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Everything posted by villan-scott

  1. I'd sign him purely for his backflip celebration which we would see 3 or 4 times a season.
  2. Not sure what to make of RVP to Utd. Can't see him hitting anywhere near the heights of last season, 24m for a 29 year old with a poor injury record. I know he was class last season but not the sort of business Fergie usually does. Will be interesting to see how he does there, I imagine Utd fans are loving this.
  3. A very good move by PL, hopefully we will reap the benefits on the next few transfer windows and beyond. A definite step in the right direction.
  4. Richard will you be "all over" this signing as you were with KEA, Lowton & Vlaar ;-) Depends if I can get back in time from tescos, hopefully Good luck mate - wont it be closed at this time on a sunday though? Not with the new Sunday trading law around the olympics. I'd forgotten about that. There is hope for crumpets after all! Cheers! I'm popping down now to see if there's any news at the self serve checkout
  5. Richard will you be "all over" this signing as you were with KEA, Lowton & Vlaar ;-) Depends if I can get back in time from tescos, hopefully Good luck mate - wont it be closed at this time on a sunday though? Not with the new Sunday trading law around the olympics.
  6. A whisper of a transfer! I'm excited now, expecting a busy 19 days.
  7. It's all gone very quiet, hoping for one more before the season starting and a few more before the window closes. Would have liked Lukaku at Villa, but the Steve Clarke factor obviously played a big part in it.
  8. Its almost too quiet... Gazton you tease...
  9. I've forgotten what it feels like after having a summer without it for once.
  10. If they're bidding 12m so should we, not try and gazump them and start a bidding war. Fletcher is a good player... But he's not a 13m player, and not particularly worth 9m+ for me.
  11. Happy Birthday PL! I have every confidence you're the right man for Villa. Paul Lamberts claret n blue army!!
  12. Hopefully it'll be a case of somebody taking a punt on him hoping to recapture his form from old, but he won't be doing that here which will be no loss to us. If we can't sell him I can see him being loaned out to the championship once the window has closed.
  13. Can't believe he's still here, hopefully we can shift him in the next few weeks, been an absolute disaster for us since he signed.
  14. Yeah it's all gone a little quiet but I have no doubts Lambert is working on deals to bring the right players in. I can't even speculate as to who as all his signings so far have been left field and unexpected players until they hit the media.
  15. I don't think he has played his last game for us, I actually believe its a work permit issue and that he will make a return for us. He fits in with the way we want to play and has experience to boot, bring back J2M!
  16. There would be a queue of champions league clubs trying to sign him if he were to leave, out of our league currently I'd say, could see him in Italy or back in Germany.
  17. Good words from big Ron today. He's definitely going the right way about becoming a fan favourite, I love him already.
  18. He's going to be the main man this season like when he tore it up at City. I can feel it in my waters!
  19. Didn't he have corn rows at one point too? A look not suited I would say.
  20. Hopefully with Randy's extra money now he will back Lambert even more so, and makes you wonder whether Lambert was aware of the sale and why he was persuaded to come.
  21. I'm very optimistic and excited for the new season. Makes you wonder whether Lambert had assurances about funds knowing the sale of the Browns was well underway, could be exciting times ahead.
  22. No one's denying that they were linked, but I don't think Collins was sold to raise funds. Yeah I don't think it can be denied there is a link, but it seems that it wasn't the transfer fee but more the wage bill that was being waited upon.
  23. Was just about to come and say that Bickster. Still work permit issues... the longest work permit issues on record! A very very strange scenario.
  24. Looking forward to this, seems an age since our last game. Mixed line up there, no Hutton again. Should be enough to see of a Peterborough challenge this evening.
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