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Everything posted by hogso

  1. hogso


    Yeh the earliest I can get to Norwich via train from where I am is 3:15. The return train ticket will cost me £45, so I'm staying over in Norwich on the Sat night before which will also cost about £45.
  2. For those curious the semi between Marseille and Inter is on ESPN at the moment. Ajaz beat Liverpool 6-0 in the other semi. Rather than taking place in Abu Dhabi, though, the semi is taking place in the rather less sunny setting of Brentford (Griffin Park) Currently 1-0 to Inter
  3. Does seem to be a very divisive issue in regards to the series. I just thought it was such a fantastically immersive way of showing the player that, yes, you are exploring new planets (which can't possibly be easy, hence the impassable mountain ranges, etc!), and finding undiscovered items from lost civilisations, and fighting aliens on some rock in the back end of the universe. Agree with your criticisms of the gameplay and the re-used 'generic moonbase/space station' that were revisited over and over (although honestly if man were to colonise other planets and make numerous spacestations they would basically be flat pack build kits, so they all would look the same ), but to me that was a missed opportunity in the 2nd game not to build on what the first had done. Wouldve loved it if they had left in the Mako and explorable planets, but plonked in more unique structures as there were in ME2. As it turned out, they instead decided to release a horrible DLC package with a floaty-Mako, which takes place in a volcano, with some sort of pseudo platforming element - the failure of which results in an instant GAME OVER. Dear me, that was terrible
  4. Hope That **** Helps, I beleive
  5. I've got a Turtle Beach headset which cost me a little over £80 and offers fantastic sound quality. Don't have any real idea when it comes to dedicated sound systems though...other than my headset, I have my PC speakers (which are 5.1 but only use 2.1 when plugged in for my PS3...I don't know the technical reasons why ) hooked into my monitor which I play my PS3 on.
  6. Well, it was a long time ago, but Ken Shamrock did pretty well off the back of it - 'worlds most dangerous man' and all that
  7. Supposed to be decent if underwhelming. A mix of decent combat, limited exploration and shaky climbing mechanics. Quite hard as well I think, with a few unfair deaths littered around. I cant be arsed to try the trial so I dont think ill ever play it myself but it looks fairly decent. Have a look on gametrailers, while their reviews are crap it always gives you a good look at what its like. http://www.gametrailers.com/video/review-i-am-alive/727764 It looks right up my alley tbh. I bought it yesterday (PS3) but have heard that although it mostly holds up well in terms of the fact it was in development hell for a long time, the end portion is apparently rushed and somewhat unfinished. Speaking of which... Tales of Grace f inbound on PS3 later in the year, but considering getting the US version early. Looks lolitastic, man. Havent played a Tales game since Symphonia on the Gamecube, but am well prepared to go out of my way to play a decent RPG on PS3.
  8. I wouldnt let it put you off. ME3 is still a great game, with many wonderful moments and pretty heart wrenching scenes (if youve allowed yourself to get emotionally attached to some of the characters anyway), which make it worth it. When I got to the end of the game, the things I had been hearing about the ending actually made me want to finish it even more, just to see what the fuss was about Still prefer ME1 to ME2 though. Much better plot, fantastic ending, and above all else driving around in the Mako was infinitesimally superior to that **** planet scanning bullshit
  9. Really close, but no. Eastworld?
  10. Are they mentioning what Brock has been up to since he left? I can't imagine they'd make much of an angle out of him being 'the former worlds MMA champion' (or whatever spin they would put on it), as it doesnt really suit his image. Just generally being a beast does though I guess. Unless they had him put on MMA gloves and he added more submissions to his move set?
  11. hogso

    General Chat

    Subbuteo table with all the trimmings - stadium, crowd, foodlights, trees, burger vans, etc - for that authentic matchday feel or scaltecletrixexltrixs track
  12. Considering the amount of hours you've probably put it over the course of all 3 games, as the average fan of ME would have, it's massively disappointing. There are the parts that don't make sense, there's a massive reveal that is explained away in seconds, and the whole thing just seems rushed. The reveal is also a missed opportunity in terms of what happens with the franchise next, cos it just wasnt necessary. As I said before though, I have seen worse, and there are some nice moments...just not nearly enough of them. What happens at the end of Fable 3?
  13. hogso

    Stan Petrov

    My brother and I took a sign to VP for the game on Saturday, was shown on the big screen before the game, and got a little air time on MOTD and a mention in the Birmingham Mail too. I havent posted in this thread yet after having heard the news, and was rather shell shocked on Friday afternoon when I first heard. As a result I wanted to take a message along to VP for the match, and it was well received by the fans who saw it, and hopefully the larger audience too. Just wanted to get the message to Stan that we're all behind him, really, and by the looks of his reaction to the minutes applause he knows that to be true.
  14. Valkyria Chronicles and Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket Powered Battle Cars (PSN) are the best PS3 exclusives iirc ^__^
  15. Dat sum Runescap? I was never really taken with it. I think I played it for about 20 minutes in total, ever.
  16. MMA I suppose. It's the only sport apart from football I'll go out of my way to watch.
  17. hogso

    Fuel watch

    The BP opposite my work appears to be operating at a normal capacity.
  18. Really? Very surprised by that. I encounter far more people who claim CA than MA, and the difference in pay isnt usually that much. See more people claiming Severe Disability Allowance or Bereavement Benefit/Allowance than MA too. I'd guess ESA would fall in line JSA
  19. Source Code ! I will have post one later, as I can't tinypic one at work, and the file name would be a big giveaway ofc
  20. Too many plot holes and coincidences going on in the ending sequence for the following to be not true IMO. SPOILERS obviosly. I presume thats a link to the spoiler?Indoctrination theory? I dunno, man. Bioware said before the game was released that they had spent a lot of time on the ending, and were happy with it. I think that might actually be true, unfortunately for us, they got it horribly wrong. What I wouldnt be surprised by, would be them to run with this idea and implement it into a new/true ending/epilogue. spoilersFor example, Shepherd being under alot of pressure durnig the final mission, and the injuries sustained from the final attack on Earth making him/her more susceptable to indoctrination. Regardless of what they decide to do, some DLC is on the way, we know that much, and it was always going to be. They're probably terribly embarrassed at how the ending has bombed, so I don't suppose they'll ever admit that the future DLC was ever going to be an extension of the ending or not. After all, previous DLC that has been released doesnt require you to finish the game before you can play it, so the events of the ending don't have to be taken into account... I'll be honest, I probably would have bought any DLC despite it being inevitably terrible as the vast majority of the previous DLC was. If they do decide to do another ending, or an extended ending, or an epilogue or whatever, and they charge for it - prepare for the next fanboy shit storm
  21. Well, there goes the budget for fancy dress
  22. Oh, and this 'offer' has appeared on ShopTo Heh.
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