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Everything posted by Follyfoot

  1. Idiots. One of my mates from junior school was a proper Man City fan (moved down here when he was four years old) he was humble and dedicated. He passed away last year aged just 53 and the last time I saw him before he died he said he had no connection with the club or the majority of the supporters that now followed his beloved club. I suspect the majority of the true lot feel exactly the same
  2. No doubt town will be full of peak capped wearing fly boys all tomorrow either pretending to be lulus or peaky blinders or some twisted hybrid of the two, proppa gangster, proppa Blues no vile mate
  3. The main road in town being shut for roadworks at 10.30 pm last night when I was picking up the Mrs and her mate from the ballet at the Hippodrome. Thus making me nearly 40 minutes late and getting a bollocking for suggesting they should have gone and had a drink in one of the numerate bars in the area instead of waiting outside in the cold and ringing me every five f***king minutes asking me where I was
  4. Dutch, Billy, Blaine and the team would have gone if it was 30 odd years ago
  5. The Russian equivalent stock market has dropped $130 billion this morning
  6. Fully agree but you mention an attack, this is a full scale invasion of a sovereign nation, in world history such actions have never ended well
  7. Means little to a madman blocking technologies and freezing bank accounts is our line Interfere and face untold consequences is his line
  8. Follyfoot

    Louie Barry

    Go on son get in there, 2 in 2
  9. Below 4 crazy and above a 8 hot you say, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  10. Same end result, the Mrs has procured most of it already Was nice to look at it for a few hours Sunday though sitting in the account
  11. Maybe, just maybe he is on the way out and wants to go out with a bang being remembered as the man who started the process of reuniting Russia
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