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Everything posted by KentVillan

  1. It’s skewed by the recent run of games. If you look at the first few games under Emery (besides Liverpool) we kept that xGA very low. Not sure what it tells us really besides we played well for a bit and now we’re not playing so well.
  2. As a young teenager I tried to use salad cream as lube, something I never tried again
  3. I like EVH, some of his riffs were massive. Always found the tapping solos a bit wank though.
  4. There's a piece in the FT (paywalled) saying that Taiwan has been noticing these over their airspace in recent months. My guess is it's been going on for ages, is just standard espionage, NATO do it too, and for whatever reason the US have decided to make a big song and dance about it now. The UFO thing is literally just a commander refusing to rule anything out.
  5. Almost certainly connected to the disappearance of Nicola Bulley
  6. **** me, the brain worms on here when we lose a game. Hahaha.
  7. Looking forward to the thick word removed losing all his money by 38 and living off reality Tv appearances
  8. Just have a different group of refs who specialise in VAR. We have specialist linesmen, why not specialist video refs. They’re a little cartel at the moment, looking after each other. (And no, specialist video ref doesn’t mean Lee Mason retiring from wobbling around a pitch and then being handed the VAR controls as his pension plan. Give it to someone who knows how to use the technology properly and isn’t blind.)
  9. I agree with you on delayed celebrations but think people are forgetting how big the injustices used to be pre VAR. Vidic not getting sent off in the 2010 league cup final. De Jong staying on the pitch in the 2010 WC final. Maradona’s hand of god, Henry’s hand ball vs Ireland. Ghost goals. VAR mistakes are frustrating because it’s so hard to understand how they’ve happened, but much worse mistakes used to be made routinely before it came in. Massively wrong offside calls, big fouls missed, etc. I think we should keep VAR but have specialist video referees who aren’t drawn from the match referee pool, and aren’t mates with the match referees.
  10. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-11740619/VAR-Lee-Mason-FORGOT-draw-offside-lines-reviewing-Ivan-Toneys-controversial-equaliser.html "You had one job"
  11. In the second replay it looks like it might come off his knee?
  12. I don't think so. Mostly because the scam was so simple!
  13. There's loads of great rock guitarists, hard to rank them all, and at the end of the day it's about the song isn't it. IMO the thing that really sets the good ones apart is their groove, the way they just sit in the pocket whatever they're playing, fast or slow. Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughan, John Frusciante (who is wasted on that band) all have that feel on their best stuff. The way they can all play rhythm and lead at the same time. Wah Wah Watson is my leftfield shout... more of a funk guitarist maybe, but he had that feel too.
  14. Some awful, deeply unhinged sources tbh, and a lot of them potentially guilty of libel when this all gets wrapped up.
  15. That's not quite right, I think Ian Huntley was a prime suspect very quickly, and it was bizarre that he was giving media interviews and hanging around the investigation. The difference with Nicola Bulley's husband is he has an obvious reason to be talking about it, and he apparently has a pretty solid alibi. If she hasn't fallen in the water, then it's most likely a third party who we're not aware of.
  16. In fairness to the man, I know this is the Daily Mail, but it's direct quotes from a victim's family: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11728497/Mother-boy-body-diver-centre-Nicola-Bulley-search-forever-grateful.html I think there's an element here of... yes Peter Faulding is a prat and a self-publicist, but equally, the police are underresourced and badly run at the moment. His speculation in the media on what might have happened isn't at all helpful, and reflects very badly on him, though. If he'd just offered his services and stayed quiet, people would probably regard him much more positively. It's the interviews and speculation that just seem really vain.
  17. He is, but we're also better than we were then, and he has cost us significantly more. I didn't mean they were identical players, just have a similar kind of output and fan reaction. I like both players, and when they have good games, they're both capable of winning a match, but someone like Buendia is just doing so much more over the 90 mins usually.
  18. Bailey is the new El Ghazi for me. Will score plenty of good goals, but doesn't offer enough in general play, and you need to be scoring big numbers if your game is just goals.
  19. Or the police have some other evidence they aren’t sharing, or she’s drifted further down the river / into the sea and Peter Faulding is talking bollocks. It’s so hard to say. I am a bit perplexed by the police ruling out that she left the park when one of the exits isn’t accounted for, though. Assuming everything they’ve announced publicly is correct (which may not be the case), that doesn’t make much sense.
  20. Good riddance, but as you say, people seem to be implying Russian infighting rather than a Ukrainian attack. So many bizarre villains on the Russian side. You wonder what the more professional parts of the Russian military (if they still exist) think of it all.
  21. Corbyn’s problem is he centres everything around US imperialism, and then how closely allied to Washington, Wall St, etc is a measure of how evil you are. That’s his worldview. Among the Latin American left that is a pretty mainstream take on things, because for decades the US has interfered and exploited that part of the world. Similar in the Arab world. But where Corbyn runs into issues is in regions like Eastern Europe, where they (rightly) perceive the main threat to be Russia, and Corbyn simply cannot compute that the US is not their enemy. That’s why he sounds so confused on the Ukraine situation, it just takes him miles away from his tried and trusted applause lines.
  22. Ok but @magnkarlisn’t dismally thick and made some more substantive points that you’re just ignoring
  23. Also, he just published his first book on 2nd Feb 2023, and has immediately jumped on the first big case he could find to generate media coverage, despite clearly just doubling up on work that had already been done. It's absolutely **** disgusting and shameless.
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