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Everything posted by gilbertoAVFC

  1. If we'd have banished every player to train with the reserves/kids who under performed for the first 6 months of Houllier arriving we'd have struggled to put a team out. Drop him from the first team by all means but to **** him off to train with the kids was not good management. It pleasing to know that he showed an exemplary attitude though. Hopefully we'll now see the Warnock we saw for his first 6 months or so here and the Warnock that was excellent for Blackburn during his time there. He's been the same wherever he's played. Solid and good going forward most of the time but prone to dreadful mistakes, Blackburn fans said that when he signed so please don't try to portray him as some model modern full-back before Houllier came just to get in a little dig in. I'm all for giving him another chance if he delivers, but please don't allow your personal and never-able-to-drop feelings of our previous manager influence your view on this. There was a reason Houllier put him in the reserves and that is because he clearly did not have an exemplary attitude, whatever that might entail.
  2. Yep, my Dad has a Spurs season ticket and he thinks exactly this, as do I from watching him whenever they're on tele. Not in the same league of reliability as Luke Young defensively, gets forward well but I think I'd prefer Walker for his pace. Saying that Hutton is quick.
  3. Can someone who has AVTV please watch the interview and tell us what he has to say? He looks ecstatic!
  4. Think that is extremely harsh on Albrighton. We do need more than two wingers, no doubt about that and we wouldn't want to rely on Albrighton all season so if N'Zogbia came in I would start with him and Downing. However, when he played consistantly in the team, he was one of our best players, it was when he was in and out the team when he struggled more. So to say he's no good enough, I would completely disagree. Agreed, I don't absolutely bone off Albrighton the way some VTers do but he was still one of our best players last season - and he's young. There's plenty of room for improvement in his game but I think I'd prefer to see money invested elsewhere in the team FIRST, before we start thinking about another winger. We still have others that can play there. We do need another winger yes, but it shouldn't be our utmost priority basically. Besides, Stewart Downing is still here whether he likes it or not!
  5. You seem to miss the point that it's not about having business meetings with people, it's about being their social intimates - dinner parties, entertaining Brooks at Christmas, high-fiving the Murdoch daughter's husband. These are entirely personal choices, not business or political requirements of the holder of the office of prime minister. This social intimacy should preclude him from taking any decision which will affect the business interests of the Murdoch clan and News International. He is not neutral and cannot pretend to be. If Cable was judged to be inappropriate to make decisions on Murdoch, Cameron is ten times more inappropriate. Appointing Coulson was just one more thing, but it is entirely in keeping with Cameron's attitude to the whole stinking nest of them. Again, a choice, not a requirement. This.
  6. Good comparison. I appreciate that this isn't the most sensitive thing to say, but I do think it is a very honest assessment of how I feel about the whole situation, as I'm sure many others do if they reflect upon it: I've always hated anything run by Murdoch and have thus always seeked to undermine News Corp's operations to the greatest effect as I could. i.e. convincing my Dad not to get Sky (it worked), not buying The Sun, Times or NOTW - not that I'd really want to - and basically doing as much as I can to spread the word, no matter how little impact it may have.. which is why I feel quite happy that these allegations have allowed a platform for the debilitation of News Corp and Murdoch. Is it morally wrong that I care more about undermining News Corp than the actual implications of the accusations? I genuinely feel that if Sky doesn't become fully owned by Murdoch because of this phone-hacking - and this is not to say I do not care for the victims, because it would be inhuman not to - it's a price worth paying IMO.
  7. Balti Bazaar in Stirchley is top notch. Fairly reasonably priced and the food is good, plus you get ridiculously filling portions (and I have a big appetite). Would recommend there.
