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Big Salad

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Everything posted by Big Salad

  1. Again great damn signing Villa, Ings will do good things,and I am feeling more and more confident about this upcoming season. I **** love this club! Off now to to go to grab some dinner Good night all
  2. Danny Danny Danny Ings Ings Ings When you score I want to sing sing sing* *Yes I am a little inebriated
  3. And to think I was about to log off and clean my house. Now we have another saga to sink our teeth into
  4. Pal what exactly about it really irritates you? We needed another option/backup for Ollie(Don't have much faith in either Davies or Wesley), needed some leadership, and someone who can finish as well as we missed a lot of sitters last season.The reported fee is solid as well. Fair enough if you're still not convinced but I think this is a really shrewd piece of business.
  5. Not that I really care mind but I thought Southampton would be high relegation candidates this season anyway but without their talisman Ings, really their only player last couple seasons, they are even more so.
  6. I don't see how anyone can dislike this signing. Ings is a prolific goal scorer, a consummate professional, and will give us some nice options off the bench. And actually I see him starting quite a few games as well. Very astute signing by us and proves again imo that we are in such great hands in regards to our ownership.
  7. I freaking love our owners. Nice signing
  8. Agree it's like the no trade clause in North American sports. Ultimately still down to the player if he wants to actually go or not. I feel confident that NSWE offered him a better deal and still think he thought Man City was better for his future. Fair enough, I don't hate the guy but very simple: Thanks for your efforts here,will be weird to see you in another's teams kit, and we move on.
  9. I just wish it had been him going to literally anyone else besides those arrogant,entitled,sarcastic, plastic pricks from City
  10. Feel sorry for those with a tattoo of Jack. What design should they get to cover those up is the question
  11. Solid loan signing. Granted a wooden dummy would be an improvement over Engels.
  12. Is their a local psychic medium over there? We need answers about this!* *I don't actually believe in that kind of thing, but hey just getting tired of this whole saga
  13. His first visit back to VP as an opposition player will hit him straight in the feels.
  14. You have to figure how disgusted his teammates are as well if he ultimately goes. I am sure some strong bonds have been formed there and even though they may understand on a certain level why he wants to go, they have to be irritated with him on why he is bailing now.
  15. Probably cost 35 plus but would love Oyarzabal from Sociedad. Thank would be an exceptional signing and still only 24 years old. Very hard I'm sure but just a thought.
  16. I shudder to think the abuse Jack is going to get over this. All I will say is we will be fine, no one player bigger than the club, and good luck to him(Until we play City of course)
  17. Leon has not gotten the full attention he has deserved due to all the focus being on the Jack soap opera. I think a very shrewd signing by us and I can't to see him in the Claret & Blue. Welcome pal.
  18. Hey to hear that pal. Cancer is such a terrible ordeal for any loved ones to go through. Wish ya'll many more happy years together
  19. In all seriousness, I think its awesome how proud Bailey's dad obviously is of him.
  20. That dude's polo on the left is way too tight.
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