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She'd be dead come the revolution just for wearing a Ramones T-Shirt, I'll bet she's never even heard them :angry:

Anyway, currently I'm listening to the new Beck album Modern Guilt which I just scored on nipping out to Teskos for some wine, it won hands down over the new Primal scream album and I could only afford one tonight

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Is there a Ghost - Band of horses. Saw theme (as did Bicks) in Belgium, and am now addicted to their music.

I've just discovered tinysong (see url above). utter genius.

In fact our conversation that day about them made me dig out sophtware slump again, ripping it as we speak

This song is called Whooooooooo!

So currently I'm listening to The Crystal Lake off Sophtware Slump by Grandaddy

Knew you'd get BOH, it'd be odd if you didn't :nod:

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