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Everything posted by Follyfoot

  1. Very good, very twisty turney as well
  2. Spent the day in a brewhouse pub/kitchen with its own microbrewery. Was there from 10 o’clock this morning And when the doors opened it did a cracking trade until I left. Proper unique experience that knocks spots off Wetherspoons. More boozers like this would put Wetherspoons on the back foot. The beer I had a small part in creating today goes on general sale in 4 to 6 weeks. Top place
  3. Follyfoot

    Paul McGrath

    Turned up in my local one Monday when he played for us, only about half a dozen bods in there, sat with him for a few pints, he stood his round much to his insistence, even went with him to another couple of boozers. He seemed troubled but a perfect gentleman at all times, completely random evening that will live with me for life
  4. On a day excursion with Mr Follyfoot senior at a brewhouse micro brewery, sampled 12 ales so far and 4 pints deep whilst our baby’ brew (been brewing since 11am) and will be served in circa. 4 / 6 weeks. Highly recommended to kill a day, get breakfast and a meal, 5 pints plus a 5l Keg to take home, all for £85 per head
  5. It was more of a squiggle than a line
  6. Only 48 years that I can remember but I was going before then I am told. I’m not saying he will and only time will see if my assumptions are correct. I’m well aware it is a big statement, Especially being fortunate enough to have watched the great Sir Brian on many, many occasions, (the person who currently holds that mantle in my opinion ) My point is how many full Brazilian internationals have ever played for us? At the age he is he could end up with a couple of World Cup winners medals and if he remains in the Brazil side will end up playing for one of the elite European clubs possibly winning the champions league and various other accolades on a couple of occasions. Or he might break his leg next year and never play again, it’s all subjective
  7. What about the best short story songs? I nominate the Devil came down to Georgia
  8. He has the ability to be the greatest player to ever have played for us, enjoy him while you can
  9. He has the weakest shot I’ve ever seen on a player
  10. And get him to walk with a slight limp
  11. That and the inability of our first four batsman to make any runs
  12. Just had a text from my mate who is away in Cornwall who has had a text from the fella who sits in front of us on the Holte who has asked him if we want to join his works dream team competition. Nice sense of camaraderie in absence during these difficult times
  13. I just had to ask the Mrs as did not get it , she did straight away
  14. now I would not eat that as I associate it with fishyness
  15. Not had one for years but used to be lovely, its like compressed ice cream in a foot shape
  16. Myself and grotbags have been 22 years virtually 24/7 with each other at work and home and the relationship has never been stronger
  17. Just read the story of the Dread pirate Roberts who created the Silk Road in the dark web and how they caught him, would make a great movie
  18. and another week closer to the window SLAMMING shut
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