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Everything posted by NeilS

  1. I would think the clubs thoughts of him have dipped some what after this abortion of a season. Leaving by mutual consent after the Nowich game imo. I agree. Having seen the Football First highlights at the weekend, and hearing a loud rendition of "Sack McLeish M'Lord" ring out at the end, and McLeish looking uncomfortable, I think it is only a matter of days now. Finishing below 40 points is almost criminal for Villa, no way could he stay on after that. That combined with slow season ticket sales for next season, if what people are saying plays out, means he is a goner.
  2. It says £6m on Delph's Wiki page, which is still a decent amount of money mind. I would be inclined to give Delph one final season to prove himself. We won't get much if we shipped him out now, so what is there to lose by giving one more chance under a new more attack minded manager?
  3. I agree with Mike and Richard. Name calling and the like just undermines your argument, as it looks like it's personal vendetta than one of reason.
  4. Does anyone know if this is true and if so why? Too pissed? Fighting? Lairy? All of the above? i would like to know this, too. i know for a fact that hutton and collins are good friends and are always out together in brum. just the other week they were in solihull, slagging off the club and telling a friend of my brother's that "villa fans need to lower their expectations". what? the expectation to stay in the premier league and perhaps watch a little bit of exciting football every now and then? rocket polishers. I guess with shite like Hutton and Collins playing for us we've got to lower our expectations. Remove those useless clowns from the equation and we may start to hope and expect again. These two are not the epitome of the modern footballer, and don't look after themselves in the way that a modern footballer should do.
  5. With regards to Hoddle you have to wonder why he hasn't managed a club for the best part of 6 years. So I looked up his record on Wiki whilst he was at his last job, and noted that he failed at Wolves mainly due to lack of goals and drawing half of his league games in the two seasons he was there. Sounds familiar?
  6. Me too, I'm still panicking. Looking at the table supplied by Coda, sha were three points clear with two games to go as well, albeit with only a slightly better goal difference to those below. I think it is far to early to declare we are safe.
  7. It is frightening that we still have such a high average wage, compared with a such a low standard of quality in the team. Can we honestly say the players have earned their wages this season? I think not. Let's hope with a new manager at the helm we can see some better quality for our money next season.
  8. NeilS

    Golf Season 2012

    I play with ProV1 when playing well. If playing badly and looking like losing a load of golf balls then I switch to a random ball from my bag, although if i have some i play with Nike PD soft feel.
  9. Because the tenants of said council house may already have boarded their Easyjet flight to Torremelinos I agree with CI. You can't rule out any result in my opinion. Who would have thought Wigan would beat Arsenal and Man Utd in recent weeks, and QPR beat Arsenal. As the great philsopher James Greaves once said. Football is a funny old game Saint.
  10. NeilS

    Golf Season 2012

    Thanks for the views on Celtic Manor. I may give it a go depending on finances. It sounds like you guys are playing pretty well at the moment. I need to get out onto the course a bit more regularly, or at least the range. 18 holes of golf a month isn't enough to improve my game, now it remains to find the time and also convince the Wife and Kids.
  11. I think you are partly right. Petrov is a big miss for us, as shown last season when our form improved upon his return from injury. He is an organiser and leader of the team from the middle of the park. With Dunne and Bent also missing the spine of the team has been ripped out, which is never helpful. However, DB is a big miss for us. Yes he misses chances as all strikers do, but with him in the team you always feel like he has a chance of scoring, which can't be said for the likes of Heskey. When you have a team so devoid creativity like ourselves, you miss a poacher who can nick one from nowhere. Our games tend to be tight, so sometimes his goals can be the decider in a game. If we had a more creative supply to him then I'm sure we'd be sitting safely in mid table or upwards at this point.
  12. I also don't think we're safe just yet. Until it is mathmatecially impossible for us to go down, or there needs to be a ten + goal swing in the final game then we are still in the relegation fight. QPR have picked up some good wins in recent weeks, so to write them off now is very foolish.
  13. NeilS

