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Everything posted by tomav84

  1. has he got a twin/clone he can bring with him? i feel all our hopes are on his shoulders cause if he gets injured we're back to square one
  2. difficult to judge on 1 game vs the team that just won the league. kicking was sunday league stuff though
  3. can't have discussed this with sanson presumably! great signing if this goes through
  4. yep...too long! i miss our annual trips there
  5. the key difference between the two is that JJ did not play silly buggers over a new contract, wanting big money and assurances of first team football. he just got on with it, and signed a new deal with little issue. SG himself said (or had a dig?) that JJ's representatives were a joy to deal with carney is getting judged because he/his agent believes he should be on 40k a week and a regular first teamer
  6. percy does get things from the club though. you can generally take what he says as valid
  7. forgettable with a bit of misfortune thrown in there too
  8. i did vote and we obviously should be aiming for top half as a minimum but i really want a cup run. i want to go back to wembley. it's been too long and actually a very realistic route for a team like us to get into europe
  9. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2022/05/22/inside-aston-villas-transfer-war-room-steven-gerrard-prepares/ some interesting insights.
  10. be interested to know the voting for POTY. i reckon ty would've been in the top 3/4
  11. they don't celebrate 'with' them though. they bundle them, hang off their necks etc (see nyland in the carabao cup game vs leicester). whilst it might be in good spirits, these are elite athletes who have just done 90 and sometimes 120 mins of football and just don't need it. i bet the players **** hate it...if they wanted to celebrate with the fans, they'd join them at the pub after the game. never do though do they, cause they don't want it.
  12. wanna bet? you see it every time. the 'lads' go on first, then the dads with their kids go..."well everyone else is...come on son" once a wave of fans go on, the rest will follow, regardless of what threats are made personally i think the time has come for some temporary fencing/netting for these high profile games
  13. the cynic in me says that won't go through a coked up moron's head as he's launching himself over the advertising boards. you need something that's going to deter them at that very moment IMO
  14. what do you like about them out of interest? surely it would be an even bigger outpouring of emotion having the players on the field still and enjoying the moment with the fans?
  15. same time next season. nothing can be done to stop it. they can threaten banning orders but few clubs will follow it through maybe we just need police around the pitch with batons, tasers and pepper sprays in hand, and anyone coming over the advertising boards gets it
  16. Interesting digne just posted this on insta. Does the wave emoji against kamara mean anything? https://instagram.com/stories/lucasdigne/2842098520115368847?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=
  17. burnley are a horrible bunch. but thats not a red for me
  18. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-nottinghamshire-61505835
  19. you really think city weremt speaking to jack until the summer? transfer talk goes on all the time throughout the season those who were ITK on here said it was done as early as Xmas
  20. he was born here but was never on anyone's books therefore not home grown. the clue is in the terminology, he wasn't 'grown' at an english club therefore doesn't meet the criteria. he might not even hold a british passport
  21. he should absolutely face action as a result but the pitch invasion doesn't happen, this incident doesn't take place also guarantee there's more to this story, he wouldn't have done that unprovoked
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