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Everything posted by Seat68

  1. Muse - Plug in baby RHCP - Cabron Radiohead - Faithless the wonder boy U2 - Angel of Harlem Coldplay - Yellow Rizzle Kicks - **** all.
  2. isnt that what ashley was wearing the last season he played for us. That said, people that mean definitely, but put defiantly. Idiots.
  3. zatman where is this stat coming from as everyone is quoting it at me, 4 people now, was it on talksport or something?
  4. I am there in a week and a bit, thanks for the info.
  5. Watched The Hangover 3 this weekend, is it universally accepted to be utter tripe?
  6. Seat68


    arent they youtube videos?
  7. Neutronz tonight, a neo rockabilly band. Been playing their last album quite a lot so looking forward to this one.
  8. Seated, if stood up do you raise a leg or something, dont the buttocks close so to speak? Also if I dont see blood, I aint clean.
  9. people posting pictures of their kids in school uniforms on facebook
  10. if they went down VP should rub their ridiculous proud of being shit boing boing chant in their faces.
  11. Got nothing until next week, then the neutronz, then in october I have joe nichols, reverend horton heat and the delta bombers, all whilst I am in the states.
  12. And roddy frame is playing it in its entirety to celebrate its 30th anniversary in december..
  13. Seat68

    2013 Holiday Plans

    I go for annual as well, wouldnt dream of not having insurance.
  14. I have a theory, day 1 Bale didnt turn up, phone interview, day 2, proper interview, day 3, second interview. We've all done it.
  15. Prince Williams let himself go since being a dad.
  16. I know it ripped off the odd riff from elsewhere, T-Rex / Cigarettes and Alcohol for example, but the music was pretty revolutionary at the time. They took their inspiration from the Beetles, Stone Roses and other bands, but rarely sounded like any of them. I wholeheartedly disagree with this, if one album did change the musical landscape in the last 20 years, then it's this. No it really wasn't and it isn't the odd riff either. I was there in the early days working for SJM and there was nothing revolutionary about Oasis in the slightest, just a band that scallies could relate to because they'd heard most of the riffs before but didn't realise it. . Most people would struggle to name a more influential album from that time. It may not be to everyone's taste, but you can't deny that this album His n Hers. Pulp were hugely influencial. Any british indie band that wasnt made up of former brickies were influenced by pulp.
  17. I used to think it was The Stone Roses self titled, it is a great album and off its time. Really exciting to hear after the singles. I remember buying Sally Cinammon and thinking how different it was. My circle of friends all bought their debut and we talked about that album so much. I am on my third copy now, lost one to a girlfriend, wore one out and now on a CD version, which in all honesty I haven’t played in a good 7 or 8 years. I also used to think George Best by the Wedding Present was the best debut ever, and during my youth I played that album more than any other album, I knew every guitar riff, vocal tick, breath, everything. I must have seen The Wedding Present up to 20 times at the back end of the 80’s and up until seamonsters, then I just went off them a little and then as Gedge got rid of band members the band lost their sparkle a bit for me. The album is probably still a cracker though, but I haven’t listened to it in maybe 10 years. One of the best debuts is Come on Pilgrim by Pixies. **** my hat it was good, my mate alex played it me and although I liked husker du a lot in 87, I had heard nothing like Come On Pilgrim. Vamos, Caribou, Levitate Me, The Holiday Song. Its truly a brilliant brilliant album on any given day the best debut ever. These days my very favourite debut albums are split between Johnny Cash’s debut With His Hot and Blue Guitar or Alan Jacksons Here In The Real World. Both exemplary and both getting repeated play pretty much weekly some 20 years after I first heard them. Some distance away from what my younger self thought were the best, but time and age has seen me seek different things in music. That all said, today I think I will give those all a listen today.
  18. Brendan Rogers and his son, you know, the one that brought shame on the family.
  19. Seat68

    2013 Holiday Plans

    In Vegas lent now, less than 40 days for me before I have a 10 day stretch in the happiest place on earth. Its been a long time coming.
  20. I quite like spurs, the most popular club amongst my friends and if they are playing anyone bar villa, I want them to win.
  21. Spoons with the wife, drink a bit as she was on call last week so she is ravenous for the rose. Mainly drinking.
  22. Hence the thread, things that piss you off that shouldnt.
  23. I read a few refs forums, they are quite interesting as they give an official perspective away from the passion supporters feel, and they are scratching their heads at Kevin Friends decisions a little.
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