    Golf Season 2012

    The Arden course is the Championship course. I played there the other week, I say I played there.... i mean I hacked my way round the course. The worst I have ever played unfortunately. My usually reliable driving was terrible, so I never gave myself a chance of getting a decent score. I think I should have played a bit more regularly before taking on the challenge. Still, it was a good experience. The 18th hole is a bit daunting to say the least. Has anyone played the Celtic Manor courses? I was emailed a deal to play the Montgomerie and 2010 courses with one night stay for £150ish, and was wondering whether that was a good deal?
  14. He would jump at the chance to manage us imo. No disrespect meant to Norwich but we are a lot bigger club than they are, with a lot more potential to move upwards. We managed to lure GT Mk1 from fairly high flying Watford down to the 2nd Division when we were in an even bigger mess than we are now, I see similarities in the current scenario.
  15. Last time we were relegated we got lucky in that Doug managed to convince Graham Taylor to come and sort the mess out. I'm not so confident that Lerner will be so lucky, his track record doesn't point to being a great success at finding the right men. He'll probably ask Fergie, and we'll end up with Steve Bruce at the helm.
  16. The only thing in our favour is we have position in the table and points on the board, that is why our odds at relegation are longer. However they are shortening rapidly with every passing game as the teams below keep picking up unlikely victories while we stumble towards the line like a drunken man on the way home after a particularly heavy night. The problem is I don't see us making it home, but rather passing out on the pavement in a pile of sick.
  17. Yeah I would sack him now. He doesn't know how to win games, he might fluke the odd win but he doesn't have the knowhow for sustained success at the top. I don't think we have won back to back games at any point this season? I would give Kevin McDonald a go for the remaining three games, he might just sneak a victory in one of the remaining games which could save us. McLeish won't win another game this season for us, and will definately take us down. We are falling like a stone, which is a disgrace.
  18. if so then party time.... Not really, beacuse we'll be deep in the shit. I want McLeish gone as well, but i'm still hoping we win our next two games and save our already jangling nerves for the remaining games. Ideally, win our next two games, sack the manager then party time for final home game!
  19. Doh, I could have sworn it was this year. Still if MON was to offer £2.5m I would bite his hand off. Therefore saving some wages. I guess this means all three of the forementioned are going to be in their final year this season?
  20. Warnock will be out of contract, as will Heskey and Cueller which will free up some significant funds in the wages. Dunne and Collins will be in their final year so may move on. With a bit of good scouting that will cast the net further afield than the Premiership, then maybe we can pick up some good quality technical players to fit into the squad. The back four are not irreplaceable you know, other teams are looking to do the same thing.
  21. Haha, that bit caught my eye as well. I wouldn't shed a tear if the whole of the old guard back four were replaced this summer. Well.... maybe tears of joy. Yes because we can trust McPoxyUselessManager to replace them with better players :| Maybe we will see the return of Liam Ridgewell? I'm hoping he is not part of the equation come the summer. Three of the back four do not deserve to still be at this club after last season's behaviour. They haven't redeemed themselves this season with their performances either, so I would be looking to replace those three as bare minimum if we are looking to improve as a team in both style and performance.
  22. Haha, that bit caught my eye as well. I wouldn't shed a tear if the whole of the old guard back four were replaced this summer. Well.... maybe tears of joy.
  23. The problem with the predictor thing is that who could have predicted QPR would beat Arsenal. I think we'll need more than two points to stay up, and frankly I can't see us getting them at the moment. I think we will need at least 6 points to stay up. We're missing key experienced players from vital positions like Dunne, Petrov, Bent which is the spine of our team. Gabby is not a regular goalscorer under McLeish so it is hard to see us scoring enough goals. I'm sad and angry to say it, but it looks like we're heading down this season not next.
  24. Surely Harewood in recent history. Lots of people were on here expecting some big name striker to come in during our first proper transfer window under MON/Lerner, to be unveiled at the kit release only for Harewood to be the man.
  25. NeilS

    Stan Petrov

    Shocking news, I just read this on the tv screen while I was waiting in the bank. Top professional, and seems like a top man as well. Get well soon Stan!
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