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Everything posted by sne

  1. Well Juve changed their medical staff back in the day but that was, ahem, because they all went to jail.
  2. No one is claiming it's only happening with old school managers (not only British) or that clubs with more advanced training methods never gets them.
  3. Obviously there is a difference between politician and diplomat, but still https://svenska.yle.fi/artikel/2020/01/14/israelisk-polis-grep-riksdagsledamoten-anna-kontula-vf-da-hon-misstanktes-forsoka
  4. sne

    The Royal Family

    David Squires has dedicated his comic strip in the Guardian to the Royals this week. Funny as always https://www.theguardian.com/football/blog/ng-interactive/2020/jan/14/david-squires-on-everything-kicking-off-at-sandringham-fc-harry-meghan-queen Can't link the actual pictures.
  5. Top-10 players outside the big-6 according to F365. https://www.football365.com/news/top-ten-best-players-outside-the-premier-leagues-big-six
  6. Seen reports that the contract with Setien is stipulated as a 6 months + 1 year + 1 year and that would make sense. For him it's the biggest job he'll ever get and for Barca they can get rid without much compensation when they get the guy they want, be it Koeman or Xavi. There is a presidential election coming up next year so this sacking and whoever comes in next will be very much to appease the fans
  7. There is that, but then there is also money. Think it will be Xavi pretty soon. Setien seem more like someone who is brought in on the "cheap" with his only job not to upset the players and take the fall if they fail.
  8. So it's not Samu Castillejo and Raul Albiol
  9. Not gonna lie, never heard about this one before the movie was announced. Is he in the same universe as Blade?
  10. sne

    Pepe Reina

    How many world champions have we had playing for us?
  11. The man bun guy vaguely looks like a tiny version of Pablo Osvaldo (it's not him) and the other guy even more vaguely like Graziano Pellé (not him either)
  12. Sweden's biggest newspaper just posted this picture and posted an article about the wealthiest man in Africa is buying Arsenal He's not even the last king of Scotland ffs.
  13. Nah, that's the thing, Messi, Pique, Alba and Busquets run the team. Can't see Xavi getting too disruptive. Apparently Poch is plan B.
  14. Coming to Netflix in the summer of 2020. Thrift shopping in Italy with Suso - An Aston Villa Documentary
  15. Well it appears we are seeing a total 180 from the admirable but very naive transfer strategy we had in the summer. Not surprising really.
  16. And on that subject, it seems like this is something that happens to most clubs managed by Bruce. Not that he would use it as an excuse. https://www.football365.com/news/premier-league-winners-and-losers-liverpool-rashford-eddie-howe
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