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Everything posted by T-Dog

  1. My days, I did not realise any of this. Thanks folks, my boy has been propping his ST up for so long and been petrified about sharing it because we all thought it could ruin his booking history if he didn't do the resale, I never realised this. Honestly, thanks, this is massive news to him.
  2. Well, my understanding of the rules was very different to this. Has this been made public and I've just been dumb? Again, I have a mate with a ST that can't go to every game, he's tried to avoid the resale stuff just for the aggro, but we were both under the impression that he couldn't just hand it to another mate ("obviously with Club sign off now I realise") without getting hit by serious consequences.
  3. The only reason I ask is because I seem to remember some totalitarian rules, and I know someone that's been done by such, regarding tickets and sharing and things like that. Thanks all.
  4. Hold tight... If I can't go to a game as ST Holder, I can allocate my ticket to anyone as long as they're registered on the website (not a ST holder, not part of a membership scheme, someone who's been to a game before and has a Fan ID) and there's no consequence? I could give it to my brother, as long as I tell the club, I get 'the stamp' (as such, if it ever matters for home games), there's no charge and nothing else to think about? Have I got that right?
  5. Man United under Ryan Mason won something like 10 EPLs in a row in my save, absolute madness. Who's your most absurd managerial appointment? Ivan Toney was England Manager, Danny Ings was Sweden Manager on mine. Big fan.
  6. So, if I've a ST and I'm missing a game, I can reallocate it to anyone (assuming they're a registered fan) free of charge, with no loss of 'stub' for the game, no resale, basically no compromise to what I've already paid for?
  7. The second coming of God. (Not one of @rjw63's videos)
  8. Sorry what? So if I can't go, I can reassign my ST to someone else, for free? I thought the club went mental on 'sharing' tickets etc? Have I got this wrong?
  9. Just a born winner, he's gonna be one of those in history that gets remembered like Ali, Jordan, Bolt, McGinn. Someone we'll be talking about for generations.
  10. When Grealish and SJM were in the same team, there was a time when I thought Grealish was the man, he was gonna be the one that captained us to the next level and would be revered as a hero for years to come. I had a 50/50 chance and got it wrong. SJM, if you leave I'm gonna drive to Camp Nou and bring you back myself, if we can't have you, nobody can, you amazing, high energy, waspish, fat arse King.
  11. Well, existing IKEA desks looked fine as a framework, and I did think that maybe it would be possible to build the 'sunken' level on top of an existing desk (and the additional height would certainly help too) - so I think the answer is either? The most important thing is that it's the most comfortable room in the house, as that's where I'm gonna spend most my time. I hadn't considered a removable lid, but I love the sound of that. Something that literally slide back on top? That's a fantastic shout that, thank you.
  12. Genuine Q Which side (as in left or right) has amalgamated more similar parties during the course of history? So if there was a Old Labour, New Labour, Green and others, are they more likely to join each other (not necessarily as a coalition) than parties on the right with similar right leanings (Tories, UKIP, Christian Party etc)?
  13. Ok, so something like this https://outhouse-byhand.com/pages/dj-booths but almost with a 'fake' lid, so plain site it looks like a normal desk, lift the hinged lid, and there's a controller underneath. Is this a lot more complicated than I'm imaging?
  14. Any chippies on board? I want to turn my spare room into a home studio where I can DJ, make beats etc. I have a Pioneer Controller and a 'launchpad' that I'd like to 'sink' into a desk, and have a hinged lid that I could fold down on top so they're completely hidden if I want to use the space for something else. In my head, it seems like a very simple job, but in reality, I think if I start building something like that it'll end up looking like a clotheshorse. I want it to look as clean as possible on top, so all cables etc would also be sunken into the unit or routed away somehow, but I'd also need to access them every now and then. Sorry if a dumb question, I know what I want in my head, but can't quite describe it.
  15. Another vote for back on the market, you don't know how long their notice period might be, their mortgage company probably won't offer their mortgage if they find out about the new job unless it's the exact same line of work and they have a few years experience in that field, and I think the mortgage company offer will only last for so long anyway, at which point they'll need to reapply anyway because the product is very likely to have been withdrawn. And, them finding a new job isn't your issue, that's on them.
  16. Something something main forum, going for a shower lads
  17. I remember an article about Crouchy when he played for us, might have pish, might have been scientific. But it made the argument that a lot of players coming through the youth ranks that have natural physical attributes to be good headers of the ball (Crouchy being 9ft tall at 14 years old) never really had to train to win headers until they turned professional. I know Carlos ain't 9ft tall, but he looks like he's been an absolute fridge of a man for most of his career, and also, comes from a nation that aren't massive fans of lumping the ball in the air. I could be completely wrong, but when you think of some of the best headers of the ball in the Premier League over the years, it's rarely the tallest players, it's the ones that have had to learn how to battle for the header. I think that's Carlos' issue. He's a decent defender. His heading ain't amazing.
  18. A lot of the main forum is a tough shift. I love it, it's one of my number one sources of Villa news, but som... Sorry lads, Isa is on the box again, will finish reply in 6 minutes.
  19. T-Dog


    You're on it man, you've seen the flags and acknowledged. Proud of you.
  20. Isa Guha. Is she talking about cricket? I'm cheered up. Is she being a lovely woman? I'm cheered up. Is she on my TV screen? Get the wet wipes ready, it's sticky tummy time.
  21. T-Dog


    You've identified your Tipping Pint there and you know when to stop, big fan of that.
  22. T-Dog


    Not sure what business you work in, but personal experience of a very corporate world, for a couple of very progressive companies too, there's always an opportunity for a piss up. Hit targets? Beer. New boss? Beer. Easter? Beer. Thursday and there's 3 people in the office? Beer. And that's before the big big events, which, if you're into it, fantastic, if you're not, you're looked at like a leper for refusing to drink. With work, I'll drive every time. When it comes to the big ones, I'll swerve completely. @mottaloo - that's a choice mate, not an easy choice, but a choice. One of which has 100 benefits, one of which means facing up to the reason you drink in the first place and everything behind that. Not a cuss at all, not even close, but I've been there and done the hard yards before. Talk about it if you need to man. You got a community here.
  23. Is very dark, but I think it's worth the investment. Snet frum ma iFone
  24. A big nod to Baby Reindeer on netflix, original quote was about cat's stalking other cats.
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