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Everything posted by islingtonclaret

  1. Did you have to wear obligatory indian swirly bo-ho tie-dye ponchos every day?
  2. Is that fireflies by owl City? That is cack. That kid clearly listened to "Give Up" by The Postal Service and thought, "d'you know what? I'll do that" On a side note, I still love jump around. It brings about that wigga attitude of I can rap to this that is only rivalled by hypnotise by biggie and regulate by Warren g.
  3. Hah, are you not used to Delphino's hint dropping? Yellow away methinks. I'm going to guess its modelled after that 3rd kit from 91-92 or the mid 70's one we had
  4. At a tenner, watching the game with loads of other fans right by Wembley is a great shout, so I'll going to do that.
  5. My God, Rednapp will literally say anything to get in the papers, won't he?
  6. Watched the Ozric Tentacles last night at Islington academy. Mind bending visuals, time signatures, psyche wig out. 10/10 would do again
  7. Are they still putting idiots in the idiot box for the idiots to idiotically gawp at then?
  8. Davenports had the IP rights bought by Highgate Brewers of Walsall and continue to make the original Davenports beer now. It's really quite good too. As mentioned earlier, Mita were bought out by that Korean tech firm, who sponsored Everton recently. I really would like Cadbury, I think a lot of us have been hoping since the dawn of time for them seeing as it's such a brum institution...now would be a logical time more than before though due to the Kraft expansion. On a side note, it's a shame that Kraft managed to cock up the only chocolate bar I would ever buy (CDM). I've never had a sweet tooth, but the smaller size, slightly sweeter taste and stupid new block shape is just rubbish.
  9. That clay oven thing sounds like a good shout
  10. I'm thinking green Man is where it's at...anyone thinking the same?
  11. Me. I'm not watching this game at a pub where I live, I.e. North London without fellow fans. Oaks, east end villain, speizals, ddid...anyone else....? Count me in. Why not head 30mins further west for the party? I'll head wherever London VT ers go! Surely they will be going to Wembley???? Why would you not want to watch near the ground? Because there aren't that many places around the ground really, not that I know of anyway... I meant London VTers not going to the game of course!
  12. There is no way I would vote to leave Europe.
  13. Me. I'm not watching this game at a pub where I live, I.e. North London without fellow fans. Oaks, east end villain, speizals, ddid...anyone else....? Count me in. Why not head 30mins further west for the party? I'll head wherever London VT ers go!
  14. I guess I don't make up the demographic, but I'm certainly not in anyway embarrassed. It probably has more to do with Birmingham being labour, and this site being a villa site. Besides we Tories are more dignified than to take to the streets fighting with police, and desecrating war memorials over who we vote for It's certainly true in London. I did vote Tory (that's not an invitation for a political debate with me, my reasons are my own. I'm not going to it, I'm just using that fact as an example) but the office was adamant that anyone that voted Tory are self serving, money obsessed baby killers. That maybe true of the actual members and cabinet, but not the voters. If you think that the actual members and cabinet in the Tory party are self serving, money obsessed baby killers then why did you vote for them? Doesn't make sense to me. I did say it was a statement of fact and that I didn't want to discuss it...
  15. I guess I don't make up the demographic, but I'm certainly not in anyway embarrassed. It probably has more to do with Birmingham being labour, and this site being a villa site. Besides we Tories are more dignified than to take to the streets fighting with police, and desecrating war memorials over who we vote for It's certainly true in London. I did vote Tory (that's not an invitation for a political debate with me, my reasons are my own. I'm not going to it, I'm just using that fact as an example) but the office was adamant that anyone that voted Tory are self serving, money obsessed baby killers. That maybe true of the actual members and cabinet, but not the voters.
  16. I think it's a national trait for political matters that if you vote Tory, you keep quiet about it or you're slightly embarrassed if you do. In my experience so far, it's Labour voters that are constantly heard as the loudest, which is expected. One is establishment, one is alternative (or three days, supposedly alternative but not quite as alternative as it used to be). Even the panorama before the election, a guy that was going to vote Tory struggled to muster the courage to admit it
  17. Me. I'm not watching this game at a pub where I live, I.e. North London without fellow fans. Oaks, east end villain, speizals, ddid...anyone else....?
  18. This is ridiculous. Less of these unexpected winning streaks please, all you cack teams.
  19. Reports of intimidation in Scotland coming from SNP fanatics. Don't know why they'd bother, they've got it in the bag. On a side note, I voted Tory. I'm going to give myself a good wash when I get home
  20. It's going to be the Scots who are the kingmakers, and I don't really care. I'll just grab the popcorn and watch the show
  21. First election not voting Lib Dem. Sad times for me. I think the only victory would be an outcome matching Nate Silver's prediction that UKIP will not win ONE seat. Here's hoping.
  22. If you want info, you're going to have to kidnap delphino123 and water board him till he talks...
  23. I really shouldn't have commented should I, I'm making it worse. I was at a Britpop night totally smashed last night and something for the weekend came on. I legimately dance-cried.
  24. have a like, see if it cheers you up Thank you. Doesn't make them go away though. I tried to listen to Hello Sunshine about a month ago it was just, nope nope nope. Gruff's voice is tainted with the past!
  25. God there so needs to be less SFA in here. They're bloody everywhere at the moment.
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