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Everything posted by Follyfoot

  1. Very, very excited about this. As a huge fan of the books and hope they give Mr Gentry an accurate portrayal. Netflix spending a couple of hundred large on it so could be good
  2. I join the Navy to say the world and all I could see was the sea
  3. What a clearing in the woods
  4. Shires full of vile drinking mate not town, not allowed SOTV ZULU mate
  5. Follyfoot


    To build his moat around the pitch
  6. Jordan Cannot wait for Troy Deeney and some other fella to form a partnership, Lit the place up at Derby apparently
  7. Last time I went in 1987 it was a shithole. needs pulling down and rebuilding, like their team fantastic away support
  8. One of my customers told me Angela Merkel is really Adolf Hitller’s daughter
  9. Horses for courses I suppose as only seen Episode 1 but really enjoyed it.
  10. One of the great unwashed want a. statue of the bloke who originally sang Keep right onto the end of the road outside the stadium. ffs
  11. Not worth the investment Phil, watch none of the others
  12. Just started the Gabriel Allon series of books. Very good so far and excellent supporting characters who I think will be in the majority of the books to come.
  13. Polly banging on about these Peaky Blinders scarves STILL
  14. New Blues MD in the chair, hilarious so far, disabled bloke saying toilets in the Gil Merrick not fit for human use and one’s on second floor have no lightsnext bloke owed money since September
  15. I used to drink in the Cup 30 odd years ago, was a decent Villa boozer before it got done out
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