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Everything posted by AVFC_Hitz

  1. I highly recommend this. Series 2 is better than Series 1 I thought however both are brilliantly made. Haven't seen Series 3 It is set in France and is quite brutal in parts but it has some good actors in it. So yeah...watch it.
  2. You're worthless without peaches.
  3. Me too. Only there's no danger of forgetting to take a book as our bog is lined with bookshelves and stocked with books chosen for reading in instalments. In time i'll also have this set-up although I've just moved in. At the moment I just prop a book on the washing machine. When I go to my private lesson they have a great toilet roll holder which includes a holder for a book. I'm too embarrassed to ask where they bought it from.
  4. ^^^Very true...although swap Smartphone for book and that's me.
  5. I was a huge fan of King of Queens. Basically because Kevin James was a fat bastard (like me) and had a fit wife (like me) I saw it as some sort of mirroring of my life. Wıthout the delivery driver job and liking for American Football...
  6. or 'player' as they are called Spelling fial! Chap of the field sounds much better than player...Edwardian almost.
  7. If you learn Mandarin you have a good knowledge base to learn Clementine and Tangerine.
  8. We're a bit thin on the ground this morning. Are we all actually....working?
  9. Photographic Print of Woman rejecting a plate of food from Science Photo Library
  10. Here's five more for you. To help you along.
  11. I'm going to have a left-field column: ------Left Field------ Stephen Fry Gary Lineker Arsene Wenger Trevor McDonald Macauley Culkin Brad Pitt. More likely... Brucie Fidel Castro Chavez Bill Clinton Cristina Fernandes de Kirchner (I would)
  12. Beeching :-) Yeah, whatever.... :winkold: Anyway, spaccy mistakes aside. I do think that the huge amount of given to northern Europeans at the end of WWII let them get buzz lightyears ahead of us.
  13. We absolutely need this, as a working project during the recession and to modernise our awful rail infrastructure. We are a bit behind the times when it comes to high speed rail mainly because our lines weren't bombed to shit during the war and the whole Lord Beeching thing. I would absolutely love to get on a train at Brum and be in Paris 3 hours later....
  14. You watched "Two Men and a Horse", didn't you? That is something I've never got. Horses and horse racing....and the whole strange horsey women thing with gilets and buck teeth and the strange posh hair. Although I do like to play 'posh or Irish' when the racing comes on.
  15. See that's not a avatar that is a photo and the chef speaks sense. Butter on bacon sandwiches :shock: Why not jam then ? I do, on occasions, experiment with my Bacon sandwich. Last attempt was cranberry jam. Safe to say it will be my last attempt.
  16. Finished Cryptonomicon. It's up there as one of my favourite books of all time. I've just delved into Malcolm Pryces' From Aberystwyth with Love.
  17. You see I'm completely the opposite. I hate sniffing with a passion I'd much rather have a good blow of the nose rather than letting snot stay in my nose and sinuses all day. On the manners front I don't try and blow my brains through my nose. I'll go to the toilet and do it there. Plus, people who sniff make a really **** funny retarded face.
  18. Oh yes. **** GRRREEEAAAAAAT book. When you've finished it, start immediately on The Baroque Cycle (a trilogy, first book is "Quicksilver"). Sort of a prequel to Cryptonomicon, but that doesn't do it justice - it's even better. A sort of 17th Century alternative history, but... **** it, just read it. Got all his books over xmas so I have a lot of reading to do. Bloody hell, yes you do. In some countries the trilogy has been released into 8 parts. Even Cryptonomicon was chopped into to a trilogy.
  19. Yep plays for my adopted Turkish club Beşiktaş. Goes a wandering for about 89 minutes for each game and then produces a quality finish. That said, Turkish defensive quality is questionable. He is a hero here and extremely overpaid.
  20. This is the first year I won't be having the conventional christmas. Living in a secular/muslim country there is no concept of Christmas cheer and build-up. (Although in Turkey they have all the santa, tinsel, lights etc...but for new years eve). This year I'll be trying to feel christmassy by cooking lunch for my fiancee and some friends. I'm looking for a completely gopping Christmas jumper to wear also. After lunch I'll be drinking heavily before we all pile into a taxi and head to the pub. So I guess this year is the time to start my own family Christmas traditions. Getting married in January and maybe in the next few years will have a child. Plus it doesn't look like I'm leaving Turkey anytime soon.
  21. Can't recommend the book I'm reading now enough. Cryptonomicon - Neal Stephenson. It's far too batshit crazy and surreal to fully explain. I'll give you some key words: Enigma, Pearl Harbour, Morphine Addiction, U-Boat captain in a strait jacket, Internet routers in caves, erotic letters to penthouse, SE asian sultans, Alan Turing and many other things. Great great book.
  22. Did a lot of research on this guy during my Czechoslovakian history module at university. Admirable politics and a worthy human rights activist. RIP.
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