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Everything posted by gilbertoAVFC

  1. Did this actually happen? Like for real, or is this off Sickipedia or something? If so I don't know whether to call you a genius or an utter moron
  2. You see, whilst this is so far true in Ireland's career, you don't lose ability (at least at the age he's at - then again you're not meant to lose hair at that age either). There is a very gifted player in there somewhere and I firmly believe that if him and his team-mates gel and he starts to settle at Villa, we will see that. McLeish has all the attributes to deal with somebody like Ireland - not saying he's a bad intentioned player, because I don't think he is - he does need to have an arm around him though to get the best out of him and he will get that.
  3. Why do people always feel the need when arguing a case for one player have to slag off others in his position? I hope with Makoun now here NRC vs. Stan doesn't become Jean Deux vs. Stan, because it's boring and extremely predictable. People completely exaggerate their opinions too so as to not weaken their arguments - clearly Stan can tackle and NRC could pass, but neither as well as the other. Our midfielders all bring something to the side, peace and love man Just can't stand it when people completely write-off players to prove their points.
  4. *20: Even if I wasn't drunk I'd still be voting Stanislav!
  5. Was not aware of that thanks... the Krulak thread is the same of the same.
  6. According to a few people on Twitter he is due to release a statement imminently... not sure if this is true, but don't see why people would lie about this.
  7. 06/07 With - 1.17 points per game (30 games) Without - 1.88 points per game (8 games) 07/08 With - 1.79 points per game (28 games) Without - 1.0 points per game (10 games) 08/09 With - 1.72 points per game (36 games) Without - 0 points per game (2 games) 09/10 With - 1.65 points per game (37 games) Without - 3 points per game (1 game) 10/11 With - 1.37 points per game (27 games) Without - 1.0 points per game (11 games) Totals With - 1.55 points per game (158 games) Without - 1.21 points per game (32 games) Over a 38 game season, we're 12.92 points better off with Petrov in the side. But clearly us performing better with Stan in the side is a myth and obviously there's facts to back it up. The anti-Stan brigade are hilarious. Bravo! :notworthy:
  8. Only just discovered this thread... boy have I missed out
  9. I'm not saying Petrov is "good" enough to be our best central midfielder by any stretch, in the sense that we need better players than Stan in that area, but he is still our best CM (if that makes sense) and he is the most proven of our crop - I'm sure Gardner, Delph, Makoun, maybe even Bannan WILL be better, but they are yet to prove it, at least consistently. Petrov got fans player of the year only a few seasons ago, meaning a very substantial proportion of our fans voted for him - how has that changed so dramatically? His fitness lacks yes, but he is still not as bad as people make-out. Maybe he shouldn't start every game, but he does bring ball retention to our play which we have often lacked in the past and regardless of what people say, he breaks up the play well - there are facts to prove that. One instance from some Villa stato from our last competitive game: http://astonvillablog.com/unbelievable-match-stats-from-petrov-in-liverpool-stats-round-up/ One game yes, but shows he's certainly still got it.
  10. Exactly. To those who are voting 'no' because you are against the appointment, that is not the purpose of this poll!
  11. So much negativity just because of one pre-season game. If McLeish, who sees Ireland everyday in training, is happy that he should be starting for us then that's good enough for me. He'll play players on merit. Give Ireland a chance in a real game before people get on his back already.
  12. Didn't see the game but Albrighton and Clark, why so low?
  13. (insert inevitable Gabby/potent sperm-related joke here)
  14. There are so many things about this post I disagree with I wouldn't know where to begin Please, elaborate...
  15. Wow. Only just clicked yes and I'm amazed to see how close this poll is. Really does show that some people are never satisfied. I'll keep my input brief because I could write a 3000 word essay on the matter: Randy gave the five-year-plan a fair crack of the whip, but unfortunately our manager left us five days before a season whilst Man City also shat all over the idea from a great height. He can't be expected to reinvest to the extent he had been doing annually as AVFC would become unsustainable, which I'm sure anybody with any sense would not wish to happen. As a result of these setbacks he has had to begin to adopt a more long-term approach and take a step-back from going in with all guns blazing financially speaking. He's also suffered the unfortunate set-back of his previous manager, who looked a good long-term appointment bar age and health, falling ill. None of his first choice replacements were available, so he had to settle for somebody lower down the list, who nevertheless had experience within the league and a proven record within the English game. And yet many disagree with his reign, many of those disagreeing citing our previous victories in the European Cup, our assistance in founding the Football League and six pre-WWI Championships as a measure of our proud history and why we as fans DESERVE to be at the top as a result. Unfortunately, you need money, not history nowadays to win things, so perhaps looking at the situation with a bit of realism rather than blind, prehistoric pride may make a few of the fans that voted 'no' change their mind next month.
  16. Well accoring to his FB, Steve Rotherham is "retired" and lives in Pattaya Just had a good lurk on both their profiles... :shock:
  17. Apparently this guy was an EDL sympathiser... truly indicative of the dangers of extreme nationalism if initial motives are to be believed. Just appalling, and when something as harmless as youth politics becomes involved, it's just unbelievable.
  18. Erm, Holt/Sinclair/Taarabt... they've all brought in unpredictable new players so difficult to say but they were the ones last season.
  19. Two people called Sam Gilbert... I'm the Samuel. Team is as follows: Hart, Warnock, A. Cole, Rafael, Kompany, Bale, Ben Arfa, Walters, Dempsey, Van Persie, Odemwingie. Subs: Kenny, Heitinga, Sinclair, A. Johnson.
  20. JCarew10 John Carew Yesterday i had lunch 50 yards away from where the bombs went off this afternoon.. Cant even recognize the place today.. Horrible!!
  21. Since when does being dumping a player in the reserves for being absolutely shit amount to being mistreated? Sell him immediately. He was a total and utter liability when he played last season. It was clearly a personal thing. Houllier had it in for Warnock. Gabby didn't score many goals last season. Do you see him getting dumped into the reserves? Richard Dunne wasn't exactly on top form last season? Do you see him getting dumped into the reserves? If you think that Warnock was dumped into the reserves by Houllier because of his playing ability/form then you really are a fool. Obviously it wasn't ability, but I'm sure he had good reason, especially if rumours are to be believed. There's no smoke without fire, and though the reasons may never come out fully, there was clearly an issue with his attitude. Clearly. Give him another chance by all means, but I think Houllier, as evil man as you think he is, is rational and mature enough to not drop a player "because he had it in for him". There were clearly other issues.
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