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Everything posted by KentVillan

  1. That Leicester result has really invaded everyone's brains hasn't it
  2. Actually think Emery's strength is his ability to nick points against top sides, so I wouldn't write us off just yet. It's our style when we look to dominate a game that isn't working. When we try to negate a better side, we look very dangerous.
  3. Ha, ok. It's been pretty clear since the Liverpool game that Emery has two separate styles he wants to play. One of them (low block, low possession, counter) is working very well, and has seen us shoot up the table since he arrived. The other is probably going to take more time and require better players in key positions. But we know he can do it because unlike Gerrard he has a track record at the elite level. I haven't lost any faith at all. He's been here for 3 or 4 months. It's very clear things are moving in the right direction. I also don't see this as requiring "a big response". It didn't feel like a game where we showed any lack of commitment, or any tactical frailties. The players just didn't execute well in key moments, and maybe didn't get the rub of the green on a couple of occasions. Another day and that's 3 points in the bag. Hard to see Emery as the problem on this occasion. Yes he could have played more defensive and tried to grind out the game, but he's trying to train the squad to play both styles. In the long run, that will be to our benefit.
  4. I think he's a good player, but I wonder about his football IQ sometimes. He's very good at handling 1v1s cleanly, which makes people think he's a clever defender, but anything positional he struggles with. However, I think bit of a rash reaction to say he needs replacing as recent form has been decent. I'd hang on to him. 25 is still very young for a CB, he'll keep improving IMO.
  5. I thought first goal was more of a mistake from Kamara than from Martinez. He had enough time and space to sort it out. The other goal was probably a foul, and we were high enough up the pitch to deal with it anyway. Don't really blame him for that one. Ultimately he's been class for us this season, and no point in dwelling on a couple of mistakes. We go again.
  6. I like the attacking threat he offers, but he needs to sort out those defensive weaknesses or he will be targeted constantly by other sides. Hoping it's just a case of settling in, although I think he was known in Spain for having defensive frailties. Not sure what I think. He'll no doubt be involved in some great goals at some point, but full backs do need to be able to defend...
  7. Feel optimistic about this lad, he looked useful when he came on, and physically ready for the PL. Found feet with his passes, played with confidence. Strong and quick. I like the look of him.
  8. Dyche really exposing how crap Lampard is
  9. Anyone got any tips on when to play Bench Boost. I've got really easy fixtures for my whole squad next GW (23) but thinking there might be a massive double GW later in the season?
  10. Yeah it looks like he's teaching the players really specific ways of finding space in attack. What I like about Emery is although he's generally quite a defensive manager who's big on defensive shape, he combines that with some really clever attacking moves. It's not that classic 1-0, set pieces, pace and moments of magic style of defensive management (a la MON for example). It's got some attacking style to it.
  11. The title of this thread seems to imply that there’s a debate about whether paedos are good or bad
  12. Emery's system is a bit unusual though. He's played McGinn on the wing to good effect already. I reckon he has a plan with Traore that will surprise us
  13. Traore does some scary stuff in our own half sometimes, but the flipside to that is he will try anything in the final third and never really panics. Think Emery will see him as a potential match winner. Also his work rate is much better than people think.
  14. Manager of the Month is a stupid concept anyway. Usually kiss of death for any mid / lower table managers who win it.
  15. More generally, people who are rude to the staff on a plane really really annoy me
  16. Dougie is a good example, though, of a player who clearly just has always had a great touch. That’s why he was at Man City. It’s the main thing they look for in all positions.
  17. Are you a professional footballer who has been coached by professionals from a young age, though? If you’ve been through the pro youth systems for 5+ years it will be obvious whether your touch is up to scratch, and the improvements will be minor. Or, as @sheepyvilliansays it can be a composure issue (translating good touch on the training ground to high pressure situations). But my feeling is the guy just naturally has a slightly heavy touch, and it will be exposed by PL defenders. That’s not to say he’ll be a flop… it’s not essential to have an amazing touch to be a dangerous attacking player. But it helps a lot.
  18. I disagree. Touch is the least teachable skill IMO… by a certain age, you either have it or you don’t. It will be his main problem in the PL. He has all the other attributes.
  19. I keep getting a better and better feeling about this appointment. Just seems like he has a point to prove, and his track record with clubs in this situation is so good. Love the atmosphere around the club at the moment.
  20. Not like you to rely on "acouplethingstodo.com" as a credible source
  21. And I bet they close the toilet seat when they flush to avoid spraying poo particles everywhere but love going to restaurants where the chef has TB and scratches his bare arse constantly. Hygiene obsessions are always quite weird I think. Pretty hard to control unless you spend your whole life in your own home.
  22. The least Bregretful places are all bona fide shitholes, but some great names there. South Holland and the Deepings sounds like a Motown artist and his backing singers.
  23. Have you tried pissing in the slight depression at the end of your shower?
  24. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/64461183 I thought it was a borderline yellow / red, because of the low intensity, but interesting they've come out and said this. Although not sure how "privately let it be known" = "transparency"
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