  8. I actually think "sail on the mayonnaise sea" is actually probably more rude and explicit than w a n k, but that's just me
  9. i thought they also spent £20 million on suarez? so that would be more than the torres money then? The point being they have less money than before... Anything less that £18m and they can do one, it's a reasonable price in this day and age. We bought him for only £6m less, while he was badly injured, from a relegated side and at a time when he was miles away from the England squad. Fast forward two years and we have put him back on the metaphorical footballing map. At a time when the English transfer market is so inflated, £18m should be the minimum offer. Also consider he was our best player last season by absolute miles and that they have spent so much on future non-entity players such as Henderson and quite possibly Carroll.
  10. Total Life Forever was my album of 2010, not a bad song on it, not even a good song on it, they are all exceptional. Suck It And See I've learnt to love. It's very different from the other AM albums and I thought I'd hate it, especially as lyrically it's weak (well, not weak, but they haven't struck a cord with me as they are either very personal or just verses that fit together by rhyme) by Turner's incredibly high standards. There are a few brilliant tracks on there though (i.e. Hellcat Spangled, That's Where You're Wrong). Don't really like The Vaccines, horrendously unoriginal, a little catchy admittedly.
  11. Can't decide if I was slightly disappointed by Luther last night or whether I think it was ingenious - seemed all so far-fetched yet so original and engrossing. The third episode of the series was easily the best, absolutely horrifically gripping.
  12. Listened to a few Smith Westerns tracks, they seem pretty good. Worth downloading the album Milfner?
  13. It makes sense, as I remember McLeish long fought for him at Small Heath, but not convinced he has the right attitude. Perhaps his end product will be what we need, but I know from watching him that when things aren't going his way he really goes missing. Maybe a bit more of a disciplinarian such as McLeish (then again he did allow that end-of-season Blues party to take place) could get the best out of him.
  14. Pull-ups, press-ups (both with proper form). So simple but so effective. Gyms are maybe better if you want to focus on specific areas, but even then a cheap home dumbbell set is probably just as effective and far cheaper in the long run. For me, this guy is the best on the internet for upper body gain and general fitness. He may be a bit of a fitness Nazi in his suggestions but take on board some of his ideas and work-out routines (for any level of fitness) and I bet you it's as, if not more effective than bench pressing over and over again. Remember your diet as well! No point having a good session in the gym or wherever and then going out on the piss afterwards.
  15. Oh right it gets better So it was a kind of "let Villa pay for your recovery then when your back fit shove in a transfer request & we'll come & get you"? Unbelievable the levels some will sink too. If i was Randy i'd say "your staying put sunshine! You owe us & the fans here at least another season & if you don't like it you shouldn't have come here, signed a contract & then tried to take the p**s.. Now put your boots on & start running mother f****er" This.
  16. What ever? Villa fans are ridiculous, we deserve all this no future malarkey. Could you stop sucking off the board for once? You would think after the McLeish appointment you would stop doing it. But no! Here you are still happily slagging off fans when all they expect are better things for the club, not a downwards slope. The season hasnt started yet, How can you say its a donwards slope?? Easy. Look how many players we've lost already. The players who mainly played a part of keeping us up last season. If Downing leaves, we are ****. We've seen how isolated Bent is without any decent service. I doubt McLeish will spend money (that's if he gets a decent amount) on filling the void of quite a few spots (GK, RB, Midfield, Wings) with his name and the fact we're a least attractive option than we were. The kids aren't good enough to keep us up as we saw last season. McLeish isn't even that good of a manager in general, so that alone is a backwards step. Key word in there: "doubt". You know as much as any of us where the money received from the Young transfer/Downing potential transfer will go. Kids get better with age and experience, and hardly disgraced themselves last season did they? PRE-season hasn't even started yet and you're already speculating on whether we're going to go down based on our squad. Come on, even the most negative fan should surely be fair enough to give McLeish a pre-season before judgments are made. The negativity on here that often transfers to Villa Park is as bigger problem as anything.
