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Everything posted by Sulberto21

  1. The movement is poor and we’re not getting the ball in to Danny Ings.
  2. Hide your bottles Sanson might kick one. Lol . But we need to get Danny Ings more involved.
  3. WHOOOOOOOOOOOPPPPP Sanson first touch!!!!
  4. Good hopefully a hat trick for him.
  5. I want to see us win the league but the FA Cup used to be our cup. 1957 7 wins and then nothing. Even once a decade we’d be on 14. We have to make this our cup again.
  6. OH MY GOSH!!!!! We have Lionel Richie playing for us!
  7. I want Riyadh Oil Corp uni…, oh wait. rocket polishers!
  8. Yes entangle the forwards I like it!
  9. He was very very good for manure too. But last two seasons he’s dropped massively. He takes an age to turn and usually fouls whereas before he’d out muscle and out run the attacker. And now his positioning is really poor too. Obviously positioning you can get back but he has lost acceleration and top speed (from the eye test). unfortunately I’m from a family of Scumchester Utd supporters so I’ve watched them a lot over the years. The comparisons between him and McGrath are also very lazy McGrath didn’t lose his pace.
  10. As soon as I saw No Mane I knew we’d be in the game and when Alisson was missing I was confident that we’d win. in face Bertie had 3 chances at the end to make it ten. As did Barkley 1st half) and Ollie. We targeted TAA and Gomez and allowed them to attack down our right. Bertie certainly is mercurial.
  11. Why’s he posing like he’s about to stand in the wall in front of a free kick???
  12. The only problem is Ed Woodward isn’t at United anymore so we could have loaned him and then sold him back to the basket case for more than they paid for him.
  13. My family is full of scumchester utd fans so I’ve had to watch nearly every game. In the last two seasons Slabhead has regressed badly. Whereas previously it was banter more about his price he was solid, quick, decisive , positionally sound and strong. His passing and ball carrying () was very good too. last two seasons he’s become a cartoon defender. Slow, ponderous, passing poor , turning circle of an oil tanker, mistiming tackles. He’s a poor player now.
  14. The Premier League is so much more physical than the lower leagues now. Only one or two of the youngsters might struggle with their physicality. I mean Kadan Young looks like he’s been working out for 25 years!
  15. Re my list I started following Villa in the late 80’s.
  16. I’ll not have a bad word said about the only reputable itk on the interweb. That End Lyric has stolen plenty of tweets from elsewhere and made them look like his own to stay relevant. Looking forward to who we bring in during the window.
  17. Shockingly bad music - a V8 revving sounds better. Or a pig farting
  18. Then Don unai pats him on the back with a kind of “you dickhead never mind “ pat on the back.
  19. Plot twist : has anyone seen @Delphinho123 and John Percy in the same room together????
  20. It wasn’t the fact he changed it around but their manager reacted and nullified things for 5/10 minutes but Don Unai moved the pieces again to get back control. That’s why Unai is elite. “Oh but he should have done that at the start with the team selection I hear you say.” Hindsight is a funny old thing.
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