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Everything posted by NeilS

  1. I was thinking that too, but it looks more like the guy who played him in the Doors film! (Val Kilmer) Yes I was wondering whether the film was tainting my memory. That pic looks a bit toothy for JM.
  2. I am probably going to look foolish, but is that Jim Morrison third from left on the top row?
  3. I hope we will win, and we really could do with 3 points to kick start our season and get us up the table a little bit. I don't think it will be an easy game, even with their injury problems in central defence. We'll probably be nervous after such a long time without a victory, therefore to get one will be a big result and hopefully lead on to a run of good results and our confidence rising. I think we might sneak it 2-1 with Gabby scoring the winner, I don't know why, just a feeling I have.
  4. Yes, the Brownlees did brilliantly. Gold never looked in doubt, it was a pity for the time penalty on one brother, as we could well have had silver as well. Fantastic effort.
  5. We don't seem to have much luck with Cameroon midfielders do we? I had hoped for better returns from Jean II than we saw from Djembax2, but it is not looking likely now. Even if he does finally make it back, he has missed all of pre-season and will be off the pace of the first team and playing catch up.
  6. the Seneglaese Warnock Haha, that's a bit harsh. He did look quite useful, though it was in a game against the UAE so it probably isn't the best game to judge someone in. His crosses should have resulted in about three goals during the match, if he could replicate that in the PL, I could see Bent thriving on those balls into the box. I would liken him to Vinny Jones in the way he tackles, not afraid to put the ball into row z and the player into row c. I would like to see him up against C Ronaldo for amusement purposes.
  7. I had a free ticket to see a double match at Coventry last week. The Japan vs Honduras game was pretty dull, and nobody really stood out in that game if I'm honest. I do vaguely recall seeing this guy playing, and Japan defended quite well so I guess he did ok in that respect. Other than that the game was passed around the middle of the park with not a lot of goalmouth action, so I couldn't say whether he'd do well in the PL. The second match was the better of the two, and I was impressed with the Senegal left wing back. I don't know his name but he was fast, strong and got forward very well. He also put in some fantastic crosses, which the Senegal strijers should have scored from. The only concern with him was that he was prone to decapitating someone. He was a tough tackler, and I could see him picking up a few reds in the PL.
  8. Yeah I guessed, I was just wondering whether Richard was hinting at a potential deal in amongst the piss taking.
  9. Agreed with this, he needs to start playing week in week out to build his match craft and experience. It is a big leap from Reserves football to Premier League, and Championship football will help bridge the gap. The top teams all seem to do this, but it is a route we have not tried bar the odd half season loan. Is this because we don't like to loan out our players for the whole season, or the lower teams don't rate our players as highly as we do?
  10. I don't know anything about this lad, so I've just had a quick look at his wiki page, and noticed he is only 5'7" tall. I reckon that it is highly unlikely he'll be able to double up as a cb. I'm sure Lambert will have some players in mind for the cb position. I reckon we'll sign at least one this summer, and ship one out. (Hopefully Collins)
  11. NeilS

    Golf Season 2012

    Looks like you may have put the mockers on Rose there, although still a long way to go yet obviously. Tiger looking dangerous, can he hold it together for the whole weekend though?
  12. Time will tell on this one. He could be a master stroke signing, or someone who goes the way of Michael Boulding and never cuts it at the top level. Sometimes you have to gamble on these type of signings from the lower leagues, and a few on here have moaned over the years that we haven't tried this route too often. Good luck Matthew I hope you turn out to be a star for us.
  13. Yeah I reckon it will be Guzan as well. It ties in with what Matt Kendrick was saying the other day.
  14. It looks like the Wolves game has been cancelled, and replaced with a match at Werder Bremen according to the OS.
  15. November looks like a tough month.
  16. Interesting. What sort of "things" is he putting in place? Are we talking board room level, or squad level? Can you elaborate a little bit?
  17. Sadly not, he makes Doug Ellis look a shy and retiring type. Villa not big enough, but Wigan are. Yeah right Dave, keep kidding yourself and your fans. Wigan has fans? I think his name is Steve.
  18. I understand KSV's doubts, as I have had them as well. My hope is, that unlike MON he will evolve his style as he growns into management role, and with Villa being a bigger draw than Norwich for players he may utilise the bigger pool of players available. If he does have some German contacts, then that wouldn't be a bad place to start looking for players.
  19. Sadly not, he makes Doug Ellis look a shy and retiring type. Villa not big enough, but Wigan are. Yeah right Dave, keep kidding yourself and your fans.
  20. Yeah I do wonder about that, there comes a time when you need to step up. I highly doubt that he will jump from a job like Wigan, to a job with one of the top 4 or 5 teams unless he has won something with Wigan or competing in the top half of the table. Something which he has shown no signs of doing as yet. I'm not bothered that Martinez has ruled himself out of the Villa job, as I've always had doubts in my head about him, mainly because he has overseen a few pastings in his time at Wigan. If he had managed to keep Wigan mid to top half for a season or two then I may have felt a bit more confident about him.
  21. Not really sure why this isnt used all the time. I think there some sort of sacrifice that required to generate this sort of thing. Have gone through all the books and it isnt covered much in there. Wouldnt look to much into it, its pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Didn't the Davos chap say he would only be Stannis' hand and lead the fleet of ships if they left her behind? For her work to work, she had to be on the land local to the person being attacked which is why Davos smuggled her on land during the night to kill Renly Baratheon.
  22. Haha classic Father Ted. Although it does ring a little true this year with Spain joking that they didn't want to win as they couldn't afford to host it next time. I, like BOF, will be looking for something else to fill my time on Saturday night.
  23. This was an old link going back to January that has re-surfaced.
  24. Cant really believe that some people blame TheTrees for the OGS thing and for the betting as well. I loved the plane stories from TheTrees. So, TheTrees, please keep us posted. Really, I can't believe that people gave him a hard time. Has TheTrees stopped posting info? TheTrees' information was spot on, he can't be held responsible for someone else having a change of heart. That is ridiculous. As always the minority spoil it for the majority. I echo JohnJohn2's point, please keep posting info.
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