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Everything posted by villaglint

  1. I actually think CrossFit fulfills quite a clever niche in what is a very bloated and mature market. It offers people the chance for group personal training sessions in Olympic lifting and other techniques. So they get regularly pushed and technique guidance for less money than it would cost to have that individually. It has the added benefit of being a massive cult which people get really into. The beauty of it is that people end up spending way way more than they ever would on a personal trainer because they do it more regularly and keep going. I should add that I am not a crossfitter but know several people who hated going to the gym and lifting but love Crossfit. So I do have a respect for the business model
  2. He looks like Ukraine has just called him and interuppted the silk lined mutli billion dollar wank session he was enjoying.
  3. Linked with this guy in Metro - Vadis Odjidja-Ofoe http://metro.co.uk/2014/02/19/aston-villa-line-up-club-brugge-star-vadis-odjidja-ofoe-for-summer-transfer-4310062/ Looks a bit of a tank on YouTube with a decent hit but I will never use that as a judgement again after the Tonev incident. Belgian Guy if you're out there whats your view on this guy?
  4. It's wierd because I remember him being pretty solid for the most part defensively last year. Not the quickest for sure but I remember him being snappy in the tackle in a way which reminded me of Mr Delaney. There were a few occassions last year when he made mistakes, the whole defense made sure they gave away a goal at least twice a game last year but in general Lowton was decent. This year he seems to have lost all confidence defending, not knowing when to dive in or when to back off. Still decent going forward. Bacuna for example is just guessing at where he should be standing most of the time but is still streets ahead of him defensively because he is quick, strong and can tackle. Not sure I'd bomb squad him just throw him on the (ever increasing) pile of youngsters with talent who may or may not turn into decent players.
  5. Just glad to hear he started - hate it when they go on loan and dont get a look in. Baby steps - seem to remember Delph going back to Leeds on loan and being pretty lame but it did him good in the long run
  6. Not really a joke but a funny story my friend told me (Is there a funny stories thread?) He was working for a new company about 3 weeks into new job at a meeting with some clients he had never met before. A fella mid 40's a girl early 20's. They had a good meeting and all went fine and towards the end my friend said "before we finish dont you think we should discuss the elephant in the room" (in reference to some product line that was going to be stopped in the near future). The meeting carries on and they discuss that and other matters then as everyone is getting there things together the girl pipes up (who hasn't spoken at all so far in the meeting) and says that she is really offended that Tom (my friend) has just referred to her as an elephant! The other two are just stunned into silence until the girls boss says to her no thats just a saying and explains...
  7. I also like DJ but he's a mile away from the first team if were honest. Needs a good spell out on loan like Samir or Jack who are really developing their game playing mens football. DJ being held back big time, not sure if its because nobody from lower leagues wants him or we are not offering him out? On the rest of the game thoroughly enjoyable. Thought Callum Robinson was excellent and another I'd like to see out on loan sooner rather than later. Jordan Graham looked excellent technically though a lot of development needed on things like decision making, execution before he is ready. Although thought Sellars looked very sharp. Burke was good too but I've a feeling he will struggle to make the step up to Prem, reckon it'll be lower leagues for him.
  8. Can confirm Samir is defo CM these days and Con is right that he's developed a lot since McLeish days much more physicality in his game rather than just being box tricks. Others are right though that he wouldn't be competing with Westwood, he'd be challenging Sylla, KEA and possibly Gardner for box to box role in a middle three
  9. It's a fact that he has been a decent prospect (although never been a particularly creative one). It's a myth that he is anywhere near being our midfield saviour today. It's a fact that he is a young player with a lot of talent who has missed the most important years of his development. It is an open question about where his career now goes, he may get there in time like Delph or may build himself a tidy career in lower leagues.
  10. Had a dream he signed for us last night, came on as sub and hit the bar. VT was in mega meltdown
  11. Not been his best year so far but he was decent against Cardiff. They both look different players alongside Vlaar
  12. His finishing is so much better when he doesnt have time to think. Instinctively his finishing is very good, when he has time to line up a shot he generally gets the Tonevs
  13. Pretty sure Vlaar has played on left of CB pairing for most of his caps with Netherlands.
  14. Gabby has never been consistent - top class when he;s on it and pretty ineffectual when he's not. Should obviously have buried the one glaring chance but a few minutes before that Weimann put him in a great position to shoot and again his first touch let him down. i'll be generous and say hes not fit/playing through pain.
  15. Yep he was poor but no surprise after being out so long. It was a worthwhile experiement to give us more balance. Only criticism would be that he didnt change it sooner it was pretty obvious after about 20mins that he was having zero impact on the game and in second half we were effectively playing with 10 men. Could have brought Weimann on much sooner.
  16. He isn't going to leave Weimann out. He was brilliant against Liverpool and West Brom! I think you are probably right but that is what I would do. Weimann was not brilliant against Liverpool he had some great movement for the goal but his general play was mixed at best. I really dont see him as a decent no 10 He was much much better against West Brom - the Andi of old for sure - however he was playing upfront in that one and I've gone for the trusty 4-3-3 in this one.
  17. ---------------Guzan------------------ Bacuna -- Vlaar -- Clark -- Betrand --------------Westwood-------------- --------KEA --------------Delph------ Abrighton---------------------Gabby ---------------Benteke--------------- I'd go with KEA because he was been great for us away, would task him with getting right Medels face to stop them playing. Gone for Albrighton over Weimann based purely on form. Obviously he doesnt usually play in a forward role but he is looking really lively and confident and i can see him causing problems. Bacuna at right back for athletic reasons, Zaha against Lowton would worry me. At least Bacuna will hold his own for pace and strength which is mostly what Zaha has.
  18. I see Jordan Graham has returned to club from Bradford. Sounds like he didn't get much of a look in, 1 sub appearance in four games. Shame
  19. That's a possibility it's very obvious he's playing for his career at the moment and he needs to keep that up as the fractions make all the difference in this league.
  20. As long as our away form holds up and we are safe I'll be broadly supportive in the hope he can buy better players in summer which will improve our home form. I do think he has a number of positives as a manager but also a lot of weaknesses. Very similar to a lot of our "promising" youngsters in a way. Thought he got his tactics all wrong on Sat. Gabby who is one of our biggest attacking threats was never in game. The only tactic to get him on ball was a flick on from Benteke, painful stuff with no plan B. edit Just realised I "liked" a team in match thread that was very similar to what we ended up playing. So I got my tactics all wrong too Add me to the pile of reprobates on this site that knows nothing about football !!
  21. He really was fantastic when he came on. Not fantastic because the rest were crap just good in his own right. He looked like creating a chance every single time he got the ball, that is good in anyone's book. Definitely needs to start the next game. Gives us a quandary as we don't really have anyone to play on left. Weimann is definitely not a winger let alone a no/10. Personally I'd play Gabby on left. He was so isolated on Sat it meant one of our best players wasn't in game.
  22. We've lost to so many crap crap sides at home. Another one on pile
  23. Pretty sure we beat Norwich and Man City on the bounce? Edit: Yep, we beat Norwich and Man City on the bounce. Hope your right but seeing as they held Chelsea to a 0-0 surely won't be that baffling if we face similar problems.
  24. Mmmm sounds like Vlaar is out... Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Think they will park the bus so it'll be a very tough game for us to win. If Gabby/Benteke and Weimann are on it we have a chance. If not then it'll be very tough. Tight game on going for faith in Tekkers to put us one up on the hour mark then a late winner to make it 2-0.
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