we aren't that we liked the performance overall.

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Given Hutton and gabby please

Bacuna is fine, Hutton should return to the bench.

Are you mad? He makes errors all the time. He is not a RB end of. Hutton. Gabby. Shay. Aly. All need to play next game.

I'm gutted. We battered them at so many points but I'm telling you now no media outlet will show that.

I feel that benteke call will cost us.

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Yeah but chances are, he would have scored.

Don't forget that we still needed to score the pen.

Chances are he would have scored ?

For someone complaining of a lack or realism how on earth can you say that ?

We've all seen hundreds of chances in that position missed.

I mean, that really does come across like you are deliberately negative.

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He was decent, I'd have gone grealish.

There weren't many stand out performances. All in all the individual quality across the whole pitch was poor.

We outplay the champions away from home and there's still comments like this. :thumb:
Yeah, because they are realistic.

Who were the outstanding performers Stefan??

Notice I said 'across the pitch' and 'individual' - because guess what, I was including man city players which doesn't support your 'woodytom hates everything to do with villa because he doesn't bum the arse out of everything to do with them' bullshit! ;). But like usual, don't let reading a post get in the way.

You think you are being realistic which suggests many of us are not.

I think the words you need to use are pessimistic and negative.

There is nothing, nothing, unrealistic about saying we have just, on the whole, outplayed the current champions, and could have won DESPITE a couple of howlers.

What is unrealistic about being pleased, proud, and optimistic about that.

Had we won wed have beaten three of the top six in fortnight, all away from villa park. Is that realistic ?

And is it really realistic to say we could have had that much of the ball against them with poor individual quality all over the pitch ?

I saw quality in defence from okore and vlaar, in midfield from all of them, going forward from bacuna, jack, zog, benteke,delph and cleverly. I did, I'm not imagining it.

It doesn't mean we think we are world beaters, in fact its because we aren't that we liked the performance overall.

The vast majority of your post agrees with what I've said about the game.

All my original post said that Stefan replied to was that there was very little individual quality. It was a game of many mistakes in other words. I don't see that as an unrealistic statement.

With that in mind, I've no idea what your point is?

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Yeah but chances are, he would have scored.

Don't forget that we still needed to score the pen.

Chances are he would have scored ?

For someone complaining of a lack or realism how on earth can you say that ?

We've all seen hundreds of chances in that position missed.

I mean, that really does come across like you are deliberately negative.


I just highlighted that we got similar luck against plop, to that that city got today.

The chances are balotelli would have scored.

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Mehdi @ Voopl.

As this is posted in here and not the 'site issues' section, I'' just say that the Voopl messages are in French on my app.

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Yeah but chances are, he would have scored.

Don't forget that we still needed to score the pen.

Chances are he would have scored ?

For someone complaining of a lack or realism how on earth can you say that ?

We've all seen hundreds of chances in that position missed.

I mean, that really does come across like you are deliberately negative.


I just highlighted that we got similar luck against plop, to that that city got today.

The chances are balotelli would have scored.

Why are you saying " eh ?" ??????????

My comment relates quite clearly to what you have repeated here.

How on earth can you say chances are he would score ?

Don't worry about answering I won't be reading it, waste of time.

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Yeah but chances are, he would have scored.

Don't forget that we still needed to score the pen.

Without the keeper, as he would have been red carded.

All I'm doing is saying that today's offside incident is similar to Sundays in that, both Benteke (assuming he'd have stepped up) and balotelli would have had similar work to do to put the ball in the back of the net had play continued accordingly I.e. We get a pen today and we don't stop playing on Sunday.

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Yeah but chances are, he would have scored.

Don't forget that we still needed to score the pen.

Chances are he would have scored ?

For someone complaining of a lack or realism how on earth can you say that ?

We've all seen hundreds of chances in that position missed.

I mean, that really does come across like you are deliberately negative.


I just highlighted that we got similar luck against plop, to that that city got today.

The chances are balotelli would have scored.

Why are you saying " eh ?" ??????????

My comment relates quite clearly to what you have repeated here.

How on earth can you say chances are he would score ?

Don't worry about answering I won't be reading it, waste of time.

Because it was a glorious opportunity and he's a decent striker. I really don't understand how saying balotelli would have probably scored is that controversial lol?

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You said poor quality all over the pitch.

That's nothing at all like what I said?

You are a contrary fellow aren't you ?

Nitey nite.

Off to enjoy rewatching the game with some other happy fans.

Yep poor individual quality. Misplaced passes, horrific errors. There wasn't a lot of quality.

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Couldn't watch the second half but just saw the Benteke incident. Horrible mistake by the linesman there.


We're playing fantastic stuff though it seems. We'll be fine.

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Am I the only one fed up with Niall Quinn? Always seems to be so biased against us.

The guys exactly the same whenever he commentates on Sunderland and Arsenal, two of his other former teams.

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We have come such a long way in such a short space of time....and we deserved more from the game.

Officials didn't help today but did at Wembley, so these things even themselves out.

In terms of improvement.....we still have a long way to go defensively and I'm not just talking about the defenders i' m talking defensively about the whole team.

When we don't have the ball we have a lot to work on ....set pieces we are vulnerable.....we need to improve on picking players up and knowing our responsibilities.

However to go to the etihad and dominate possession is a major step forward.

We now need points at any costs....hope we do it. UTV

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I never thought we would get a point here, sure its bitter to lose the way we did. But there was plenty of positives. We might not have gotten the point/s we deserved but i feel calmer in regards to relegation after this game.

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This defeat really was a kick in the teeth. But after a bit of contemplating I'm left with lots of positive thoughts, after all.

  • Went to Etihad and played them off the park, like we were the home team. Gotta have both balls and skills to manage that.
  • Jack Grealish continuing his development. Its getting quite easy predicting this fella to be a strong contender for YPotY next season.
  • Beating Spurs and Liverpool and then go on to be bitterly disappointed not to grab points vs City. Our mindsets certainly have changed!
  • Brad Guzan seems to have a down period, but fortunately Shay Given has showed solid form and should take the reins for the remainder of the season.
  • If the good work continues, and we sort out the defensive errors we're nothing less than top 7 candidates next year!
  • And that's before counting in any enforcements brought in as a result of a stupidly rich new owner. Mohahah, good times ahead.

[edit] Readability.

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