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Everything posted by MaVilla

  1. that makes them idiots for paying it, doesnt mean we have to be idiots also.... there are probably handfuls of players we could get for 20m or less, who could do the same or better job, the Premiership is littered with this exact scenario: Vardy - 1.5m Callum Wilson - 3.5m Richarlison - 13m (to Watford) Lukaku - 15m (to Chelsea) Arnautovic - 3m Benteke - 7m (to Villa) Suarez - 26.5m (to Liverpool from Ajax) Granted some of these are semi historic, and i admit that Abraham has "potential", but he is unproven at Prem level, the same as any other foreign purchases we would make if we got promoted, and 25m+ is a lot to spend when you could buy 2-3 foreign players for similar money. Im not saying buying Abraham wouldnt work out, im just saying its a lot for an unproven premiership player who actually misses a lot of chances, yes hes scored 25, but some of his misses are glaring, he wouldnt get half the amount of chances at Prem level so would need to up the conversion rate drastically.
  2. He wasn't playing in the right system, now we are playing more intricate balls and a passing style, he will be able to make those darting runs off the defenders shoulders. We will see the best of him now he was made for this DS system....... ...............................................
  3. Personally i wouldn't pay anywhere near 25m for him. I habe no doubt that assuming we now how competent scouts and recruitment team, we could buy a player just as good for less than half that price. It would be classic old villa to splurge 25m on a player like Abraham.
  4. Looks like gibson put a vote to championship teams that if accepted would allow accountants to review any clubs finances. It was voted down apparently. This guy is starting to come across like a bitter, desperate saddo that is throwing his toys out his pram because pulis ball failed to get his team promoted?
  5. Is this guy a desperate tool or something? He moans left right and centre for someone to investigate villa under FFP. Now he put forward a motion to the championship teams which if accepted would allow other accountants to review any teams finances ?, it was voted down apparently. This guy seems like a bit of a bunny boiler version of a chairman, and comes across like a desperado because his own team failed playing pulis ball to get promoted?
  6. He joined Bournemouth and got a long term Injury, they purchased CB etc and when he returned to fitness he couldn't jist step in to the team. Obviously the rest is history and he came on loan to us. Hopefully his excellent performances don't mean Bournemouth will now keep him, as I would love us to try and sign him.
  7. I'm really torn for this one. Part if me says we are in the playoffs now, rest all our key players and give the fringe players a chance. The other part of me remember when MON rested the first team in Europe to concentrate on the league and push for a champions league spot, losing in Europe and going on a terrible run in the league after losing momentum. Tough decision.
  8. I thinking as much our finishing is poor, if the finish is correctly placed the keeper has non chance . Amazing run though, honestly would have said I would never see this in my lifetime. Props to DS, the coaching team and the players, their names will forever be immortalized for Villa.
  9. Yeah that is a problem, but as you say no point in worrying about that now, we will just have to deal with it if it happens.
  10. MaVilla

    Keinan Davis

    I assume kodjia is fit? And Tammy is definitely out?
  11. Is he good, yes very good when he's on his game, is he consistent, no. Hopefully DS can get the best out of him on a regular basis, DS mentioned in a recent interview that he has spoken to el Ghazi about consistency, which is good stuff. If all on their game the trio of Grealish, Mcginn and El Ghazi is nasty as hell, all we need is a right winger / right Inside forward on their level and it would be one hell of a forward line.
  12. Really this game is probably the most important of the 3 games left. If we win this one we are in a really good place going in to last two games against strong opposition, it will also but massive pressure on Bristol, Derby and Boro to win all their remaining games with zero slip ups. If we lose or draw this one we will put a lot of pressure on ourselves to need results against Leeds and Norwich. We can't have any complacency in this game, it's a big one.
  13. On top of all the praise so far, I am also quite impressed with his signings On a tight budget and the fact it was a Jan window. Mings - amazing loan signing Hause - After initial stick for a poor debut, also an excellent signing. Kalinic - average start but was also behind a poor defence for the few games he has had, would love to have seen him get a run with the current back 4 settled like it is now. Carroll - unfortunate Injury means we never really got to see if he suited us or not, but he did look a tidy player for the few minutes we did see him, possibly a little light weight bit we never got to test it. Guilbert - excited to see him in action next season. For the first time in a while I am confident that DS and the recruitment team won't squander what money we do have to spend at the end of the season.
  14. Currently: Norwich 1 - Sheff Wed 2 70 mins gone. This league is a tough one.......
  15. Completely agree, the Bolton scenario could easily have been us tbh. The gap between rich and poor is widening, its a great pity for the wider game, i do wonder sometimes as i get older whether football (and other sports) are just chasing the cash now, and care little for the actual fans (other than cliche pretence) that make the sport what it is. At the end of the day, take away the fans and the sport is literally kicking a bag of air around with no noise or atmosphere...... Lets hope in the near to medium future, the health of the wider sport improves, obviously this also goes for how clubs are run, as many clubs (including our own historically), are/were ran like gambling clubs.
  16. Dean Smith, overrated, cog in the wheel, not tactical enough, can't get the players playing, Steve Bruce got us to the playoffs last season, shouldn't be given time to implement his systems, not seeing the system, diabolical, can't handle the pressure of a big club, this season is over, won't make the playoffs, Dean Smith wont get us doing a Fulham, win the next 9 games LOL in your dreams, Dean Smith out, Dean smith won't make that much difference, don't see the difference in dean's and brucies style of play, Villa are too big for Dean Smith to handle this isn't Brentford, leaking too many goals, not scoring enough goals, seeing no commitment or effort from the players maybe Dean Smith lost the dressing room. Dean Smith out!!! Where are they detractors now?, show your faces!
  17. I believe our biggest ever winning run was 11.
  18. Do you suffer from extensive injuries and are made of glass?, if not then I'm afraid u can't play for villa my friend!
  19. Ok Davis on for uncle, move abraham to outside forward as he's pretty good there anyways, Davis up top. Give some of our potential a run out please mr Smith. Also give lansbury a run out.
  20. That a exactly how we lose games like this. Never assume a game is easy, any team can beat any team at this level if one of the teams isn't putting the effort in because they expect it to be a walk in the park.
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