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Big Salad

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Everything posted by Big Salad

  1. People who always blame somebody else for their faults and things they did wrong. Man up or woman up if that be the case admit your wrongdoings, don't continually play the victim and blame someone else when no one's fault but your own. If I make a mistake, I always own to up it.
  2. I'll be Jammin for sure if this goes through.
  3. Today, I finally paid off my student loan's. Took me a little over 10 years smh but glad its behind me now and getting my degree was definitely worth it. Now to work on clearing up some other things so I can be totally debt free by the end of this year which is my goal.
  4. Congrats Wes. Next up is Villa and the Prem
  5. Just popped up on my Facebook timelime.This young girl in San Antonio, TX was reunited with her dog after it had been missing for over 2 months just awesome☺
  6. Watching Brad really wanted me to emulate him and be a great GK myself. Unfortunately my skills...were somewhat limited.
  7. Daryl Dike please Played exceptional for Barnsley and would be a fantastic alternative to Ollie.
  8. I just googled mint chocolate cup ice cream and picked a random picture lol. And gravy on fish? Yikes. Only kind of fish I eat is flounder and eat it plain
  9. Also like Klondak bars, freezer pops, etc. At least I consider those forms of ice cream
  10. Big Salad

    Ice Cream

    Its National Ice Cream Day here in the States. Anyone else on here a big fan? Ya'lls favorite? Me personally I could eat it every day, especially some Mint Chocolate Chip.
  11. Their is no excuse to spew racial abuse/profanities and never will be. It absolutely disgusts me whenever I see it in not only football, but just life in general. However, I do think a lot of time that the people who can really change things tend to bury their heads in the sand rather than face the issues head on and do something about it. Racism to me is more than just about saying a certain few words/statements in isolated incidents (rather those involved sports or not) but its about the constant stripping of a person over a period of time. I think the issues of racism in football is reflected across all aspects of society. And lastly, to be racist at all over a sport is moronic, disgusting, and whatever word you want to use. Sport is about entertaining us, not life.
  12. Today marks a year that my grandmother passed away. She was such an awesome lady and a big part of my life. A facebook memory popped up on my timeline today with a picture of me and her at a local bowling alley where she had a huge grin on her face because she had just bowled her first ever strike. Emotional today but also cheered me up as well to think of this and other memories I had with her. I always tell my friends whose grandparents are still alive to make as many memories with them as you can.
  13. Plan on watching it tonight. I've always felt that Cage has been criminally underrated as an actor. Raising Arizona is in my top ten favorite movies.
  14. Also,just as a tip FYI to all my fellow posters: If you plan on getting drunk, make sure you close your front room curtains before you do so you will not be in clear view of any traffic when you whip it out. Also, make sure you're actually at the toilet and not pissing all over one of your cats. Apologies again Felix.
  15. I still in my heart do not think that Jack is going anywhere, but would be absolutely inept and stupid if he went for anything less than 100. And stupid and inept are not words anyone should associate with NSWE.
  16. 1000 new cases of COVID this month in North Carolina, the most in a few months. I just hope our Governor doesn't jump quickly as it were and put back the restrictions that were in place not that long ago. Hopefully the cases do not go back to what they were, we shall see.
  17. This morning my nephew got accepted into Princeton. Words cannot really express how happy and proud I am of him. Wants to be a civil engineer and nothing will stand in his way I guarantee that.
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