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Everything posted by sne

  1. Pretty much every franchise with loads of movies have the odd good ones and the bulk made up of mostly crap. Even the ones who have tons of ready made source material to choose from.
  2. Is a BBC documentary from last year about this guy called Shadow Commander. Not seen it and I'm sure it has it's flaws but might be worth a watch.
  3. Chelsea are apparently pushing hard to sign Moussa Dembele from Lyon. The sooner they get him the sooner Giroud and or Batshuayi will be forced out the door/allowed lo leave.
  4. Bo Winberg, one of the founders of groundbreaking Swedish group The Spotnicks dead at 80.
  5. The Euro's this summer might be a blessing for us when it comes to getting fringe players from bigger clubs to sign on loan. Lots of players who will need to impress to get the nod for their international sides. Edit: The same obviously goes for other clubs.
  6. Not suggesting they will, more that they might be against having their hardware destroyed in any potential fallout from retaliation attacks.
  7. TLJ is by far the worst IMO (yes even worse than Solo) It's a driving miss Daisy car chase with a totally pointless side quest where they let some horses free. This one is spot on.
  8. Yeah looked it up after I posted, finished a few days ago. No idea if all their killing people stuff is still there thou.
  9. Has there been any response from Russia (or China) yet? Are they not currently having a massive joint naval exercise in the region?
  10. Attack was made "so to make it safer for American soldiers and interests in the region". All American citizens are now being advised to leave Iraq
  11. sne

    U.S. Politics

    So is this the long play to get re-elected later this year or is it the big play to get his war against Iran going before he is kicked out. Or both. This is too high profile for Iran to not respond, and once they do the door is open. Bomb them back to the stone age and USA! USA! USA! Freedom Fries for everyone!!!
  12. there is a new king now apparently.
  13. Club should have obviously revoked his passport and locked him in Julie B's cellar. Well established fact that cold and damp Birmingham winters are the best for nursing knee injuries and while he can no longer play because he is not a proper beer drinking hard man who plays through the pain he could have still mowed the grass at Bodymoor Heath and at VP. Smith out!
  14. Are we 100% that Iran did all those things, seem a bit too convenient. Obama was the king of drone strikes, granted mostly directed towards other than Iranians. Israel has handled the assassinations of Iranians for the most part, the number of Iranian nuclear scientists and what they feel are terrorist that have been killed in car bombs or other attacks over the years is pretty huge. And the Stuxnet attack is both brilliant and the most blatant act of war and terrorism since 9/11
  15. What do you think the response would have been?
  16. sne

    U.S. Politics

    Political assassinations ya'll, it's the US of A's way Because freedom.
  17. Imagine if it was the other way round. Iran killing the Mossad boss and a high ranking Halliburton guy in a strike against Israel.
  18. Apparently Plop set a new PL record for passes made today. 970 passes made with a 90% accuracy so 874 accurate passes. And it's not like they were passing it around among their back 4 either. Almost 75% possession and Sheffield U didn't really get a look in. Utterly dominant performance.
  19. We can't really spend money on bringing in a 5th senior keeper, not while we have 2 fit-ish international keepers on our books already. Obviously not an ideal situation by any stretch but we have other gaps in the squad to fill that are even more pressing.
  20. Fun start to the new decade for Sheffield U, defender slips and Plop score after 2 minutes.
  21. Nice. Don't often you see those anymore, when I was a kid we used to do them all the time, or try to I actually did it once over a keeper and then scored, I was about 14 so nor exactly senior football.
  22. Mattia Perin (Juventus) Valon Behrami (Sion) and Mattia Destro (Bologna) all signing for Genoa for the remainder of the season. All have previously been at the club.
  23. The #MeeToo movement? Get it trending.
  24. Poor Fabio Borini is getting stick because Zlatan couldn't get his #11 shirt back, not his fault
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