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Culverhouse and Karsa sacked


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If we lose on Saturday, it will be 10 x worse than today.

I don't like Lambert but I'm not sure sacking him now is the answer. Culver house on the other hand...you can't bite the hand that feeds you.

Worryingly, it is claimed by some that Culverhouse is the brains behind Lambert. Many Norwich fans believe this.

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I am not condoning this behaviour, but we are all hurting at the moment by the results and performances. We need to stick together and show some unity on Saturday.

And Culverhouse swearing at a fan is an example of this? He needs to let his coaching do the talking.

We need to move on from this silly incident, it is irrelevant Risso.

You defend the club even when it can't be defended. Why?


I am not condoning the behaviour of Culverhouse. I hate people on the same side being at each other's throats, it is silly.

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I feel there are some overreactions on here. He can apologise to those involved and move on. He can get back to teaching Tonev to shoot from range and help Weimann with his finishing.

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It is a big deal. Culverhouse is paid to be the assistant of our manager, he is paid a great deal more than the majority of the fans that were there today paying HIS wages. Without the fans there would be no club, no income, no anything. To abuse the fans, in my opinion, is the lowest of the low. You're not just abusing individual people, you're abusing the entire club because we ARE the club.


I imagine Culverhouse is not a robot and reacted to similar abuse aim at him and the team. We need to move on!!!

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A few things:


1) No proof

2) If it is true, he should answer for himself

3) Don't make a mountain out of a mole hill. If he did do this he ought to apologise and the club should deal with him accordingly. But unless and until it is proven and this ever becomes more than a rumour, this shouldn't really be discussed

4) Keep the behaviour of employed staff COMPLETELY separate from the performance of the staff at his work

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It is not a big deal, it is stupid.

No doubt it would be a big deal if it had been directed at you and your child was present...


The person in question has made a official complaint about the incident.  Is it a big deal to you?

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It is not a big deal, it is stupid.

No doubt it would be a big deal if it had been directed at you and your child was present...

The person in question has made a official complaint about the incident.  Is it a big deal to you?

That's not answering the question but yes, it would be a big deal if it had been directed at me.

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It is not a big deal, it is stupid.

No doubt it would be a big deal if it had been directed at you and your child was present...

The person in question has made a official complaint about the incident.  Is it a big deal to you?

That's not answering the question but yes, it would be a big deal if it had been directed at me.


What question? It was a statement that you made to me. It would not bother me too much if that did happen.

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