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Everything posted by Seat68

  1. I have seen this fella from about 10 different angles. Either he gets a out or everyone took a picture of him.
  2. You need to look away from the west and look to South Korea. Kpop bands are selling out stadia all around the world including here. BTS, Blackpink etc.
  3. “Everybody’s lives matter, black lives matter” Boris Johnson.
  4. Never heard this until today. Its marvellous. Thanks @chrisp65
  5. Seat68

    U.S. Politics

    Yeah he loves a bit of daytime telly.
  6. Seat68

    General Chat

    My dog, a rescue will only drink from a shallow plant pot. It used to be that she would only drink from it outside, now she drinks from it inside but only from that receptacle. Or a puddle. Nothing else. Food she will only eat from a blue cat bowl we gave her on the first day we got her. Nothing else. We are **** if we lose it. Tried similar bowls and nothing. Would starve first.
  7. Jimmy Capps, the session guitarist has died. There are few country music session players that get noticed for their merits, Paul Franklin, maybe James Burton. But Jimmy Capps is one. He played on at least 5 of my all time favourite songs, he was part of the Louvin Brothers band and in his later years, The Oprys house band. He was the guitar on The Gambler and Stand By Your Man. He played with everyone, Dolly, Waylon, Johnny. If they were in country music they worked with Jimmy Capps.
  8. Seat68

    General Chat

    My webcam is also on fire.
  9. If you address a letter to word removed, Somerset its likely to find its way to him. *stolen from Cook and Moore.
  10. Wrote a load of test scripts, uploaded them to a system we use. They were corrupted between now and when I uploaded them. Combined 80 scripts into 10. Requirements document has changed drastically between when they were written and now. The requirements document was flimsy to start with. Testing cycle started to day. Looks like I need to completely rewrite the scripts whilst I am testing. Its been fun. Locking my laptop and pouring something alcoholic.
  11. In the UK Harold Lloyd, to people of a certain age, is the biggest of all from the silent era.
  12. Seat68

    U.S. Politics

    Unsurprisingly I follow country music people on twitter, usually to the right of the middle when it comes to their politics but surprised by how many are coming down on the side of the protesters.
  13. I make a point of giving a brief listen to what people are listening to. I am fairly open minded so don’t want to write something off based on a name or a sleeve. I listened to the title track and Cyboogie. I now have it on order from Amazon.
  14. Its thanks to weirdos like you that I scoop all orange chocolate combos at Christmas. One mans rancid flavour combination is another mans weight gain.
  15. Seat68

    U.S. Politics

    Word is it was a plastic display cake. Amateurs.
  16. Doritos are in no way a sandwich crisp. Its a step up from putting a ryvita between 2 bits of bread.
  17. Seat68

    U.S. Politics

    Could I make a request that if you post a video or tweet that contains death or something close to death, could you mark it as such.
  18. @bickster how is Formby Point looking?
  19. My wife, who is on thin ice over this, dips toast in tea.
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