  17. One good season, and that's good, not very good, not brilliant and way way from exceptional. His goals this season have taken away from the fact that he is a pretty average player, good at best. He can't take a man on and always shys from any tackle and his passing isn't anything amazing. Decent crosser of the ball and gets a few goals but surely a better foreign replacement can be found for less than £20m. We will miss Ashley Young far more than any of the players who have left us and 1 million times more than we would Downing. We payed an over the odds £12m for him when he had pins in his leg and had to sit and watch him play below average for most of his first season then he has one good season and wants out. Champions league quality? You're having a laugh! Wow how very bitter. Yes he is hardly a world-beater but he was far-and-away our best player last season, surely then to call him "pretty average" is a sad indictment of how low we have sung as a football club. If you think better foreign players are going to suddenly start to join us when our best players are leaving left, right and centre, then you are delusional. English players are over-priced and over-rated, but they are still the most suited to this league.
  18. I think Dirk Nowitski has single-handedly got me back into basketball in the last few months. That man is just a god amongst men.
  19. The establish prem player for a start. Ive read - 'we have a real player on our hands' on more than 15 occasions. Every time he played actually. Seriously, Ive read some ridiculous posts regarding him. So are you saying the MAJORITY of posts state Albrighton is something he isn't? I can't really remember not, the guy has created goals and scored goals in his first full season as a Premiership Player, what is wrong with people stating that he will be a good player? should we just simply say "won't make it" on every youngsters thread? If they believe he wont make it then state that. people should State what you truly believe, but be prepared for ridiculous beliefs to be challenged! Top 3 youngesters in the league for example Its just madness I said top five actually, maybe top three. Name me five who are better? Or three if you can think of five. Gareth Bale Javier Hernandez Jack Wilshere Daniel Sturridge Chris Smalling Probably are all better, yes, and I agree that people are too quick to heap praise on Albrighton, but he is hardly a million miles away from say Sturridge or Smalling now is he? He needs to learn to play that easy ball, and not allow the enthusiasm of the Holte to over-excite him. You can't just get the ball on the half-way line and run into the corner every time you get the ball. Once he learns to have a little less predictability and a little more subtlety in his play, which will come I'm sure, he will turn into an excellent player. He is still very raw, but unlike most 'raw' players of the Gabby/Sinclair mould, he does seem to have a little more guile about him.
  20. Dare I ask why? It's frustrating to not really know what's going on I'll admit but if it's to the benefit of the club then I don't mind. Obviously take with a pinch of salt but here's the latest from our supposed ITK friends on Twitter. To be fair to Villa_Insider, she was right about Houllier before it was announced, but I had heard she'd left the club, assuming she's in touch with people who still work there. Villa_Insider AstonVillaInsider Its 12.30 in Birmingham & Liverpool. 07:30 in Cleveland & New York. Meetings and negotiations to resume in 30 mins. Dont expect news today. and from our other friend who we are all skeptical about... AVFCMysteryMan Sky Dream #tsallsports #avfc #Moyes To #villa going very well AVFCMysteryMan Sky Dream #avfc the delay is none football but will be sorted just CAN'T be rushed Christ, AVFCMysteryMan is NOT the Mystery Man! Just some bloke that signed up to Twitter a couple of days ago to post a load of illiterate shite.
  21. Can you explain what the hell Owen Coyle has ever done apart from get Burnley promoted ???? My exact thoughts. Why do people seem to love Owen Coyle but have utter disdain for any prospect of Hughes or Martinez (ok the latter has obviously said no) taking over? Coyle did well at Burnley of course and hasn't done badly at Bolton (though his achievements have been overplayed when you look at their final league position), but look what Hughes did at Blackburn. Give him a break, he'd be a good appointment on so many levels: - Experience playing and managing at this level. - Getting the best out of players that look like lost-causes (Ireland a prime example, even Sidwell). - Stability: wherever he has gone he has built and improved season upon season.
  22. AVFCMysteryMan is not THE Mystery Man so can people please stop quoting his illiterate Twitter posts!
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