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This has calmed me down a little. A Sunderland win or draw tomorrow and a Chelsea win at Anfield and we are probably safe. Chelsea will want to win their remaining games then to give themselves the chance to be champions.

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Hull is a must-not-lose.


As much as i hate the idea, I think we should park the proverbial bus.

Problem is we're so poor at defending they're likely to score if we sit back. 



We actually started the game well today.  If we could have played like that in the last six games and converted just a couple more of our chances then we'd have been ok well before now.  Scoring goals is the main problem if you ask me, the defence has been as poor all season.

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In an obscure way I'd feel better for a Sunderland win tomorrow.


That will leave Cardiff needing to win both games which is possible as Newcastle are on awful form and Chelsea could field a weakened team. Max 36pts.


If Sunderland win they'll get another 4 points easily I reckon. Expect 36pts.


Fulham could win both but Palace are stubborn and anything but a win away to Stoke next weekend and that's them done vs. us.  Expect 35pts


Norwich are down, but if they did get 4 points they'd end up on 36pts.


We need 1 more point for safety unless Fulham fail to win next week, Norwich lose and depending on tomorrow's result, Cardiff fail to win next week also.


Final Table in my opinion:


16.  Sunderland  36pts

17.  Villa              35pts

18.  Fulham         35pts

19.  Cardiff          34pts

20.  Norwich        32pts


Staying up on goal difference. *Sigh!*


I'd take that now.



All that is is a Sunderland win tomorrow, Norwich loss next week and Fulham & Cardiff both drawing away from home.  Put like that it's possible we'll play Spurs safe on goal difference and without the pressure that taunts us so greatly.

Edited by Tubby
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I still think if anybody's to win out of Cardiff and Sunderland tomorrow then it should be Cardiff because I think they'd have a lesser chance of catching us than would Sunderland if they were to win.


Plus I've just been reading through this so really hope Sunderland go.

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Steve Bruce would love to push us deeper in the shite


I've heard him in press conference before at various clubs including Blues saying that he hates losing to us


He really does not like us for some reason and make no mistake Hull will be up for it

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Steve Bruce would love to push us deeper in the shite

I've heard him in press conference before at various clubs including Blues saying that he hates losing to us

He really does not like us for some reason and make no mistake Hull will be up for it

We also have a reason to try and beat Hull, to guarantee our safety. If Lambert can't motivate our players to do that, but Bruce can because of some petty grudge from when he was Blues manager, then Lambert doesn't deserve to manage anyone again.

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Lambert couldn't motivate a starving man to eat a cheeseburger


If it were me i'd put Cowans in charge


A club legend at the helm for one home "cup" game the atmosphere would be supercharged as all the fans would be behind him 


Lambert has lost the fans anyway and all i predict at our next home game if he's in charge is nerves and if we concede the atmosphere really could get nasty

Edited by AshVilla
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Am I the only person who is very worried? A lot of people seem to think we are safe, I just cannot think that right now. Not with how our season has gone, our luck and the way we just play like we are doomed.

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