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Everything posted by GingerCollins29

  1. All thanks to us. They were shite before we **** it up against them
  2. Out of ramsey, mcginn and luiz. Luiz comes third
  3. Your weird obsession with John McGinn aside, barely any of our players are at the level we aspire to be at. If they were, we would be there already. Bar Martinez in ny opinion, all could be upgraded.
  4. Given the ball away nearly every time it's played into him. The balls over the top have done Mina. Ollie hasn't troubled them unfortunately
  5. Dont hate him. He can't pass, control the ball or shoot. He runs though
  6. Cant see anything but a defeat here. They can't buy a win at the mo, up step villa.
  7. Any club selling to newcastle shiuld be adding a minimum 40% to the transfer value, regardless of the player.
  8. They wont go down. Newcastle, watford, norwich and burnley are all much, much worse
  9. Can play as a number 10, a false 9 and played partially at left back against everton didnt he??
  10. No one is moving goalposts. He's havin a strop because he's not the main man.
  11. Emi Cash konsa mings digne Luiz Ramsey mcginn Buendia coutinho Ings
  12. The stats that say less shots, goals, assists etc per game this year than last? Don't think SG has been asked a direct question about him either. Do you honestly not think the difference between last year and this is enormous? Have you not noticed his perplexing decision making, lack of first touch and poor form in front of goal??
  13. Amazing how you can be so short sighted not to see there's a massive issue. Last season is work rate was phenomenal. This season, he doesnt chase as many lost causes, prefers to go it alone rather than lay it off and has been abysmal in front of goal. You **** melt.
  14. Face like a slapped arse. Acting like a spoult brat at the mo
  15. I think he has a major, major attitude problem. Clearly wants to be the main man, but he barely even celebrated after phil scored, like he was annoyed it wasnt him that scored.
  16. As soon as phil is fit enough to start games, drop either ings or ollie. pair of them were useless tonight
  17. Lots of positives. Ings and watkins are a massive problem
  18. The way you have written this is so aesthetically pleasing. Full marks to you Sir
  19. Alex Crook from Talksport knows absolutely f all about anything
  20. Dont think anything will happen until he returns from AFCON
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